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24/12/2016 C1-Introduction 1

GV: ThS.Trần Khánh

Tel: 0946.512.667
24/12/2016 C1-Introduction 2



Lecturer: MBA | Trần Khánh

Handphone: 0946512667
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Chapter Objectives

1. Identify a variety of situations where negotiation

takes place
2. Describe the characteristics of negotiation
3. Distinguish between interests and issues
4. Evaluate the role of incentives in negotiation
5. Understand the importance of being prepared
6. Identify various types of conflict
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1.1Characteristics of Negotiation

•Experts identified six characteristics:

1. Must have 2 or more parties involved

2. Must be a conflict of interest

3. Expectation of a better outcome as a result of

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1.1 Characteristics of Negotiation

•Experts identified six characteristics:

4.The parties prefer mutual agreement above

other routes

5. Implied quid pro quo

6. Involves both tangible and intangible

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1.2 Nature of Negotiation

1. Interdependence – both parties have something

to contribute and something to attain

2. Issues versus Interests – distinguish between the

• Issues – the specific items or terms actually
• Interests – what is hoped will be accomplished
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1.2 Nature of Negotiation

3. Role of Incentives – incentives can bring about

a successful negotiation through the offering of

incentives (that fulfill the other’s

4. Conflict – poorly managed conflict can derail a

successful negotiation
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1.3 Fundamental concept:

• Intrapersonal conflict: a person feels within

him/herself (not part of negotiation)

• Interpersonal conflict: between two people

• Intragroup conflict: within a group of people

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1.3 Fundamental concept:

• Intergroup conflict: between two groups

 Conflict can be good and promote growth

 Conflict can be bad if it promotes mistrust

• In all cases, conflict needs careful management

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1.4 Preparation for Negotiation:

Clarifying Goals and Interests

The Best Negotiators:

• Spend more time planning than negotiating

• Use a problem-solving rather than competitive

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1.4 Preparation for Negotiation:

Clarifying Goals and Interests

1. Identify both parties’ potential interests and


2. Prioritize the interests and issues

3. List the options and alternatives if agreement

cannot be reached

4. Plan the approach and language to be used

5. Anticipate the other party’s reactions

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1.4 Preparation: Research

•When buying a car – research the price and

•When selling your house – research similar
•When applying for a job – research salary

Research helps focus the negotiation on facts

and logical conclusions instead of emotions
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1.5 Ethics in
There is always a possibility that one party will
try to deceive the other
•Utilitarian approach: the best alternative
provides the greatest good for the greatest
•Rights approach: protect the rights of the
•Justice perspective: impartial creation and
application of rules
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Overview of the Book

•Part I: Foundation through definition of terms

•Part II: Processes of negotiation and conflict

•Part III: Interpersonal characteristics of

•Part IV: Application to specific categories of


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