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The News

Before writing After Writing
Before Writing
• Structuring
• Pitch ideas • Incorporating quotes & facts
• Choose the most • Review & check language
newsworthy story • Fact check & verify
• Assign reporters
• Gather information
After Writing
• Design and layout
• Print and publish
Newsworthiness and
1. Is this an interesting story for us?
2. What is this story informing us about?
3. Is this story fair to share?
4. Will people involved be happy for us to report?
5. Will we be able to report this story in a
balanced way?
Choose the most
Before Writing newsworthy story.
• Pitch ideas  Place
 Time
• Choose the most
 Subject involved
newsworthy story
• Assign reporters  Effect on subject?
• Gather information
 Is it fair to share?
Investigate  Target readers?
 What’s the impact?
Listen and take notes
Ready to plan?
1. Identify the 5 Ws of your chosen stories.
2. What further information do you need?
3. Identify our interviewees. (balanced
4. List interview questions.
5. Will we be able to report this story in a
balanced way?
Key Info (5W)
Goldilocks Golding, an 11 year old girl, was arrested
yesterday in Fairy Forest for burglary and damage to
private property.

Key language features?
Who, relative clause, did What in Where /When
for Why.
Which 5 W paragraph is the most
interesting and concise?
Firefighters arrived early this morning to On Tuesday 7 August firefighters who
tackle a blaze at a factory that makes were tackling a blaze at a plastics
plastic. They attempted to put out the fire factory in Derbyshire spotted a
for several hours but the blaze continued “firenado”.
and a ‘firenado’ occurred.

A “firenado” has been spotted by

firefighters in Derbyshire while they were
tackling a blaze at a plastics factory
It includes all of the 5 Ws in one short, clear sentence and
starts with the most interesting W (what)!


A “firenado” has been spotted by

firefighters in Derbyshire while

they were tackling a blaze at a why


plastics factory today.

1.What is the purpose of a news headline?
2.What does a headline include?
3.What tense do we use in news headlines?
4.What makes a headline effective?
 5-10 words at the most
 Use a series of nouns
 Ellipsis: usually leave out articles (a/an, the)
 Use active voice, not passive voice
 Often use the present simple, even where the report refers to a past event.
 Use infinitive form of verb for future actions

The Robert Durst Murder case will be reopened because of new

Robert Durst Murder Case Reopens in Light of New Evidence

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