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Genre And Propositional

From Group 5
Mutiara Hasnatuz Dzakiyah 216121133
Dimas Fikhri Cahyanto 216121145
Aulia Nimas Anggraini 216121146
Rindi Aisyah Setyowati 216121151
Definition Of Genre

Type Of Genre

Propositional Analysis
From a sociocultural point of view, discourse genres
are defined as social and historical linguistic products
that meet their users’ social and professional needs.
Therefore, to be discursively competent means being
able to tackle discourse genres (such as a
motivational letter, an online comment, an informal
conversation, etc.) not only as a cognitive act
(generating ideas, planning, formulating hypotheses,
coding or decoding, inferring, etc.), but also as a
social practice which will involve assuming roles,
showing identities, interacting, persuading, exerting
power or control.
Type Of Genre
 Genre Explanation
This genre is also called explanation. The goal is to explain how something happens, or
how something works. The explanation genre can be divided into two. The first explains
how something works. And the second explains why something happened.
 Genre Information Reports
The function of a discourse in the information report genre is to document, organize and
record factual information about a topic. A discourse with this genre is usually opened by a
general statement, or general classification. This statement can take the form of a
classification or definition.
 Genre Argument
The argument discourse genre is discourse that aims to prove a truth. Ultimately, this
discourse aims to influence and change the attitudes and views of other people through the
arguments put forward.


Propotion is what a sentence expresses and bears its truth value either true or it's false. It must be one or the other, it can't
be both. If a proposition is true then we say it is "truth value" is true and if a proposition false then the truth value is false. All
proportions are sentences but all sentences are not propositions. Not all sentences are propositions, propositions express
sentence. Sentence is a proposition only in condition when it bears truth values i.e. true or false. Sentence that can't be
proportion are imperative sentence and interrogative sentence.

Categorical propositions are simple sentences composed in a noun-verb-direct object structure with a quantifying
prefix. The first noun is the subject (S), the direct object is the predicate (P). The verb is called the copula and is
almost always a conjugation of the verb "to be." In most cases sentences using other verbs can be rewritten
using the verb "to be." The predicate (also known as a direct object) is typically either a noun or an adjective.
The proposition is either affirmative or negative. Affirmative propositions are represented by the letters A and I.
Negative propositions are represented by the letters E and O, as explained by AEIO. When the statement
includes all of the subject, it is known as a universal proposition. When the statement includes some of the
subject, it is known as a particular proposition. The copula specifies whether the predicate includes or excludes
the subject.
The four quantifiers form the four types of categorical propositions.
1. Universal Affirmative (A)
The A-propositions show that the predicate includes the entirety of the subject. . In the form "All ______ is
______, sometimes referred to as "All S is P" where S is the Subject and P is the Predicate.
Example : All cats are animals, All Sepes are Kosraen, All apples are fruits
2. Universal Negative (E)
The E-proposition shows that the predicate excludes the entirety of the subject. In the form "No ______ is
______" or "No S is P."
Examples : No fish are birds, all peanuts are not fruits, No sakau en Pohnpei is alcoholic
3. Particular Affirmative (I)
The I-proposition shows that the predicate includes part of the subject. The particular affirmative states
that there are members of the subject in the predicate category. The proposition does not rule out the
possibility that all members of the subject are members of the predicate category. The particular
affirmative takes the form "Some _____ is _______" or "Some S is P."
Examples : Some fish are animals which swim, Some years are leap years, some fruits are apples,
Some stone money is from Yap
4. Particular negative (O)
The O-proposition shows that the predicate excludes part of the subject. The particular negative states
that there are some members of the subject that are not in the predicate category. The proposition does
not rule out the possibility that no members of the subject are members of the predicate category. The
proposition is also not a guarantee that some members of the subject are in the predicate. The
particular negative takes the form "Some _____ is not _______" or "Some S is not P." or "Not every S is
P." Examples : Some birds are not flying birds, some fruits are not apples, Some Japanese Navy ships
in Chuuk are not floating ships.

■ Compound Propositions – a proposition that Identify the Component Propositions

is made up of other propositions using
Compound Proposition
■ “Despite what critics think, the Dark Knight
■ Connectives – examples: “and,” “or,” “if then,”
“if and only if,” “although,” “but” rises is not a good Movie.
Not a proposition b/c it does not express a
complete thought
Component Propositions
[I ran to the theater] and [I saw a movie].
If [John gives Sarah $100], then [she will be
= [Lebron will win the MVP] or [Steph Curry will
win the MVP].
[The Cavs will win the NBA Championship] if
and only if [Lebron plays well].

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