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Aspen Skiing Company (ASC)


Done by : Hari Priya V HP22MGM0100033

Sai Karthik- HP22MGMT0100136
Madhav - HP22MGMT0100148
Deepika- HP22MGMT0100250
Surya - HP22MGMT0100274
Likhith HP22MGMT0100307

01 02 03 04 05
Inroduction Problem Analysis Objectives SWOT

06 07 08 09 10
PESTEL Porters 5 Forces Strategy Recommendaions & Conclusion
Action Plan

• Industry Leader: Re nowned for its ski re sorts and dedica tion to
environmental responsibility, ASC is a le ader in sustainable tourism.
• Evolution of Pra ctic es: Founde d in 1946, ASC has continuously
implemented initiative s to minimize its e nvironmenta l impact.
• Focus on Transparency: Openly disclosing environme ntal impa cts and
improveme nt efforts is a core value for ASC.
• Employee Engage ment: ASC fosters a culture of ec o-consciousness within
its workforc e through incentives and the Environment Foundation.
• Luxury Mee ts Sustaina bility: The company aligns its brand message of
luxury with responsible environmental practices.
• Challenges and Opportunities: This case explores the challenges and
opportunities ASC fa ces, including compe tition and the de cision to join
the Klee cut boycott.

Primary Issue: Kleercut Boycott Decision

• ForestEthics Campaign
• Sourcing Practices Concern
• Dilemma Faced by ASC
• Risk Assessment
• Alignment with Values

• Environmental Initiatives
• Employee Engagement
• Transparency and Accountability
• Competitive Landscape
• Strategic Challenges
• Awareness of Environmental Initiatives
• Engagement with Sustainability Efforts
• Advocacy for Environmental Conservation
• Measurement of Communication Impact
• Visibility of Environmental Initiatives
• Strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
• Leadership position in ski industry for sustainability initiatives.
• Innovative employee engagement programs.
STRENGTHS • Transparent reporting on environmental impacts and progress.

• Potential risks associated with participating in environmental campaigns.

• Challenges in ensuring supply chain sustainability.
• Concerns over accusations of greenwashing.

• Enhanced brand reputation and differentiation through sustainability efforts.

• Attracting environmentally conscious customers.
• Driving industry-wide sustainability initiatives through partnerships.

• Competition from other ski resorts with similar sustainability initiatives.

• Negative media scrutiny regarding ASC's environmental practices.
THREATS • Regulatory challenges in the ski industry related to environmental policies.
Economical Technology Legal
• Ec onomic downt urns i mpac t ing • Adva nc e s in snowma ki ng t ec hnol ogy a nd • Compl iance wit h envi ronment al
di sc re ti ona ry spe ndi ng on l e isure re ne wa bl e e ne rgy soluti ons i mpa c ting regul ati ons and pot enti al legal
a c ti vi tie s l ike skii ng. ope ra t iona l e ffi ci e nc y a nd e nvironmenta l implicat ions of parti cipat ing in
• Opportunit ie s for re ve nue growth susta i na bi li ty. environment al campaigns.
through e co-tourism initi a ti ve s. • Di git a l ma rke ti ng a dvanc e me nt s for promot ing • Land use regul ati ons and permi tt ing
susta i na bi li ty i nit ia t ive s a nd e nga gi ng processes affecti ng ASC's expansion and
c ust ome rs. devel opment plans.

Political Social Environmental
• Re gul a tory c hal le nge s re la te d t o • Growi ng c onsume r a wa re ne ss a nd • Cli ma t e c ha nge impact s on snowfall
e nvironme nt a l c onse rvati on poli ci e s de ma nd for e nvironme nt a ll y pa t te rns a nd na tural resources, posi ng
a nd l a nd use re gula ti ons. susta i na bl e pra c t ic e s i n the tourism c ha l le nges for ski resort operati ons.
• Gove rnment inc e nti ve s or subsi die s industry. • Opportunit ie s for ASC to mi ti gate it s
for e c o-frie ndl y init ia t ive s. • Cha nging de mogra phi c s a nd e nvironme nt a l impact and promot e
pre fe re nc e s of ski re sort vi sit ors. c onse rva ti on e ffort s.
01 02
Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Buyers
• Moderate, given the high barriers to • High, as customers have various options
entry in the ski resort industry, for ski resorts and can easily switch based
including capital requirements and on factors like pricing and amenities.
regulatory hurdles. • ASC needs to continually enhance
• Existing resorts have established customer experience to maintain loyalty.
brand reputation and customer

03 04 05
Threat of Substitutes Competitive Rivalry
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
• Low to moderate, as there are limited • High, with competition from other ski
• Moderate, with ASC's ability to negotiate substitutes for ski resorts, but resorts in the Aspen area and beyond,
favorable terms with suppliers but also facing alternative leisure activities could leading to price competition and
pressure from environmental organizations impact demand. differentiation strategies.
regarding sourcing practices. • ASC can focus on unique experiences • ASC must continuously innovate and
• ASC may leverage its purchasing power to and environmental sustainability to differentiate to maintain its
promote sustainable sourcing practices. differentiate from substitutes. competitive edge.

Strategy 1: Report Progress on Environmental Initiatives

Strategy 2: Educate Customers through Reclaimed Art


Strategy 3: Multimedia Education and Distribution

1. Continued Investment in Environmental
2. Strengthening Employee Engagement
3. Enhanced Transparency and
4. Strategic Partnerships with Environmental

Action Plan:
1. Environmental Sustainability
2. Employee Engagement
3. Transparency and Communication
4. Strategic Partnerships
Aspen Skiing Company (ASC) stands as a beacon of environmental
stewardship within the ski industry, demonstrating a steadfast
commitment to sustainability through innovative initiatives and
transparent practices. By engaging both employees and customers,
ASC has effectively aligned its brand with environmental activism
and positioned itself as a leader in eco-friendly practices. Moving
forward, continued investment in renewable energy, employee
engagement, transparency, and strategic partnerships will be
essential for ASC to maintain its leadership in environmental
stewardship and further contribute to conservation efforts. ASC's
journey serves as a compelling example of the positive impact that
businesses can have on the environment and the community when
sustainability is prioritized in their operations

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