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Learning outcome

By the end of this course students will be able to:

1.Understand the basic rules of intellectual property law to protect their

intellectual property rights in respect of their creative works

2.Understand elements of some typical infringements of intellectual property

rights in connection with creative jobs

3.Understanding legal issues in relation to licensing

Learning outcome (cont.d)

4. Apply the aforesaid basic rules and doctrines to protect their intellectual
property rights relating to their creative works

5. Apply what they learn to negotiate, form and perform a licensing

agreement to transfer their intellectual property rights to others
Learning outcome (cont.d)

4. Be able to discover infringement and take action against a person who

infringes on their intellectual property rights relating to their creative work.

5. Be able to study related law by themselves to prevent infringements of

intellectual property rights of other author/ registered owner.
Main contain

1. The fundamental concepts, principles, rules and doctrines concerning

types of intellectual property rights relating creative works, particularly,
copyright, trademark and registered design.
2. The way to apply these principles and rules in protection of their
intellectual property rights in relation to their graphic works.
3. Some typical cases regarding intellectual property rights in respect of
creative work available for students to analyze and discuss.
Main contain

Unit 1: Introduction to IP Law

Unit 2: Copy right

Unit 3: Design right and registered design

Unit 4: Trademark

Unit 5: Licensing
Teaching and Learning Materials

• Text book 1: Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers (2 nd Edition)

Vivien Irish - The Institution of Engineering and Technology (2008)

ISBN: 0863414907
• Text book 2: Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters
and Creative Artists (1st edition)

John L. Geiger and Howard Suber - University of California Press (2019)

Reference materials

• Giáo trình Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ Việt Nam, Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nhà xuất bản Công an nhân dân, 3th edition (2013)

• Giáo trình Pháp luật Quốc tế về Sở hữu trí tuệ

Nguyễn Thái Mai & Vũ Thị Phương Lan - Nhà xuất bản Chính trị - Hành
chính; (2013)
Reference materials
Suggested Website:



Suggested Coursera course:

•Coursera course: Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property
Approaching methods:
Social Constructivism
Principles of Social Constructivism (in general)
•Knowledge is constructed rather than innate, or passively absorbed.

•Learning is an active process.

•All knowledge is socially constructed.

•All knowledge is personal.

•Learning exists in the mind.

Approaching methods:
Principles of Social Constructivism (in FPT)
•Kiến tạo: Tích cực học tập để xây dựng kiến thức cho bản thân

•Xã hội: học nhóm, học qua cộng đồng, qua các nguồn thông tin khác

Constructivism questions

• Individual assignment: 20% (case study or oral test)

• Group Assignment: 30% (case discussion/ presentation)

• Progress test: 20% (Quiz and Constructivism questions

on Edunext: 15 slots)
• Final exam: 30%

• Completion Criteria: Each component of ongoing

assessment, FE > 4, final score > 5


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