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What is a Sobriety Counter

and Why Use One?

Loosid App
Introduction to Sobriety Counters

• Just like marking a date on the calendar, a sobriety counter gives a clear visual of
how long you have been sober. For some, seeing the number helps them realize
how far they have come, while others use it as a milestone marker for little steps
along the way.
• It is no secret that finding a path towards sobriety can be difficult. There will be
days that are more challenging than others, even when you are surrounded by a
strong community that supports you. It is important to remember that addiction is
not a choice or a mark of who you are, it is a disease that affects millions of people
a year.
The Challenge of Achieving Sobriety

• Alcohol use disorder and substance use disorder have a range of symptoms
that can cause co-occurring disorders alongside it. A sobriety calculator app
is one step towards recognizing where you want to be in your recovery and
how you can create smaller milestones to reach a level of sobriety you are
comfortable with and is the best for your personal health.
• Many sober apps out there give additional resources that are beyond the
basic capability of a sober clock. By pairing services with your own created
sober clocks, you can feel confident to start the day off on the right foot.
Understanding Addiction as a Disease

• In this guide, find out more about sobriety tracking app and how you can track your sober journey with
assurance at every step.
Download a Sobriety Tracker That Works For You
• Learning how to get sober is not a straightforward process, but it can start by downloading the right
sobriety tracker for you. Each sobriety counter app available online has a different design and purpose to it.
While some apps provide a basic tracker, other apps give space for notes, pledges, or the ability to share
your clocks with friends.
• How you want to interact with a sober clock is entirely up to you. Some apps like Nomo will give a
timestamp for each time you open the app to view your clocks. The timestamp keeps track of your activity
in order to prompt you to view the clock if need be. Other sobriety trackers like Sobriety Counter give you
milestone achievements through badges that can be collected over time.
Benefits of Using a Sobriety Calculator

• If you are looking for small rewards as you reach new sober dates, then
consider downloading an app that gives notifications for achievements.
Beyond apps that provide clocks, there are a variety of apps that offer
further services to assist with recovery.
• Loosid provides a unique feature of SAMTM that serves as guidance for
starting and navigating sober dating. The app tracks moods and triggers
that affect your sobriety, as well as teaches how to build a foundation of
habits to stay sober.
Features of Effective Sobriety Apps

Sober apps that include sobriety trackers include,

• Loosid
• Sober Grid
• Nomo
• Sober Time
• I am Sober
• Sobriety Counter
• Sober Tool
Try out a few apps to find which one you like best to keep track of your recovery dating journey. It may take a few downloads to
find the right sobriety clock for you, but once you find a great fit, you can continue to track your progress all within one app.
Choosing the Right Sobriety Tracker for You

Track Your Progress

The main purpose of a sobriety calendar app is to track your progress. Statistics show
that it can take around three to four weeks to develop a new habit. That means just
starting out using a clock may feel like a difficult task at first, but by seeing a visual of the
progress you have made you can find confidence in the steps you are taking to get sober.
Sometimes it may take a small reminder of how far you have come. Some
free sobriety app counters include ways to write down the reasons why you became
sober. From the app you can look at past notes, uploaded pictures, or a list of reasons to
keep yourself on track.
Popular Sobriety Tracking Apps

It may be hard to remember in the moment when you are experiencing a trigger or
craving, but a notification to your phone to remind you to view your sobriety clock
can be what continually breaks the cycle when you need it to.
Know When To Count
Using a sobriety counter can be helpful when it provides a sense of achievement,
but there are circumstances where counting may hinder you. If a relapse happens
and you find yourself in fear of humiliation or are basing your worth on the sobriety
clock, then it may not be the best decision to be tracking sober dating app.
Tracking and Visualizing Your Progress

However, sobriety clocks can be a useful tool when you approach it as a shared
encouragement and a personal motivation. If you are having trouble with how you
interact with a sobriety counter, talk to your healthcare provider, counselor, or sponsor
to see if it is the right approach for your recovery journey - dating sites for sober singles.
Make New Milestones
Making new milestones is a huge achievement when creating new positive habits. A
sobriety counter gives you the space to create new milestones for yourself for sobriety,
and other goals you want to achieve.
Setting and Celebrating Milestones

New milestones can also help with avoiding instant gratification needs or wanting to make
exceptions for special occasions. By knowing what your goals specifically are, you can keep to them
more often aa dating.
Most sober apps will show a progress bar to showcase your milestones, as well as how many hours,
days, weeks, and months you have been sober. With a quick check, you can see how far you have
made it in the week. Each milestone achieved reinforces more motivation to stick to your long term
Not only can sober apps track milestones, but they also can see how much money you have saved
by not drinking. It may be startling at first to see how much you have spent on alcohol over time,
particularly if you were buying drinks every day before.
Customizing Your Sobriety Tracking Experience

Seeing a picture of what you might have spent puts addiction into perspective and how
money can be channeled towards a life outside of addiction that you want to be living. If
you are having trouble just starting out on your sober dating service journey, consider
contacting your healthcare professional or a local treatment center to find the right
resources to get you on your feet.
Customize Your Experience
The fun part about downloading a sobriety counter is the ability to customize your
experience. Some apps have a set background, but there are a few on the market that
gives you the ability to change the background, the color, or the style of the clock.
Utilizing Notes and Journals for Reflection

While apps created are generally made with calmer colors, you may find you
respond to certain colors better. With the right background color and style of
the clock, you can feel calm when checking your sobriety date and any other
milestones you have set for yourself along the way – sober dating sites.
Customizing your experience can also help with visualizing your sober
experience better. By viewing your achievements or chatting about them with
other members on the app, you can feel assured even on the worst of days
when battling uncertainty with addiction.
Sharing Your Journey with Loved Ones

Keep Track of Other Addictions or Habits

A sobriety counter does not just have to be specifically for alcohol. Sobriety counters can
include other addictions or habits that you are looking to break. By seeing your habits all
in one place, you can see what milestones you want to change along the way, or what
new goals you want to set for yourself.
Apps like Nomo give you an unlimited amount of clocks that you can name. Other apps
like I am Sober include category-specific clocks that can be searched easily while
navigating the app. Write down what addictions or habits you are looking to change your
patterns around and create more clocks easily within an app – sober dating websites.
Building New Habits for Long-Term Sobriety

Look Back On Your Notes

With most aspects of living being organized on your phone, a sober app helps you log and look
back on notes when you need to. Keep in mind, not all sober apps give the space for notes, or the
ability to search within your notes. Make sure the app you download includes note-taking ability to
keep a closer record of your sober journey.
Notes are a way to navigate your emotions, understand your addictions, and give a private space
for you to learn more about yourself. Some sobriety apps offer daily check-ins for you to log how
you are feeling or what you felt you struggled with during the day. By having an accurate record of
triggers or potential relapses, you can learn your patterns more in order to change your habits for
the long term.
Engaging with a Supportive Sober Community

If digital notes are not your favorite way of logging your feelings, consider finding a paper
journal or notebook to write in. Whether you want to share your experiences online with
other like-minded individuals or want to reflect on your progress on your own time,
keeping a log can help you find clarity in recovery.
Share Progress with Friends and Family
A sobriety counter is one way you can share your progress with friends, family, sponsors,
or health providers. Your community wants to know how you are doing, which makes a
sobriety app the perfect place for you to bring them along in your journey towards

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