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By- Arik Seth and Abhir Nayar

Identified situation
• The problem identified would be architects and engineers facing
the problem of finding the height of a structure/building. This
problem is faced by many modern-day enthusiasts and will be
seen as a bigger problem in the years coming, refers to a current
issue that is being experienced by a significant number of people
who are passionate about a particular field or activity. The
sentence implies that as time passes, this problem will become
more significant and prominent than it is currently. This could be
due to various factors such as technological advancements,
changing societal norms, or other external influences that
exacerbate the problem's severity over time. Without further
context, it's challenging to determine the specific issue being
referred to, but the sentence highlights the importance of
addressing and finding solutions for the problem before it
becomes a major concern in the future.
How does this problem
require Trigonometry?
• Trigonometry is needed to solve this
problem since determining a structure's or
building's height frequently calls for the
application of trigonometric functions like
sine, cosine, or tangent. In order to compute
the height of a tall structure, engineers and
architects might employ trigonometric
concepts in conjunction with measurements
of angles and distances. Trigonometry gives
you the tools you need to handle these kinds
of practical, accurate issues involving
heights and angles.
Laser rangefinders are instruments that employ laser
technology to measure distances very precisely. After
aiming a laser beam at the target, they time how long
it takes for the beam to return to the apparatus. This
enables them to use the speed of light to determine
the target's distance. Certain laser rangefinders
include inclinometers built in, allowing them to
measure angles of depression or elevation in addition
to distance. Because of this function, they are
especially helpful in activities where precise
measures of distance and angle are necessary, such
surveying, building, hunting, and golf.
By calculating the angles and the amount of time it
takes a laser beam to reach a target and back, laser
range finders utilize trigonometry to determine
distances. The fundamental idea is to measure the
angle to the target and then compute the distance using
trigonometric functions.
Given that the target's angle is known to be 40 degrees
and that there are 220 meters separating the range
finder from the target's point of laser impact, you can
use trigonometry to determine the target's actual
distance by applying the sine function: sin(40 degrees)
= opposite/hypotonias; therefore, opposite = sin(40
degrees) x 220 meters. Which would be 141.4 meters
therefore giving us the height of the building,
explaining how this product uses trigonometry.
From this learning experience I have learned a
lot from it. I have learned how trigonometry is
used in real life situations. From this I have
learned how to solve equations and got a better
Reflection understanding in trigonometry. It also helped
me understand on how architects use
analysis trigonometry to solve their problems. The ATL
skills I have developed from this
communication skills and research skills. This
overall experience was challenging and a fun
and helpful experience.

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