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The sixth meeting

1. Parts of house
2. Yes/No Question
3. W-H questions
4. Preposition
Part of the house
• Ingat ingat itu Remember
• Jangan lupa itu Don’t forget
• Kata depan is Preposition
• Yuk belajar Let’s Study
• Diatas meja On the table
• Dibawah kursi Under the chair
• Disamping rumah Beside the house
• Disudut In the corner
• Didalam kelas In the classroom
• Didepan saya In front of me
• Dibelakang pintu Behind the door
• Dekat papan Near the board
• Diantara meja Between the books
Diatas meja…. On the table
Dibawah kursi Under the chair
Disamping rumah Beside the house
Disudut In the corner
Didalam kelas In the classroom
Didepan saya In front of me
Dibelakang pintu Behind the door
Dekat papan Near the board
Contoh ;
Between Among
Thereis a cat There is a cat among
between two tables. the pet animals.
Yes – No Questions
Auxiliaries In  Yes/no question is a
English: questions started by
1. To be = is, am, are
 Example:
2. To do = do, does,
 A. Are you a student?
did  B. Is Dono here?
3. Modals = can,  Does Evi come to the
may, must should, meeting?
shall/will  Can you dance?
4. To have = have,  Have you done your

has home work?

W-H Questions
 It’s
a question started by one of these questions words:
 What = apakah
 Where =mana/di mana
 When = kapan
 Why = mengapa
 Who/whom = siapa
 Which = yang mana
 Whose = milik siapa
 How = bagaimana
Who = Who is she?
Whom =Whom .?
Whom does the writer meet in Paris?
The writer met john in Paris.
 Who Whom
Who met john in Paris? … the writer
HOW = bgm… keadaan

 1. How is your laptop? = My laptop is error.

 2. How is your father? = My father is sick now.

 3.How much is your bag you will buy? It is 500,000


 4. How old = usia

 5. How far = jarak
 6 How deep = dalam
 …………..
 7. How is your feeling?
Study the pattern below!
QW Auxiliary Subject Verb Object adverb
What Does Rini Like/
Where Do You Go today/?
Why Do You Love Me Now?
When Was Rini Yesterday?
Which Is Your
one sister?
How Does Mrs. Dewi Go To work?
Who Is Absent?
Whom do You Love So much?
Here is the pattern of yes/no
Auxiliary Subject Object adverb
Is Marina Your name?
Is Everybody In the class?
Are They Your friends here?
Do You Like English?
Does Rudi Eat Mango?
Can Mulyono Dance Ngremo?
Will You Come To my party?
Has Siti Eaten Lunch Today?
Have You Finished Your dinner?
Create the questions!
1. Apakah hobbimu?
2. Kemanakah kamu pergi kemaren?
3. Apakah kamu minum susu setiap hari?
4. Mengapa kamu datang terlambat?
5. Kapan joko datang dari jakarta?
6. Bagaimana kamu membuat layang-
7. Siapa yang memasak di rumahmu?

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