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Research Methodology/Design
3.1. Meaning of Methodology
Methodology refers to the theory of how
the research should be conducted.
It suggests the philosophical assumptions
upon which research is based.
The research is expected to elaborate
ranges of data collections methods and
the rationales for choosing particular
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research Methodology/Design (cont.…)

3.1.1. Research philosophy

It deals with the source, nature and
development of knowledge.
Completing a master thesis/ dissertation
involves knowledge creation.
Research philosophy indicates being aware
and formulating your beliefs and
assumptions upon which one’s research
guided by.
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research philosophy (cont.…)

There are four main research philosophies

in business studies:
1. Pragmatism
2. Positivism
3. Realism
4. Interpretivism (Interpretivist)

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

Research Philosophy (cont.…) Epistemology
Epistemology in business research deals
with sources of knowledge.
Epistemology specifies the criteria by
which the researcher classifies what does
and does not constitute knowledge.
Once you accept a specific epistemology,
you need to employ associated research
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research Philosophy (cont.…)

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.) Ontology
Is the science or study of ”being” and it
deals with the nature of reality.
Ontology is concerned with whether social
entities need to be perceived as objective
or subjective
Objectivism(or positivism) and subjectivism
can be specified as two important aspects
of ontology
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Objectivism states that social entities
exist in reality external to social actors
concerned with their existence.
Constructionism (also known or
interpretivism) on the contrary, perceives
that social phenomena are created from
perceptions and consequent actions of
those social actors concerned with their
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research Philosophy in Research Onion

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

Data Collection methods & Research

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

Research Methodology/Design (cont.…)

3.2. Meaning of Research Design

Research design is a plan of
 collecting and
 analyzing data
 in an economic, efficient and relevant
It is the conceptual framework within which
research is conducted
It is the blue print for collecting, and
of data By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Need for Research Design

Research design is necessary because

• It facilitates the smooth sailing of the

research operation
• It makes research project efficient and helps
to yield maximum information with minimum
05/29/2024 timeBy: and effort.
Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research Design (Cont. …)

General rules in planning and preparing a research design

• Define the nature and scope of the problem

• Specify the related variables or type of data
• Specify the sources of data/information needed
• Exclude the variable not relevant to the study
• Start with the logical hypothesis.
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Research Design (Cont. …)
the design decision should
address the following question.
 What is the study about?
 Why is the study being made?
 Where will be the study being carried
 What period of time will the study
 What types of data are required?
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Meaning of Research Design (Cont.…)
 Where can the required data be
found ?
 What techniques of data collection
will be used?
 What will be the sample design?
 How will be the data analyzed?
 In what style will the report be

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

3.3. Important concepts relevant to
research design
Dependent variable: Is a variable that
is to be predicted or explained.
Independent variable: is a variable that
is expected to influence the dependent
Extraneous variable: is independent
variable that is not related to the
purpose of a study, but may affect the
dependent variable.
Control: is a measure used to control or
minimize the effects of extraneous
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Important concepts (Cont…)
Confounded relationship: If dependent
variable is not free from the influence
of extraneous variable, then the
relationship between dependent and
independent variables is said to be
confounded by extraneous variable
Experimental and control groups: In
experimental research a group exposed
to usual condition is called control
 but a group exposed to special condition
is called an experimental group.
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Important concepts (Cont…)
Treatments: The different condition
under which experimental and controlled
groups are put are referred to us
Experiment: The process of examining
the truth of a statistical hypothesis,
relating to some problem, is known us an
Experimental unit: the pre-determined
plots (or blocks or group) where
different treatments are used are
05/29/2024 experimental
By: Milkiyasunits
3.4. Forms of Research Design

Research design is unique to a methodology.

There are two broad methodology groups
 Experimentaland
 Non-experimental
The main difference between them lies in the
control and manipulation of at least one
independent variable

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

3.4.1.Research design for non-
experimental research.
A) Design for Exploratory Research Study
The design for such study is
characterized by a great deal of
 Why?
 Because, no problem has
The following forms of research design
can be used.
05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Non-experimental design (cont. …)
i. The survey of relevant literature.
This is the most simple and fruitful
method of formulating the research
problem or developing hypothesis
Hypothesis stated by earlier works may
be reviewed
and their usefulness be evaluated as a
basis for further research

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

Non-experimental design (cont. …)
ii. Experience survey
This implies the survey of people who have
practical experience in research
People who are competent and can
contribute new ideas are carefully
The researcher prepare a set of
unstructured questions
The researcher then interview them to
facilitate the By:problem
Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)
Non-experimental design (cont. …)

B) Research design for descriptive

Most of social researches come
under this category.
It is marked by the prior formulation
of specific research problem

05/29/2024 By: Milkiyas Ayele(Ph.D.)

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