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Teacher’s Notes

This sequence of slides is designed to introduce, and explain

dispersion by a prism to produce a spectrum, as explained on
pages 210-211 in Physics for You, 5th edition.
(or pages 206-7 in GCSE Physics for You, 2011 edition).

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On each slide the key points are revealed step by step, at the click
of your mouse (or the press of a key such as the space-bar).

Before making the next mouse-click you can ask questions of the
class or make statements about what is about to be revealed.
This should help students to become clearer about the ideas involved.
Naturally it pays to have quick practice-run first.

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Dispersion by a prism

Physics for You, 5th edition,

pages 210 - 211
Learning Objectives

You should learn :

• How a light ray is deviated by a prism,

• How white light is dispersed by a prism,

• The colours of a white light spectrum,

• About the wavelengths of different colours.

Here is a glass

A ray of white light arrives

What happens to the ray of light?
It is (mainly) reflected or refracted ?
away from or towards
the normal the normal
But different colours are refracted by different
In fact, the ray is :

• devi ated (bent through an angle), and

• dispersed (split up into separate colours)
like this.
What happens now? V
Red is deviated most
least/ least ?
Violet is deviated most
most/ least ?
There is a spectrum
on the screen: screen

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

What is the real difference
between red and violet light ?
4 mm
10 000 wavelength



7 mm
10 000
Learning Outcomes
You should now:
• Understand what happens when white light
enters a prism,
• Distinguish between deviation and dispersion,
• Know the colours of the spectrum, in order,
• Understand the connection between colour and
For more details, see:

 Physics for You, 5th edition, pages 210 - 211

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