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ap p l ie

lin gu i s t

d 7
member s
1. najidah rahmadina 210302110147
2.Saleksa Hikam M. 210302110210
3. Jafar Kamali 210302110118
4. Oxena Maheru P
210302110074 5. Ilhan Khatib
B r i ef H i s t o
fo rr eyn osif c l i n g
u is t ic across
1966 was the beginning of the
developm ent of Forensic
Linguistics (LF) in the United
States (US) with the creation of
Miranda Rights as a response to
Ernesto Arturo's violation of
Miranda rights.

Teks paragraf
In 1968, in England, Jan Svartvik
proved that language could be used
as forensic evidence. Previously,
the initial focus of LF in the US and
UK was on police statem ents, which
police recorded on their own
tem plate.
19 8 8
In 1988, Germany hosted the LF conference
which pioneered the phonetic- acoustic
speaker identification m ethod.
Sim ilar conferences in France (1991),
England (1992), Australia (1995), and
the US (1997) helped LF reach an
academ ic
In its developm ent, linguists have becom e
increasingly involved in the legal process.
LF is used in the investigation stage to
analyze texts such as ransom letters,
threat m essages, and the speaking style
of victim s and suspects. It is rare that
linguists are called in at the trial stage,
but when they occur, they analyze the
writing, threats, interpretation, and
construction of the text.
The appeal stage often requires the
assistance of a linguist to resolve
disputes regarding the wording,
interpretation, or writing of the
statem ent or confession.
B a s i c c o n c e p t s or t
bh ae so e rs eo tf if cao lr e n s ic lin
g u is t i c s b y d ifferen t
exp erts acro ss tim e
ba s ic c o n c e p t s
o f ex p e r t s i n
a n d th e c o n t riForensic
Forensic Sociolinguistics b u t Text
i oAnalysis
f o r en s ic l in g u i st i c s :
Forensic phonetics Statistical Approaches

Stylometry FFoorreennssiicc

PDhisocnoeuticrss e Analysis
Forensic Phonetics and Speaker Identification
Forensic Authorship Analysis

Forensic Phonology
Forensic Phonetics: Early work in forensic
linguistics focused on the analysis of speech
sounds to determine the identity of a
speaker. Dr. Paul Broca, a 19th-century
French physician, made significant
contributions to the study of speech sounds
and their forensic applications.
Stylometry: Stylometry is the
analysis of an author's writing
style. Augustus de Morgan, a
19th-century mathematician,
laid the foundation for
statistical analysis of writing
Forensic Authorship Analysis: Dr.
Auguste Kerckhoffs, a 19th-century
linguist, is known for his work on
cryptographic principles, which can
be applied to authorship analysis.
Forensic Phonology: Dennis R. Preston and Peter
Ladefoged, in the late 20th century, contributed to
the analysis of phonological features in forensic
linguistics, which involves the study of
pronunciation patterns.
any question ?

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