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NAME : Neeti gupta
"Gender inequality is the most significant issue among the
four basic inequalities. Let's address this crucial matter and
work together to create a more equal world specifically for

It is an undeniable fact that women worldwide face inequality

and violence in their daily lives, particularly when it comes to
education, opportunities, and safety
Studies indicate that India and Saudi Arabia have the highest levels of gender inequality.
In Saudi Arabia:-

In case of freedom, Saudi Arabia restricted women to a particular dress code
They need male permission like (Father’s , brother’s, husband’s etc. ) for education,
travelling ,marriage etc.
Basically , they don’t have the right to make their own decisions.
Males have more benefits in marriage and divorce than women.
There are many more points to address, but the list is never ending.
In India:-
Safety concerns for women in India. Women face violence wherever they
go. In India, as per the recent Manipur case in which two women were
naked in public and gang raped, women are objectified and molested on
a large scale.
Girls in India, especially in rural areas are not educated, hence they do
not become financially independent and later on face violence from their
partners. Here is a real story:-
Once, in my neighborhood, I heard loud noises of shrieks and cries. Later
on, I got to know, that a man grabbed the face of his wife and pushed her
head into the wall. The man then beated his wife. This was a very shocking
incident for me. I was scared to bits.
Society thinks boys are more beneficial than girls.
OBJECTIVE- we have to change our mindsets
and improve our behavior to make a healthier
society for our upcoming generations. Making
laws is not enough. we have to take to take

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