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How could you make your school more

environmentally friendly
Here are few eco-friendly habits you can encourage your pupils, parents, and staff to
1.Set up recycling bins
Provide recycling bins and encourage children to use them. Dot them around the
playground and in school corridors, and make sure you recognize students who use them.
Keep a tally as to how much waste you recycle each week or month, and maintain a wall
chart that shows how your school is helping to reduce waste and pollution.
2.Make environmentally friendly cleaners
Discuss the chemicals found in everyday cleaners, and how common household items
can be used to make alternatives – then devise experiments to test their effectiveness.
3.Add indoor plants
Studies show that indoor plants naturally purify the air and provide health benefits, like
fewer cold symptoms and improved behavior. Start with easy-to-grow plants, like a spider
plant, snake plant, jade, English ivy, or golden pothos. Get kids involved in the plant care
and nurture mini gardeners.
4.Rally for the use of reusable containers for lunches
Between sandwiches, snacks, and leftovers, that’s a lot of plastic at lunchtime. Glass or
stainless steel containers come in all sizes and are perfect for school meals. Challenge
students to start using them.
5.Grow a garden
Find a small space on school grounds for a garden. Get students involved from the very
start—let them choose the plot. Turn it into a teaching moment and have them determine
the best spot based on light needs and soil type. Grow veggies and let kids experience
how easy it is to grow their own food.
6.Use recyclables for art projects
From unwanted paper to tin cans to bottle caps, the project possibilities are endless.
Create a plastic bottle mural in your classroom or in a place where the whole school can
enjoy it. Bonus points if you make your mural’s message related to recycling!
thank you for your attention

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