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Weather condition may fluctuate very often even within a day

• Temperature – is the amount of heat in the given area.

• Atmospheric pressure –the pressure exerted by the weight of the

• Humidity is the concentration of water vapour present in the air.
• The climate of India is described
as the ‘monsoon’type.
this type of climate is found
mainly in the southeast asia.
In Summer ,temperature at some
parts of Rajasthan reaches up to 50
degree C ,whereas it remains
around 20 degree C in Kashmir.

Similarly, during winter night ,temperature

Drass in Kashmir may be as low as -
45degree.On the other hand,
Thiruvanthapuram may have temperature
of 22 degree C.
Describe the seasonal variation in the climatic
condition of India?
• In certain places there is a wide
difference between day and
night temperature.In the Thar
desert the day temperature may
rise to 50 degree C and drop
down to near 15 degree C the
same night.
Temperature and precipitation condition often varies from one place to another and from one season to another.examin
the statement

Similarly there are variations in the

form and type of precipitation.
• Snowfall in the upper parts
of Himalayas .
• 400 cm in Meghalaya's
• Less than 10cm in Ladakh
and western Rajasthan .
• Some parts receive rainfall from
June to September and
on the other hand , some parts receive
rainfall during October
and November . [ Tamil Nādu .]
Why does rainfall decrese from east to west in northern India?
Climatic controls :
The climate of any place depends on the following factors
* altitude
* pressure and wind system
Explain the factors that influence climate of
* distance from the sea India?

* Ocean currents
* Relief features.
Latitude(help us to know the climatic condition of any
Due to the curvature of the
earth all the parts of it do not
receive same amt of
heat.maximum heat is
received near the equator
where as the angle of sun
rays decreases towards the
pole , as a result temperature
generally decreases from
equator towards the pole.

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Different amt of heat

is received on
different latitude
altitude What changes comes
in the temperature
when u go on with
height ?

• With the increase in altitude, the

atmosphere becomes less dense
and temperature decreases.
• That s why hills are therefore
cooler during summers.
The pressure and wind system of any area
depends on latitude and altitude of the
place.Thus the pressure and wind system
influence the temperature and rainfall of
the area.
Wind always blows from high
pressure area to low pressure area
The presence of Himalayas on the north is of
great significance in determining form and
amt of precipitation over Indian
subcontinent.describe the statment
Ocean currents

Ocean currents describe the

movement of sea water driven by
gravity,wind. ocean water flows
constantly in a definite pattern
South west Monsoon Seasonal reversal of wind takes place over Indian
subcontinent.give reason
• These are known as south west
monsoon winds. These winds
blow over the warm
oceans ,gather moisture and
bring widespread rainfall over
the main land.
The onset and withdrawal of Monsoon
• Monsoon arrives at the southern
tip of Indian Peninsula generally
by the first week of June
• Monsoon winds divided into two
• Arabian Sea branch and Bay of
Bengal branch
• Arabian sea branch reaches
Mumbai by 10 th June
• Bay of Bengal branch arrives in
Assam by 1st week of June.
• Arabian sea branch moves to
Saurashtra kaksh and Central part
• Winter begins from mid • The weather is marked by clear
November in northern India and sky, low temperature and low
stays till February. humidity and feeble variable
• Dec and Jan are the coldest winds.
months in the northern part of
Highlight the main features of cold
• The temperature decreases from weather season
the south to the north.
• Days are warm and nights are
• A characteristic feature of the cold
weather season over the northern plains
is the inflow of cyclonic disturbances
from the west and northwest.
• They causes much needed winter rains
over the plains and snowfalls in the

• This seasons is extremely important for

the cultivation of “rabi “ crops.
• The peninsular region does not have a
well defined cold season.
• There is hardly and
noticeable seasonal
change in temperature
pattern during winters
due to the moderating
influence of the sea
Hot weather season
• It begins from march to may • Direct exposure to the winds may even
prove fatal. Thus storms are very
(due to the northward movt of the common in northern India during this
sun) time
Increase in the temperature over the • At times these storms bring temporary
time(exception peninsular region) relief (during the end to this season
thunder storms violent winds ,torrential
Formation of low pressure over the downpours , often accompanied by hails
Indian landmass(mainly ganga plain) are observed
Loo-(these are strong hot dry wind • Known as KAAL BAISAKHI in west
blowing during the day over the. Bengal.
north and western India • Pre monsoon showers are known as
mango showers
Difference between Advancing and retreating monsoon

Advancing monsoon(Rainy season)

• It begins by early June – bringing Monsoon have a ‘break’ in rainfall.
rainfall for the whole country. • It has wet and dry spell.
• South west wind flowing with an • The monsoon rain takes place only for a
few days at a time.they are interspersed
average velocity of 30 km per with rainless interval.(breaks)
hour– rainfall --- the amt of • They all depends on monsoon
rainfall received may vary from trough(trawf) which moves northward
region to region. and southward.
• • tropical depression also have an impact
Define monsoon and what do u
understand by break n monsoon over it.
• Impact of the uncertainties of the
Retreating monsoon
• October heat • By early September ,monsoon
• The condition of high withdrawal process begins from
temperature and humidity the the North western states of
weather becomes oppressive India.
during a day this is commonly • By mid October monsoon
known as October heat withdraws completely from the
Northern half of the peninsular.
Monsoon as unifying bond

• Physical features --- helps in the Monsoon type of climate ---leads to

rhythmic cycle of climate
• Entire phenomenon such as landscapes,animal and plant life revolves
around the monsoon.
• Whole agriculture calender depends on monsoon.
• The life of the people including their festival revolves around the
monsoon .
• Whole country eagerly awaits for the arrival of the monsoon.
• It provides water to river and ponds which unites the whole nation.
• Q1) Give the characteristics and effects of the monsoon rainfall in
India ? (wet & dry spell,breaks,unevenly distributed,unifying bond)

• Highlight the main features of cold weather season in India (nov to

feb,north eastern wind,cyclonic disturbances..
• Describe the regional variations in the climatic conditions of
India( Rajasthan,Kashmir,Thiruvananthpuram)
• Seasonal reversal of wind takes place over the Indian subcontinent
give reason .(during winter high pressure area prevails in north
india…..,in summer …)
• Why does the rainfall decrease from east to west in northern India ?
• Why monsoon is considered as a unifying bond ?
• (differential heating of waterbodies and land…..
• Why does India have a monsoon type of climate ?
• Define monsoon what do you understand from break in monsoon ?
• Any 2 features of monsoon
• How far it is correct to say that seasonal reversal of wind is influenced
by pressure belt devleopment/.(india lies in the region of north
eastern sub tropical high pressure belt of northern hemisphere,blow
southward, gets deflected due to coriolis ,carry little moisture….
• What are the elements of weather and climate ?
• Pressure and wind conditions over India are unique , give reason
• Explain the factors that influence the climate of India
• Temperature and precipitation conditions in India often vary from one
place to another and from one season to other season . Examine the
statement (Kashmir rajasthan…,precipitation..400 cm,Ladakh 10cm)
• The presence of Himalayas on the north is of great significance in
determining form and amount of precipitation over Indian
subcontinent . Describe the statement
• Why do you think Meghalaya receives heavy rainfall?( rain gets trapped into
the hills
• Why do Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat receives scanty rainfall?(no barrier
such as mountain,Aravalli hills do not possess much height
• Define kaal Baisakhi and Loo.
• Where is Mawsynram located?
• Describe a local wind which is a striking feature of hot weather season.
• Loo and western Disturbances
• Southwest and north east monsoon
• Advancing and Retreating monsoon
• How is the climate of India governed by the atmospheric conditions?
or evaluate the role of pressure and wind system in development of

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