Lesson 1 News or Not

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The News

Project Objectives
At the end of the project, we would

(1) understand the format and purpose of news reports.

(2) be able to critically navigate the news.
(3) be able to detect fake news.
(4) be able to notice language used as a key tool in news
(5) be able to edit and write a news report.
Lesson 1

To understand the purpose of

news and its main features.
Lesson 1

Activity : In-class Baseline Survey

1. Give your answer to the survey.
2. Move around and ask 2 classmates in this room
about their opinion. You will make a brief report
based on your survey.
Lesson 1
Survey Questions:
1. When was your last time reading/ listening to a piece of
news? What was the news?
2. Which app or source do you use most frequently when
reading news?
3. Which part of news do you most frequently read?
4. What is news for?
5. Have you doubted the authenticity of a news report?
What would you do if you doubt the news?
News or not?
What is news?
Can you define in your own words?

What counted as news?

A volcano has erupted.

News or not?
The Duchess of Cambridge has
had a baby.
News or not?
I went to the cinema yesterday
and really enjoyed the film.

News or not?
A new dinosaur skeleton has
been discovered.

News or not?
There has been a huge accident
on a motorway.
News or not?
A protest happened outside
local government last year.

News or not?
Celebrities are arriving in
London for the premiere of a
new superhero film.
News or not?
There is hot pot at school
canteen today.
News or not?
What counts as news?
(Noteworthy)Information about current
event(just happened or will happen soon)
provided through different media.
Now scan the news paper and finish a
Scavenger Hunt game.

Features of news?
Newspaper Scavenger Hunt
Work in pairs and find as fast as you can:
1. How many pages are there? What is on the first page of a news paper?
2. Find the most important story on the front/home page.
3. What is on the second, third, fourth page of the newspaper?
4. Name three things (if any) advertised in the newspaper.
5. Is this a national/international or a local newspaper?
How can you tell?
Find a news report that most
interests you.
 Why did it catch your attention?
 What makes it interesting?
 What is it informing you about?
Elements of the
front page
• Masthead/flag
• Dateline and Price
• Splash/headline
• Subhead
• Byline
• Lead
• Contents index
• Caption
• Main Image/ Cut
• Jumpline
1. News is informative, and sometimes
2. The content of news should be fair, balanced
and interesting.
3. Newspaper often starts with national politics,
finished with entertainment and sports news.

Features of News

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