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Lesson Outline
• Defining Media
• Interacting with Media
• Five components of Media
• Individual Project
Learning Outcomes
• The ability to define media and media literacy
• Understanding how we consume and interpret
• Becoming a responsible media creator
• Applying knowledge to media consumption
What Is Media?
Media is the method in how something is communicated.
Examples include: books, movies, songs, paintings, video games, social media, photos,
podcasts, and TV.
Ask Did You
Yourself Know?
How much time do The average U.S. teen
you spend consuming spends 6-9 hours per day watching
media each day? TV, scrolling on their phone,
listening to music, etc. That is more
than 40% your day.
What Is Media
The ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, create, and act using all
forms of communication.
What kind of content are you absorbing and how did you
ACCESS get to it?

Do you make sense of its messages?

Are you aware that each message is created by someone
EVALUATE with their own goals and opinions?

What is the media creator’s responsibility to those who

CREATE view it?

ACT What do you do with the information?

Media Media
Messages vs. Affects

The values and The influences and

ideas that are consequences on
promoted. the audience.
Media Message Interpretation
Each audience member interprets a media message based on their own
experiences and opinions to find meaning in it.

This means the creator’s intended message isn’t always what the
audience perceives. Each person can find a unique meaning in the same

Can you think of a real-life example of this?

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