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Dynamic Memory

Allocation in C++
Dynamic memory allocation is a crucial concept in C++ that allows programs to
request and manage memory at runtime. This presentation will explore the need for
dynamic memory, the `new` and `delete` operators, dynamic array and object
allocation, and best practices for avoiding memory leaks.
The Need for Dynamic Memory Allocation

Static Memory Limitations 1

Static memory allocation, where the
size of variables is determined at
compile-time, can be restrictive and 2 Variable Memory
lead to inefficient use of memory. Requirements
Many applications require memory
sizes that can only be determined at
runtime, such as processing user input
Dynamic Flexibility 3 or loading data from files.
Dynamic memory allocation provides
the flexibility to request and release
memory as needed, optimizing
resource utilization and enabling more
complex data structures.
The `new` and `delete` Operators
`new` Operator `delete` Operator Memory Management

The `new` operator is used to The `delete` operator is used Proper use of `new` and
dynamically allocate memory to free the memory allocated `delete` is crucial for
for a single variable or an by the `new` operator. It's managing dynamic memory,
array of variables. It returns a essential to call `delete` on ensuring efficient resource
pointer to the allocated any dynamically allocated utilization and preventing
memory. memory to avoid memory memory-related bugs.
Dynamic Array Allocation
Declaring Dynamic Arrays 1
Dynamic arrays are created using the
`new` operator, with the size
determined at runtime. This flexibility 2 Accessing Dynamic Arrays
allows for variable-sized data Dynamic arrays are accessed using the
structures. same syntax as static arrays, with the
array index operator `[]`. However, the
size must be tracked separately.
Deallocating Dynamic Arrays 3
To avoid memory leaks, it's essential to
use the `delete[]` operator to free the
memory allocated for a dynamic array.
Dynamic Object Allocation
Creating Dynamic Objects Accessing Dynamic Objects
Dynamic objects are created using the `new` Dynamic objects are accessed using the pointer
operator, which returns a pointer to the newly returned by `new`, either directly or through
allocated object in memory. the `->` operator.

Deleting Dynamic Objects Constructor and Destructor

To prevent memory leaks, it's crucial to use the When creating and deleting dynamic objects,
`delete` operator to free the memory occupied the object's constructor and destructor will be
by a dynamically allocated object. called, respectively, to ensure proper
initialization and cleanup.
Memory Leaks and How to Avoid Them

1 Forgetting to `delete` 2 Unbalanced `new` and `delete`

Not calling `delete` on dynamically Using `new[]` without `delete[]`, or vice
allocated memory can lead to memory versa, can also result in memory leaks and
leaks, where the memory is no longer other memory-related bugs.
accessible but still occupied.

3 Proper Cleanup 4 RAII Principle

Ensuring that all dynamically allocated Applying the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is
memory is properly freed, especially in Initialization) principle, where resources are
complex data structures or when exceptions managed by objects with well-defined
are thrown, is crucial to avoid memory lifetimes, can help prevent memory leaks.
Best Practices for Dynamic Memory

Use Smart Prefer Stack Encapsulate Monitor

Pointers Allocation Allocation Memory Usage
Leverage smart Use dynamic Encapsulate Regularly monitor
pointers like memory allocation dynamic memory and profile your
`unique_ptr` and only when allocation and application's
`shared_ptr` to necessary, as stack- deallocation within memory usage to
simplify memory allocated objects are classes or functions identify and address
management and generally more to ensure consistent any potential
prevent common efficient and easier and reliable memory memory leaks or
memory leaks. to manage. management. inefficiencies.

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