Slide 6 Pressure Losses

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Definition of Total Pressure,

Static Pressure, Velocity

Static Pressure,
• Definition: The pressure exerted by a still liquid or gas
• Measured perpendicular to the direction of flow
• Overcome resistance in flow due to dynamic losses(hood, fittings,
dampers) and duct friction
Velocity Pressure,
• Definition: The pressure created by the movement of air
• Also known as dynamic pressure
• Measured indirectly (By finding the difference between and )
• - =
Total Pressure,
• Definition: Sum of all pressures present in a reference system. According
to Bernoulli principle, the total pressure consists of static pressure,
velocity pressure and geodetic pressure
P + + gz = constant
Static Pressure Velocity Pressure Geodetic Pressure
• There is usually no height difference in ducting system. Therefore,
geodetic pressure can be neglected
• = +
Pressure for airflow in a duct
Suction Side Pressure Side

= =
-345 + 248 = -97 Pa 97 + 248 = 345 Pa
Total Pressure below atmospheric pressure Total Pressure above atmospheric pressure
Types of pressure losses in
pipework & ductwork
Total Pressure Loss

To obtain the fan static pressure requirement for fan selection where
fan total pressure is known,

= +
System total pressure static pressure velocity/dynamic pressure
Factor affecting friction loss

● Length
● Roughness of material
● Fluid density
● Velocity/Velocity pressure
● Diameter
Static Pressure Loss (

● Due to wall friction between the fluid and the interior surfaces of a
● Can be calculated using the Darcy Equation:
Hydraulic Diameter (DH)
Simplifies analysis of a non-circular cross-section by representing an
“equivalent diameter” for calculations.

DH = 4 × A ÷ P
Hydraulic Diameter = 4 × Cross-Sectional Area ÷ Perimeter
Friction Loss Factor, (f)
The friction factor (f) is calculated using the formula:
Velocity/Dynamic Pressure Loss ()
• Due to the turbulent flow caused by sudden changes in flow direction
or magnitude of air velocity
• Occurs whenever an air stream make turns, diverges, narrows,
widens, enters, exits, passes dampers, etc
• Hood entry, bends, elbows, dampers, fan, etc
Dynamic loss
• Dynamic losses are proportional to dynamic pressure and can be
calculated using the equation:

C = Fitting Loss coefficient

= Dynamic Pressure
Fitting Loss coefficient
• A dimensionless number which measures the number of velocity
head lost at the duct transition or bend (in terms of velocity pressure)
• A single system can have multiple fitting loss which contributes to the
overall pressure drop
• Each type of valve, fitting or component has its own specific loss
• Coefficients can be found in the SMACNA fitting loss coefficient tables
• 0.2m diameter, Smooth Radius Elbow with R/D = 1.5. The airflow through the elbow is 500cmh.
The pressure loss for the elbow can be calculated as follows:

First step: Find the velocity of the Second step: Find the velocity
flow pressure
11.76 Pa
= 0.0314

= 4.42m/s
• 0.2m diameter, Smooth Radius Elbow with R/D = 1.5. The airflow through the elbow is 500cmh.
The pressure loss for the elbow can be calculated as follows:

Third step: Find the pressure loss of the

= C * *K
= 0.15 *11.76*0.9
= 1.588 Pa

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