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Introduction to

Virtual/Augmented Reality
An Introductory course CTL Cycle Jan 2021
• Course Structure
• Definition of VR/AR

What is VR/AR
• Little history
• Types of VR
• Software
• Hardware Welcome to new world of limitless
• Advantages and Disadvantages

Basics of Augments reality and required applications interface

Course Structure
Three-Days course- total of 9 hours supervised work and 6 hours
independent study

• Day 1: Basics of Augments reality and required

applications interface
• Day 2: Development of simple apps using Unity-
Choosing projects and topics to work on
• Day 3: Projects development and closing

Day 1:
• Augmented Reality research field that deals with
combining real world with computer generated data
• How can AR/VR be useful to us Engineers?
• Interactive
• Combines real and virtual objects in real
• Can combine real with virtual objects
• Software: Unity, Vuforia, Project

VR vs. AR
Which one to use?

• Completely immerse a user inside a synthetic • AR allows users to see the real world, with “added”
environment. virtual objects superimposed with real world
• This is the generalized term for any type of • This is a term for basically placing content “into” the
experience that essentially places the user “in” real world by way of, for instance, using your camera
another world or dimension. It may be used in on your iPhone.
reference to entirely digital worlds, or worlds that • Pokémon Go..
incorporate a mix of real and virtual.
• User cannot see the real world
• PS4 VR.

A little history………
Guess when did it first start?

Older than you think Some Examples

• The first concept of augmented reality comes to • Pokemon Go has already changed the way people
L. Frank Baum from 1901. He mentions an idea of play games, so the game industry can take
using electronic displays in order to overlay additional the lesson.
data over the real world.
• IKEA Place is sick of the older IKEA AR App which
• The first released concept belongs to Ivan Sutherland proved large commercial benefits of using AR
in 1968 when he created the first HUD gear. in commercial fields.
• Just in 1994 the concept of Augmented reality was • Education uses Augmented reality potential in order
used in Virtual Light, the novel by William Gibson. to visualize complex concepts, provide more
interactive learning process and add gaming
elements to involve attention of pupils.
• In case of communication, holograms are still in
development. But AR is already breaking bridges
between foreigners providing a real-time Google
Translate feature. 6
How it started to public?
Google Cardboard

Hardware HMD
• Computer • Google cardboard
• Handheld • HTC Vive
• Head Mounted Device (HMD) • Oculuc VR
• Smart Glasses • Samsung Gear
• Gesture based solution • Sulon

Android or IOS device (optional)

Some Software to Download

Vuforia Unity
• Augmented Reality SDK (software development kit) • Unity is the tool used by a large number of game
developers to create and power their creations.
• Computer Vision Technology
• Unity software is powerful, extremely easy to use,
• Track Planer Images and 3D objects in real-time
and free for students
• Smart Terrain and Extended tracking
• Unity is a 3D/2D game engine and powerful cross-
• Target? platform IDE for developers
• Unity is an IDE. IDE stands for “integrated
development environment,” which describes an
interface that gives you access to all the tools you
need for development in one place
Lets Download
and start
Download the software (10 mins activity)

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Day 2:
• Recap
• Some Applications using Vuforia and Unity?
• Static Picture
• Adding 3D objects
• Animating 3D objects
• Projects

Vuforia Quick Guide
1. Identify your targets- can be
1. Image
2. 3D object
3. Cylinder
4. Marker
2. Login to Vuforia Developer Portal
3. Acquire License
4. Upload Targets to Target Manager
5. Download Data base
6. Import Data base to project
7. Develop!

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Download and start
• Hierarchy: On the furthest left by default, • Game: This is usually hidden behind the Scene
this shows you a long list of all the window and can be accessed by hitting the tab
along the top. The Game view shows you the view
GameObjects in your “scene.” This makes it of your scene as it is scene in the game. That means
easy for you to quickly locate and select any you’ll have the same perspective as the camera and
aspect of your game in order to change its won’t be able to move things around. This is also
properties. GameObjects are simply where the game plays when you test it.
elements that are included in your game.
• Asset Store: The asset store is also found on a tab
• Scene: The biggest window in the middle of and will give you access to “assets” that have been
developed by the community.
the Unity software. This shows you a view
of the current level, menu, or game world • Inspector: This window is found on the furthest
that you’re currently working with (called a right of the UI. The Inspector will let you view and
“scene”). This window is where you can edit the properties of a selected GameObject. That
freely drag, drop, grow, and shrink could mean changing the size (scale) or position
(transform), or it could mean adding
GameObjects. “components” such as C# script or colliders.
• The icons found along the top left of the • Project: The project window is found at the bottom
Unity software change the way you interact of your screen and will show you all of the files that
with GameObjects and the scene. The hand make up your game. This is where you will create C#
will let you drag your view around for scripts and then select them to open in Unity. You
instance, whereas the arrows let you move can also drag and drop 3D files or textures into here
if you want to use them in your game.
objects in 3D space along three axes.
• Console: Finally, the console is where you can see
information from Unity itself. This will let you know
if there are errors or warnings in your code, or if
there are issues that need addressing with the
Unity software setup itself.
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Projects and Teams
• Learning by doing
• Pick team members (2-4 )
• Pick a Project topic
• Create an outline for your project

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1. What is VR and AR
2. Developing tools
3. Applications
4. Advantages and disadvantages
6. Teams
7. Project Topics

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Day 3:
• Projects
• Static Picture
• Adding 3D objects
• Animating 3D objects
• Projects

Osama Desouky
Mechanical Engineering TAMUQ


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