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Avan sharif
Tara mohammad
Banw hussein
Sazan Majid
Elham Musa mss.Danyar Hameed
 to understand ascaris Morphology

 Symptoms and cause

 How is ascaris spread?

 How is ascaris diagnosed?

 How does ascaris affect me?

 Who is at risk for infection

 How can I prevent infectin

 What is the treatment for ascaris?

To understand ascaris Morphology
What is ascariasis

Ascariasis is a roundworm infection of your intestines. It happens

through hand-to-mouth contact with the eggs of the worm Ascaris


It is a elongated, cylindrical and tapering at both ends.

Sexes are separate
They have a complete digestive tract.
Reproductive organs are tubular
male has a single reproductive tubule.
The female has two reproductive tubules and the vulva is ventrally
located at the posterior part of the anterior 1/3 of the body.
What are the symptoms of ascariasis?

 If you only have a few roundworms, you may not have any symptoms. If you
do have symptoms, you may experience abdominal pain that comes and goes.

 The first sign of an infection might be seeing a live worm in your vomit or
poop. If the larvae have traveled to your lungs, you may get a sickness similar
to pneumonia, with:

 Wheezing Cough. Fever.

Symptoms may include:

1.Severe abdominal pain 2. Nausea and vomiting

3.Abdominal swelling, 4.Restlessnes

5. Trouble sleeping,6.Malnutrition

7.Growth problems, children.

What causes ascariasis?

Ascariasis is caused by ingesting those worm eggs. This can

happen when hands or fingers that have contaminated dirt on
them are put in the mouth, or by eating vegetables or fruits that
have not been carefully peeled, washed, or cooked. People with
ascariasis often show no symptoms.

Ascaris infection is caused by ingesting (swallowing) the eggs of the

roundworm A. lumbricoides.
How is ascaris spread?
Ascariasis is caused by ingesting
infective eggs. This can happen
when hands or fingers that have
contaminated dirt on them are
put in the mouth or by
consuming vegetables or fruits
that have not been carefully
cooked, washed or peeled.
How is ascaris diagnosed?

Health care providers can diagnose ascariasis by

taking a stool sample and using a microscope to
look for the presence of eggs. Some people
notice infection when a worm is passed in their
stool or is coughed up. If this happens, bring in
the worm specimen to your health care provider
for diagnosis.
How does ascaris affect me?

 After you swallow the eggs, they pass into your intestines.
There, they hatch into larvae (immature form of worms)
and begin to travel through your body:

 From your intestines, they reach your lungs by traveling

through your bloodstream or lymphatic system.

 In your lungs, they pass through the air sacs and into
your throat.

 They travel to your throat, where you swallow them.

 Back in your intestines, they grow, mature into adult

worms and mate.

 Fertilized eggs leave your body in your stool (poop),

with the goal of infecting another host.
Who is at risk for infection
Infection occurs worldwide in warm and humid climates, where
sanitation and hygiene are poor, including in temperate zones
during warmer months. Persons in these areas are at risk if soil
contaminated with human feces enters their mouths or if they eat
vegetables or fruit that have not been carefully washed, peeled or
How can I prevent infectin

 Avoid contact with soil that may be contaminated with

human feces, including with human fecal matter (“night
soil”) used to fertilize crops.
 Wash your hands with soap and warm water before handling
 Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent
 Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before
eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that
has been fertilized with manure.
How is ascariasis treated?

Medication is the primary treatment for ascariasis

infection. Your provider will prescribe an
anthelminthic medication. These medicines help the
body get rid of parasitic worms:

Mebendazole (Vermox® or Emverm®).

Albendazole (Albenza®).
Pyrantel pamoate (Pin-X®).
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