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Network Protcol

• Protocol is the set of rule

• Protocol determines

1. What is communicated?

2. How it is communicated?

3. When it is communicated?

in communication the necessary things are:

4. The sender and the reciever are identified

5. common language and grammer

6. Speed and timing of deliveyr

7. conformation or acknowledgment
Elements of Protocol
Data encoding
• is the process of transforming data into a format that can be transmitted over a
network. For example, text can be encoded into binary bits, or sound can be
encoded into analog signals.

• Different protocols may use different encoding schemes, such as ASCII, Unicode,
or PCM12.
Data formatting and encapsulation
• is the process of adding headers and trailers to the data to create a protocol
data unit (PDU).

• A PDU contains information such as the source and destination addresses, the
type of data, and the error detection code.

• Each layer of the OSI model adds its own header and trailer to the data, creating
a hierarchy of PDUs
Data timing
• is the process of synchronizing the data transmission between the
sender and the receiver.

• Data timing ensures that the sender does not send data faster than the
receiver can process, and that the receiver does not miss any data due
to delays or errors.

• Data timing can be achieved by using clocks, timers, acknowledgments,

or flow control mechanisms
Data size
• is the process of dividing the data into smaller units that can be transmitted over
the network.

• Data size affects the efficiency and reliability of the data transmission, as larger
data units may require more bandwidth and be more prone to errors.

• Data size can be determined by the network topology, the protocol, or the
application requirements
Data delivery system
• is the process of choosing the best path and method to deliver the data from
the source to the destination.

• Data delivery system involves routing, switching, and addressing techniques that
enable the data to traverse multiple networks and devices.

• Data delivery system can use different delivery options, such as unicast,
multicast, or broadcast.
Types of delivery System

1. UNICAST- when user sends to another single particular user.

2. MULTICAST- When a user sends to two or more specific user.

• It is not for all users.

3. BROADCAST- when a user sends to all users with in the network.

• Example Hub
Common Network protocols
FTP (File transfer protocol)
• This protocol is used for transferring files between a client and a server over a

• FTP uses port number 21 for control and 20 for data.

• FTP can transfer files in two modes: binary and ASCII.

• Binary mode transfers the files as they are, while ASCII mode converts the files
to text format.

• FTP also supports authentication, encryption, and compression of data.

SMTP (sending mail transfer protocol)
• This protocol is used for sending and receiving email messages over a

• SMTP uses port number 25.

• SMTP works in three phases: mail, data, and quit. In the mail phase, the
sender and the receiver are identified. In the data phase, the message and its
attachments are sent. In the quit phase, the connection is terminated.

• SMTP also supports authentication, encryption, and error handling.


POP 3 (post office protocol 3)

• This protocol is used for retrieving email messages from a mail server to a mail client.

• POP3 uses port number 110.

• POP3 works in three states: authorization, transaction, and update. In the

authorization state, the client authenticates itself to the server using a username and
a password. In the transaction state, the client can download, delete, or list the
messages from the server. In the update state, the server updates its database
according to the client’s actions.

• POP3 also supports encryption, authentication, and pipelining.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):
• This protocol is used for accessing and managing email messages on a mail
server without downloading them to a mail client.

• IMAP uses port number 143.

• IMAP works in four states: not authenticated, authenticated, selected, and

logout. In the not authenticated state, the client connects to the server and
provides its credentials. In the authenticated state, the client can select a
mailbox from the server. In the selected state, the client can perform various
operations on the messages, such as fetching, storing, searching, or copying. In
the logout state, the client disconnects from the server.

• IMAP also supports encryption, authentication, and synchronization.

• Http(Hyper text transfer protocol)

• This protocol is used for accessing and delivering web pages over a network.

• HTTP uses port number 80.

• HTTP works on a request-response model, where the client sends a request to the
server and the server sends a response back. The request and the response contain
headers and a body. The headers provide information about the request or the
response, such as the method, the URL, the status code, and the content type. The
body contains the actual data, such as the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code.

• HTTP also supports caching, cookies, and sessions.


Https(Hyper text transfer protocol secure)

• This protocol is an extension of HTTP that adds encryption and authentication to
ensure secure and private web communication.

• HTTPS uses port number 443.

• HTTPS works by using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security)
protocols to establish a secure connection between the client and the server.

• SSL/TLS protocols use certificates, keys, and algorithms to encrypt and decrypt the
data, and to verify the identity of the parties involved.

• HTTPS also supports compression, redirection, and proxy server.


Telnet (Terminal Network):

• This protocol is used for remotely accessing and controlling another computer
over a network.

• Telnet uses port number 23.

• Telnet works by establishing a virtual terminal session between the client and
the server, where the client can send commands and receive responses from the

• Telnet also supports authentication, encryption, and negotiation of options.

Other common protocols







• etc.....

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