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Top 18 New Technology Trends for 2023

By Nikita Duggal
Last updated on Jan 24, 2023

By Shawn Williamson
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Even though artificial intelligence, or AI,

has generated a lot of attention over the
past ten years, it is still one of the newest
technological revolutions because its
implications on how we live, work, and
play are just beginning to be seen. AI is
already well-known for its excellence in a
wide range of fields, including ride-sharing
apps, smartphone personal assistants,
image and speech recognition, navigation
apps, and much more.
Extended Reality
Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed
reality, and all other technologies that
replicate reality are collectively referred
to as "extended reality." It is an important
technological trend at the moment since
we all yearn to transcend the alleged real
bounds of the planet. This technology,
which creates a reality devoid of any
physical existence, is extremely well-liked
by gamers, medical professionals, retail,
and modeling professionals.
Although the majority of people only
associate blockchain technology with
digital currencies like Bitcoin, it actually
provides security that is beneficial in a
variety of other contexts. Blockchain may
be summed up as data that you can only
add to, not subtract from, or change.
Because you are creating a chain of data,
the term "chain" is appropriate. What
makes it so safe is that the prior blocks
cannot be changed. Blockchains are also
consensus-driven, meaning no one
organization can control the data.
Blockchain eliminates the requirement for
a reliable third party to supervise or verify
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Introduction of Nikita Duggal

Nikita Duggal loves to write about cutting-edge

technology, digital marketing, and professional
dilemmas. She is an enthusiastic digital marketer
with a major in English language and literature.
Digital marketing manager with years of experience
who has a track record in the consumer services
sector. competent in management, Microsoft Office,
media production, and content marketing. Strong
marketer with a certificate from the National
University of Singapore focusing on digital
marketing: strategies, models, and frameworks.

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