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1. Good morning
_ _ _ _Peter.
2. I like orange jui_ce_ very much.
3. This _is_ a ruler.
4. Where is Minh from? He
_ _ is from
5. D
_ esk.
6. This is a f_ower.
7. It’s a red b_oo_k.
8. This is my r_oo_m.
9. I’d like some chi_ken.
10. I’m seven years o_
11. H_er_ name is Mary.
12. Your scho_ol_ is big.
13. St_and
_ _ up please!
14. This _is _ my teacher.
15. How _ar_e you? I’m fine.
16. I’m fine, th_
_ _ you.
17. I’m se_en
v years old now.
18. Where are you f_rom
_ _? Vietnam.
19. What s_bject
u do you like? – I like
20. numb_e r.
21. Augus_t
22. M_a rch
23. This is my sch_
oo_l library.
24. Mary is hap_
py_ because today is
her birthday.
25. Goodbye. See you tomorr_w.
e my bedroom.
26. Her_’s
27. cak_
28. How old _is_ your sister?
29. How _old
_ _ are you? I’m eleven.
30. Thank you very much, Lan. -
You _are
_ _ welcome.
31. My school is _not
_ _ big. It’s small.
32. Thang can play football _and
33. Tom can ride _a bike.
34. Reorde_r the sentnces.
35. Would you like s_ome
_ _ milk?
36. That is my
_ _ bicycle.
37. Tommy can sp_ea_k English well.
38. This gift is for you. Thank you
very m_uc_h.
39. He was bor_
n in May.
40. My father can s_
w im.
41. Mary is in the cl_ass
_ _room now.
42. Is it a r_ou_nd box? No, it’s a
square box.
43. What
_ _ _ _ is it? It is a chair.
44. H_ere
_ _ you are. - Thank you.
45. My brother lik_s
e toys very much.
46. I am _fr_om England.
47. I was _ bor
_ _n in April.
48. Can she _pl_ay football? No, she
49. John is ten y_ea_rs old.
se_ today
50. Tommy is happy becau_
is his birthday.
51. Can
_ _ _ you swim? No, I can’t.
52. My books are _on_ the table.
53. The map is on the wa_ll _.
54. Peter ha_
s many dolls.
55. We are good frie_ds.
56. My b_droom
e is small.
57. What ab_out
_ _ an apple? No,
58. Do you ha_
ve_ Maths today?
59. Wh_en_ do you have Maths? I
have it on Monday.
60. Do you have toys? Yes, I _have
61. During M_aths
_ _ _ lessons, I learn
about numbers.
62. se_tion
63. Are you having an English
lesson? No, I’m _not
_ _.
64. I don’t have _any
_ _ money.
65. I play f_oo_ tball everyday.
66. Were
_ _ _ _ you born in January?
67. Can Jack and Brain play the
piano? Yes, _they
_ _ _ can.
68. How o_ften
_ _ _ do you go cycling in
the countryside? - Once a week.
69. There are t_
_ _ _ _ months in a
70. How many meals _does
_ _ _ their
baby have a day?
71. W_
_ _ _ sport does she play?
badminton or soccer? – Badminton.
72. I h_a ve a new pen.
73. My father _is_ an engineer.
74. My mother can s_
w im.
75. I’d like _an_ orange.
76. Can you swim? No, I can’_.
77.Please give me some mo_
78. The map is on the w_ll.
79. Would you _like
_ _ _ some milk?
No, thanks.
80. Tho_se_ are our school bags.
81. This doll is _for
_ _ you.
82. There are twenty stud_ent
_ _s in
my class.
83. His sister is t_ll.
a He’s short.
84. How is the weath_er_ today? – It’s
85. How many doll_
s are there?
86. It’s ra_iny
_ _ today.
87. Where _are
_ _ you from? Vietnam.
88. My crayons a_re_ on the table.
89. Do
_ _ you like Art? – Yes, I do.
90. There _are
_ _ seven days in a week.
91. Th
_ _ose are my crayons.
92. Do you ha_ve_ Maths today?
93. He_re_ you are. - Thanks!
94. We like Art becau_se_ we like to
95. I’m sorry. I’m la_
96. Where are you from? I’m from
97. My father can s_wi_m well.
u with my legs.
98. I can r_n
99. He was bo_n
r in May.
100. There are ele_en
v students in her
101. My fath_er_ is a farmer.
102. Don’t make a me_
103. It’s a brown cha_r.
104. W_
ho_ is that? That’s Tommy.
He’s my friend.
105. Is that your eraser? No, it is _not
_ _.
106. Wha
_ _ _t’s your name? – My name’s
107. Let’s d_ra_ w a picture children.
108. Is this a ruler? _No_, it isn’t.
110. That is Jack. He
_ _ is my new friend
111. My sister is pre_tt_y.
112. Pick u_
p your pencils children!!

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