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© Copyright KSB SE & Co.

KGaA 2021
CAM Project
Progress Update


Month wise trial details & Cost Saving

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise IN codes covered & PRT Generation data

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Month wise cam project completed

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Click icon to add picture Casing INSERT (HANKOOK)
PRE LHS Operations
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Programming Time 171 114 57 61%
Machining Time 494 300 194 39.3%
Total Time 599 328 271 45.2%
Savings / component in INR (@2500/hr) ₹ 11,291.67
Savings in tooling ₹ 862.00
Sub-Total ₹ 12,153.67
Total Savings (Qty Completed / Planned / Projected) 6 ₹ 72,922.00

RHS Operations
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
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© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Programming Time 180 30 150 83.3%
Machining Time 650 550 100 15.4%
Total Time 830 580 250 30.1%
Savings / component in INR (@2500/hr) ₹ 10,416.67
Savings in tooling ₹ 862.00
Sub-Total ₹ 11,278.67
Total Savings (Qty Completed / Planned / Projected) 2 ₹ 22,557.33

• Online programming reduced considerably

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM.

*As per controlling/SAP Dorris MHR is more than Rs. 4000/hr

*Timings mentioned are in minutes
Click icon to add picture HG4 Stage Casing (MAUS)
LHS Operations
IN206675 / DRG NO- IP15489-00 R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 98 78 20 20%
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 341.33
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.80
Sub-Total ₹ 349.13
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 144 ₹ 50274.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 3

LHS Operations
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© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN206675 / DRG NO- IP15489-00 R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 31 22 9 29.03 %
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 153.6
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 161.4
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 144 ₹23,241.6
No Of IN Codes Covered 3

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (ISCAR) Cost- Rs514 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
FGD Impeller (Hankook)
RHS Operation
IN245408 / DRG NO- UG1472135
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 400 250 150 37.5%
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 3557.5
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 56.375
Sub-Total 3613.875₹
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 133 ₹ 4,80,645.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 3

LHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN245408 / DRG NO- UG1472135
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 400 310 90 22.5%
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 2134.5
Savings in tooling ₹ 56.375
Sub-Total ₹ 2190.875
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 93 ₹ 2,03,751.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 2

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (Walter) Cost- Rs744 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Click icon to add picture Throttle Bush ( DMU 80)
Dill and Mill Operation
IN211700 / DRG NO- IP27912
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 48 23 25 52%
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹502.5
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 15.0
Sub-Total ₹ 517.5
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 25 ₹ 12562.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 1

Dill and Mill Operation

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IN228814 / DRG NO- 517219508
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 150 60 90 60 %
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 1809
Savings in tooling ₹
Sub-Total ₹ 1809
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 20 36,180.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Resharpning Tip type Insert and Drill.
Click icon to add picture Shaft Seal Housing (DMU80)
Drill Operations
05227924 / DRG NO- UG20488634001_R1
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 205 70 135 65.85%
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 2713.5
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹ 2713.5
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 5427.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

Drill and Mill Operations

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© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN0521658 / DRG NO- UG2053898_R2
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 132 90 42 31.81
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹844.2
Savings in tooling ₹ 0.00
Sub-Total ₹ 1688.4
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 1688.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using
• CAM Saving in tooling by changing Resharpning Insert , Drill.
Disc Fixture (DMU80)
Profile Milling RSR
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 120 60 60 50 %
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 1,206.0
Savings in tooling -
Sub-Total ₹ 1,206.00
Total Savings (Qty Completed / Planned / Projected) ₹ 1,206.0

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

• With the help of new CAM program we are able to save the programming time
as it was very difficult to do programme for profile milling manually.

*Timings mentioned are in minutes

Lapping Tool for RSR (DMU80)
Profile Milling RSR
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Programming Time 180 20 160 88%
Total Time 180 20 160 88%
Savings / component in INR (@1500/hr) ₹ 4,000
Savings in tooling -
Sub-Total ₹ 4,000
Total Savings (Qty Completed / Planned / Projected) ₹ 4,000

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

• With the help of new CAM program we are able to save the programming time
as it was very difficult to do programme for profile milling manually.

*As per controlling/SAP DMU 80 MHR is Rs. 4001/hr.

*Timings mentioned are in minutes
Throttle Bush_CHTR2H3.1 (CTX 510)
LHS Operation
IN206675 / DRG NO- IP15489-00 R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 47 25 22 46.80%
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹ 625.16
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.80
Sub-Total ₹ 625.16
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 11 ₹ 6877.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 2

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN206675 / DRG NO- IP15489-00 R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 89 40 49 55.05%
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹1392
Savings in tooling ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 1399.8
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 11 ₹ 15397.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 2

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (ISCAR) Cost- Rs514 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Click icon to add picture Throttle Bush (DMU 80)
Drill + Mill Operation
IN220641 / DRG NO- IP18535
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 58 25 33 75.75 %
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹663.3
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹ 663.3
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 11 ₹ 7,296.3
No Of IN Codes Covered 2


© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN212629 / DRG NO- IP17850_03_R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 89 45 44 49.43%
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 884.6
Savings in tooling ₹ 00.00
Sub-Total ₹ 28,944.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 32 ₹ 28,844.0
No Of IN Codes Covered 16

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• CAM Saving in tooling by changing Resharpning Insert , Drill.
HG4 Stage Casing (MAUS)
LHS Operations
IN206535 / DRG NO- IP15489_00_R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 89 60 29 32.58%
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 494.93
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.80
Sub-Total ₹ 502.73
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 33 ₹ 16,590.0
No Of IN Codes Covered 13

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN206535 / DRG NO- IP15489_00_R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 36 22 14 38.8 %
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 238.93
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 246.73
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 33 ₹8,128.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 13

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (ISCAR) Cost- Rs514 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Click icon to add picture DISC (DMU80)
Mill Operations
IN283096/ DRG NO- 5KPS640601
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 150 60 90 60.0%
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 1809.0
Savings in tooling/Component ₹10.0
Sub-Total ₹1819.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 8 ₹ 14,552.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

Mill Operations
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© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN283094 / DRG NO- 5KPS640600
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 180 60 120 66.66 %
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹2412.00
Savings in tooling ₹ 10.00
Sub-Total ₹2422.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 8 ₹19,376.0
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using
RSR Impeller (DMU FD125)
Vane Profile Operation
IN283444 / DRG NO-59000530
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 1950 1345 605 31%
Savings / component in INR (@1808/hr) ₹18,230.00
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹18,230.00
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 4 ₹72,922.0
No Of IN Codes Covered

FGD Impeller 800 LHS Operation

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IN246512 / DRG NO- UG1842230
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 400 330 70 17.5 %
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹474.3
Savings in tooling ₹ 56.375
Sub-Total ₹ 530.675
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 35 ₹18,573.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 0

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (Walter) Cost- Rs744 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Click icon to add picture Discharge Casing HG4 (Hankook)
LHS Operation
IN2251392 / DRG NO- IP15652_51_R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 120 70 50 41.6%
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 1185.800
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹1193.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 7 ₹ 8,355.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN2251392 / DRG NO- IP15652_51_R04
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 340 160 180 52.0%
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 4269.0
Savings in tooling ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 4276.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 7 ₹ 29,937.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (Walter) Cost- Rs744 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
LHS Operations
IN250878 / DRG NO- IP18299_00_R8
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 141 60 81 57.44%
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 1382.4
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.80
Sub-Total ₹ 1390.2
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 31 ₹ 43,096.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN250878 / DRG NO- IP18299_00_R8
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 132 85 47 35.6 %
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 802.13
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 161.4
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 31 ₹25,108.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 0

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (ISCAR) Cost- Rs514 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Shaft Seal Housing ( DMU 80)
Drill and Mill Operation
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 173 60 113 65.317%
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹2,271.3
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 25.0
Sub-Total ₹ 2296.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 13 ₹29,848.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 4

Drill and Mill Operation

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN207450 / DRG NO- 16609_06_R09
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 144 55 89 61.8 %
Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 1788.9
Savings in tooling ₹ 25.0
Sub-Total ₹ 1814.00
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 38 68,932.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 3

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Resharpning Tip type Insert and Drill.
LHS Operations
IN250107 / DRG NO- IP19582_00_R01
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 141 52 89 63.12 %
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 1518.93
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.80
Sub-Total ₹ 1527.00
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 09 ₹ 13,740.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 4

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

IN250107 / DRG NO- IP19582_00_R01
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 113 70 43 38.05 %
Savings / component in INR (@1024/hr) ₹ 733.8
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 6675.00
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 09 ₹6,675.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 4

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (ISCAR) Cost- Rs514 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Casing Insert (Hankook) Aug-23
Click icon to add picture
LHS Operation
5221975 / IP21919_00
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 171 114 57 33.33 %
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 1351.85
Savings in tooling/Component ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 1359.65
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 1 ₹1360.00
No Of IN Codes Covered

RHS Operations

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

5221975 / IP21919_00
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 151 120 31 20.52
Savings / component in INR (@1423/hr) ₹ 735.2
Savings in tooling ₹ 56.375
Sub-Total ₹ 743.0
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 1 ₹ 735.0
No Of IN Codes Covered
• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
• Saving in tooling by changing Insert CNMG120408 (Walter) Cost- Rs744 to
CNMG120412 Cost - 295(SUMITOMO)
Balance Drum (OD Groove)- (CTX 510)
OD Groove Operation
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 55 15 40 72.72 %
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹ 1136.66
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹1144.46
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 15 ₹ 17050.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 2

Casing Part

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 31 25 6 19.35 %
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹710.41
Savings in tooling ₹ 7.8
Sub-Total ₹ 718.21
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 7 ₹ 1193.50
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 308 250 58 18 %
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹ 1375.5
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹1375.5
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 2751.00
No Of IN Codes Covered 17


© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 282 260 22 7.8%
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹521
Savings in tooling ₹ 00
Sub-Total ₹ 521
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 1044
No Of IN Codes Covered 17

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM
Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 560 150 410 73.21 %
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹ 6997
Savings in tooling/Component ₹
Sub-Total ₹6997
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 13995
No Of IN Codes Covered


© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction
Machining Time 338 170 168 49.7%
Savings / component in INR (@1705/hr) ₹2867.2
Savings in tooling ₹ 00
Sub-Total ₹ 2867.2
Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 2 ₹ 5734.4
No Of IN Codes Covered

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using CAM

Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction

Machining Time 390 180 210 53.84 %
Savings / component in INR for 1st job(@3588 /hr) ₹4121.0
Savings in remaining per Jobs ₹4121.0
Total Savings (Qty Completed / Planned / Projected) 40 ₹ 1,64,840.0

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

• We don’t have any inbuild cycle for this kind of shape in our machines.

• Hence, we used CAM programme for this.

• This saved our Programming timing on machine.

• Also, optimized tool path was created.

Click icon to add picture Shaft Seal Housing (DMU80)
Drill And Mill


Without CAM With CAM Reduction % Reduction

Machining Time 156 60 96 61.53%

Savings / component in INR (@1206/hr) ₹ 1929.6
Savings in tooling/Component ₹10.0
Sub-Total ₹ 1939.6

Total Savings ( Planned Qty / Projected) 343 ₹6,65,282.0

© Copyright KSB SE & Co. KGaA 2021

No Of IN Codes Covered 10

• The reduction in operation time was due to tool path optimization using
• CAM Saving in tooling by changing Resharpning Insert , Drill.

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