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Classes of Food

☻Food is any substance that can be eaten or

drunk by human or animal for nutrition and
♣ Food is important for the following reasons:
It supplies energy.
It provides raw materials for growth and
repair of damaged tissues.
It keeps the organism healthy.
Classes of food
The 7 main classes of food are:
(2) Proteins
(3) fats
(4) Vitamins
(5) Minerals
(6) Water
(7) Fiber
Classes of food

Carbohyd Fats and

protein oils Vitamin Mineral Water Fiber
Nutrients are substances in food that the body uses
uses :
- To provide energy
- For growth and repair

Diet is the food that you eat everyday.

A diet which provides all the different kinds of
nutrients in their correct amount is called a balance
If a person does not eat enough of a particular
nutrient, they may have a deficiency disease.
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrate is the most important source of energy.

Rice Corn Cassava Sweat potato

Carbohydrates can be sugar or starch.

They are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Sugar provides quick energy. For example:

Grape sugar(glucose) Milk sugar(lactose) Cane sugar(sucrose) Malt sugar (maltose)

Carbohydrates : Sugar
Carbohydrates can be sugar or starch
1.1) Sugar gives the body quick energy . Some
examples are white sugar, brown sugar, honey,
candy and fruits.
Glucose is a simple molecule (monosaccharide).
1.2) Starch gives the body long lasting energy. Some
examples are potatoes, rice, noodles, bread, sweat
potatoes, barley and pasta.
Starch is a polysaccharide. It’s made up of many
glucose units.
2. Proteins

 The main function of proteins is for growth and the repair of

damaged cells and tissues.
 Protein is also used to make enzymes and antibodies in the
 Proteins contain amino acids which are made up of carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
 Examples of protein foods are meat, poultry, seafood, beans
and peas, eggs, processed soy products etc
 Excess protein is converted into glycogen and stored in the
3. Fats and Oils
Liquid fat is called oil. For example palm oil.
Fat provides energy.
It provides insulation when stored underneath the
It helps to make new cell membrane.

Palm oil pork butter

The energy value in food is measured in
kilojoules (kJ) or kilocalories (kcal).
Fats provide 9 calories per gram but
carbohydrates and protein each provide 4
calories per gram.
-Generally too much fat causes obesity.
• Minerals help the body to grow and work well.
• Our body only needs small amounts of minerals
each day.
• Examples of minerals are calcium, chloride, iron,
iodine, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium and
Mineral Example of Function Deficiency disease

Calcium Diary products -formation of strong Rickets

bones and teeth.

Chloride Table salt -Produces HCl in the -Digestive

Cl- stomach. problems.

Iron Red meat - Formation of Anemia

Fe haemoglobion which
carries oxygen in the
Extra Minerals
Example of food Function Deficiency disease

Iodine Iodized salt -Controls body Goiter

I growth

Potassium Mushroom and normal functioning -Paralysis

K banana of the nerves

Sodium Table salt and sea normal functioning Nervous problems

Na fish. of the nerves.
• Vitamins help the body to stay healthy. There are
two main groups namely:
• Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)
• Water soluble vitamins (B-complex and vitamin C).
Vitamin Example of food Function Deficiency disease
A -Carrot For night vision Night blindness

B1 - Whole grains Healthy brain and Paralysis

-Fresh fruits Keeps skin, gums Scurvy (internal
C and bones healthy bleeding)

-Liver Formation of healthy Rickets

D -Formed in skin by teeth and bones
Fiber helps the body to remove wastes. Some
examples are vegetables, fruits, whole
grains(brown rice and wheat meal).
Fibers are cellulose which can not be digested.
Their function is to prevent hunger and control sugar
level in the body.
Food Tests (Aim: Test for starch)
1. Procedure:
-In test tube 1, grind the starchy food and cook it.
Add 2cm into a test tube and add some water.
In test tube 2, don’t add any food sample.
-Add a few drops of iodine solution to both test tubes
and observe.
2. Observation and interpretation: test tube 1 will
change to blue -black because of the presence of
Test tube 2 (control) will not change( have the colour
of iodine).
Extra Food Tests (Aim: Test for vitamins)

• Procedure: cook and grind starchy food. Put 2cm 3 of

food sample in test tube 1 and add some water. Pour
the vitamin food sample into test tube one. In test
tube 2, don’t add any food sample. Continually add
drops of iodine and observe for any color change.

• Observation and interpretation: The solution will

become almost colorless.
Food Tests (Aim: Test for Glucose)
1. Procedure: pour 2cm of glucose solution into a test
tube. Add 10 drops of benedicts solution, place the
test tube in a boiling bath and observe the color
change after about 10 minutes.
2. Observation and interpretation: the solution will
change from blue to either green(trace),
yellow(low) or brick red (orange).
Food Tests (Aim: Test for proteins)
1. Procedure: Pour 2cm of protein solution into a test
tube. Add 5 drops of biuret solution (Biuret
solution is made up of CuSO4 and NaOH) and
2. Observation and interpretation: the biuret
solution will cause the protein food to change to
pink (low) or purple(more).
Food Tests (Aim: Test for lipids)
1. Procedure: Add 2cm of fat or oil into a test tube,
add 2cm of ethanol and shake well.
2. Observation and interpretation: A layer of cloudy
suspension forms at the top of the solution. This is
an emulsion.
Procedure: Put 2-3 drops of oil onto one side of a
paper. On the other side put 2-3 drops of water.
Observation and interpretation: the area with oil is
translucent while that with water is transparent.
Energy values of food
• Food provides energy.
we can also use kilocalories (Kcal) or kilojoules
(KJ) to measure food energy.
• The need for energy each day depend on the
following: Age, gender and activity.
Pregnant women need about 300 extra kcal a
day and also much Calcium rich foods.
Breast feeding mothers also need 400-500 extra
kcal a day. Males need more energy than
females because heat loss is faster in males.
Extra- Becoming a Wise Consumer
1. Eat different kinds of food:
Carbohydrates with starch and fiber. Different
color foods.
Becoming a Wise Consumer
2. Eat less sugar and salt:
Sugar causes people to gain weight.
Salt causes high blood pressure and heart
Becoming a Wise Consumer
3. Eat less fats: Eat less saturated fat.
Fats can block the blood vessels or lead to stroke.
Eat low fat yoghurt or milk.
Becoming a Wise Consumer
4. Eat lots of fiber, vegetables and fruits:
Eat vegetables or fruits from different color groups.
Eat fiber such as brown or whole wheat bread,
corn and brown rice.
Becoming a Wise Consumer
5. Eat the right amount of calories:
This will keep your body at a healthy weight.
Becoming a Wise Consumer

6. Avoid smoked foods or chemicals:

Nitrate chemicals such as borax and
preservatives are harmful.
Becoming a Wise Consumer
7. Do not drink alcohol:
Alcohol has no nutrients. It instead has high
calories. It damages the body.
Choosing the Right Food

• Food labels tell us about the ingredients, nutrients,

calories and servings.
 Ingredients are listed in order of weight from the
most to the least.
 Food labels can help us choose healthy foods.
1. Testing foods for carbohydrates: activity 2.1 apge
2. Advice requiring answers- activity on page 21
1. Experiment on absorption. Activity 2.3 page 23.
2. Digestion by enzyme . Activity 2.6 page 29.
3. End of unit activities page 30 -31.

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