MAS202 ch14

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Chapter 14

Introduction to Multiple

A L WAY S L E A R N I N G Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education Ltd. Slide 1

In this chapter, you learn:
 How to develop a multiple regression model.

 How to interpret the regression coefficients.

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The Multiple Regression Model
With k Independent Variables DCOVA
Idea: Examine the linear relationship between
1 dependent (Y) & 2 or more independent variables (Xi).
Multiple Regression Model with k Independent Variables:

Y-intercept Population slopes Random Error

Yi  β 0  β1 X1i  β 2 X 2i      β k X ki  ε i
β0 = Y intercept
β1 = slope of Y with variable X 1, holding X2, X3, X4, . . . , Xk constant
β2 = slope of Y with variable X 2, holding X1, X3, X4, . . . , Xk constant
β3 = slope of Y with variable X 3, holding X1, X2, X4,. . . , Xk constant
βk = slope of Y with variable X k, holding X1, X2, X3,. . . , Xk-1 constant
εi = random error in Y for observation i
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Multiple Regression Model With
2 Independent Variables

Yi  β 0  β1X1i  β 2 X 2i  ε i
β0 = Y intercept
β1 = slope of Y with variable X1, holding X2 constant
β2 = slope of Y with variable X2, holding X1 constant
εi = random error in Y for observation i

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Multiple Regression Equation

The coefficients of the multiple regression model are

estimated using sample data.

Multiple regression equation with k independent variables:

Estimated Estimated
(or predicted) Estimated slope coefficients
value of Y intercept

ˆ  b  b X  b X    b X
Yi 0 1 1i 2 2i k ki
In this chapter we will use Excel, JMP, and Minitab to obtain
the regression slope coefficients and other regression
summary measures.
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Multiple Regression Equation With
Two Independent Variables
Two variable model
Ŷ  b0  b1X1  b 2 X 2

r v
fo X2
S l
f or v ariable X 2

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2 Independent Variables
 A distributor of frozen dessert pies wants to
evaluate factors thought to influence demand.
 Dependent variable: Pie sales (units per week)
 Independent variables: Price (in $)
Advertising ($100’s)

 Data are collected for 15 weeks.

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Pie Sales Example
Pie Price Advertising DCOVA
Week Sales ($) ($100s)
1 350 5.50 3.3 Multiple regression equation:
2 460 7.50 3.3
Sales = b0 + b1 (Price)
5 350 6.80 3.0
+ b2
6 380 7.50 4.0
7 430 4.50 3.0 (Advertising).
8 470 6.40 3.7
9 450 7.00 3.5
10 490 5.00 4.0
11 340 7.20 3.5
12 300 7.90 3.2
13 440 5.90 4.0
14 450 5.00 3.5
15 300 7.00 2.7

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Excel Multiple Regression Output
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.72213

R Square 0.52148
Adjusted R Square 0.44172
Standard Error 47.46341 Sales  306.526 - 24.975(Pri ce)  74.131(Advertising)
Observations 15

ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 306.52619 114.25389 2.68285 0.01993 57.58835 555.46404
Price -24.97509 10.83213 -2.30565 0.03979 -48.57626 -1.37392
Advertising 74.13096 25.96732 2.85478 0.01449 17.55303 130.70888

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JMP & Minitab Multiple Regression Output

The regression equation is

Sales = 307 - 25.0 Price + 74.1 Advertising

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 306.50 114.30 2.68 0.020
Price -24.98 10.83 -2.31 0.040
Advertising 74.13 25.97 2.85 0.014

S = 47.4634 R-Sq = 52.1% R-Sq(adj) = 44.2%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 2 29460 14730 6.54 0.012
Residual Error 12 27033 2253
Total 14 56493

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The Multiple Regression Equation

Sales = 306.526 – 24.975(Price) + 74.131(Advertising)

Sales is in number of pies per week.
Price is in $.
Advertising is in $100’s.

b1 = -24.975: Sales b2 = 74.131: Sales

will decrease, on will increase, on
average, by 24.975 average, by 74.131
pies per week for pies per week for
each $1 increase in each $100 increase
selling price, net of in advertising, net of
the effects of changes the effects of changes
due to advertising. due to price

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Using The Regression Equation
to Make Predictions
Predict sales for a week in which the selling
price is $5.50 and advertising is $350:

Sales  306.526 - 24.975(Pri ce)  74.131(Advertising)

 306.526 - 24.975 (5.50)  74.131 (3.5)
 428.6216

Note that Advertising is

Predicted sales in $100s, so $350 means
that X2 = 3.5.
is 428.6216 pies.
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Predictions in Excel

Input values

Predicted Y value
Confidence interval for the
mean value of Y, given
these X values.

Prediction interval for an

individual Y value, given
these X values.
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Predictions in JMP & Minitab

Predicted Values for New Observations

Obs Fit SE Fit 95% CI 95% PI
1 428.6 17.2 (391.1, 466.1) (318.6, 538.6)

Values of Predictors for New Observations

Obs Price Advertising
1 5.50 3.50

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The Coefficient of Multiple
Determination, r2
 Reports the proportion of total variation in Y
explained by all X variables taken together.

SSR regression sum of squares

r 

SST total sum of squares

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Multiple Coefficient of
Determination In Excel
Regression Statistics
SSR 29,460.027
Multiple R 0.72213
r2    .52148
R Square 0.52148 SST 56,493.306
Adjusted R Square 0.44172
52.1% of the variation in pie sales
Standard Error 47.46341
is explained by the variation in
Observations 15
price and advertising.
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 29460.027 14730.013 6.53861 0.01201
Residual 12 27033.306 2252.776
Total 14 56493.333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 306.52619 114.25389 2.68285 0.01993 57.58835 555.46404
Price -24.97509 10.83213 -2.30565 0.03979 -48.57626 -1.37392
Advertising 74.13096 25.96732 2.85478 0.01449 17.55303 130.70888

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Multiple Coefficient of
Determination In JMP & Minitab
SSR 29,460.027
r 
  .52148
SST 56,493.306

The regression equation is

Sales = 307 - 25.0 Price + 74.1 Advertising

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 306.50 114.30 2.68 0.020
Price -24.98 10.83 -2.31 0.040
Advertising 74.13 25.97 2.85 0.014

S = 47.4634 R-Sq = 52.1% R-Sq(adj) = 44.2%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 2 29460 14730 6.54 0.012
Residual Error 12 27033 2253
Total 14 56493

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Adjusted r2
 r2 never decreases when a new X variable is
added to the model.
 This can be a disadvantage when comparing

 What is the net effect of adding a new variable?
 We lose a degree of freedom when a new X

variable is added.
 Did the new X variable add enough

explanatory power to offset the loss of one

degree of freedom?
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Adjusted r2
 Shows the proportion of variation in Y explained
by all X variables adjusted for the number of X
variables used:
 2  n  1 
r 2
adj  1  (1  r ) 
  n  k  1 
(where n = sample size, k = number of independent variables)

 Penalizes excessive use of unimportant independent

 Smaller than r2.
 Useful in comparing among models.
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Is the Overall Model Significant?

 F Test for Overall Significance of the Model.
 Shows if there is a linear relationship between all
of the X variables considered together and Y.
 Use F-test statistic.
 Hypotheses:
H0: β1 = β2 = … = βk = 0 (no linear relationship)
H1: at least one βi ≠ 0 (at least one independent
variable affects Y)

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F Test for Overall Significance
 Test statistic:

n  k 1

where FSTAT has numerator d.f. = k and

denominator d.f. = (n –
k - 1)

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F Test for Overall Significance
H0: β1 = β2 = 0 Test Statistic: DCOVA
H1: β1 and β2 not both zero MSR
FSTAT   6.5386
 = .05 MSE
df1= 2 df2 = 12
Critical Since FSTAT test statistic is
in the rejection region (p-
F0.05 = 3.885
value < .05), reject H0.
 = .05
0 F There is evidence that at least one
Do not Reject H0
reject H0 independent variable affects Y.
F0.05 = 3.885
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Chapter Summary
In this chapter we discussed:
 How to develop a multiple regression model.

 How to interpret the regression coefficients.

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