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Retail Data Analytics


Group Members :
1. Kaushik Suresh Sawant
2. Siddhesh Avinash Waske
3. Shreyash Kantilal Pawar
4. Soham Atul Shelar

Guide :
Miss. Mulla S. Y.
1. Understanding Customer Behavior Through Data Analysis.

2. Member IPI (Inter-purchase Interval) Algorithm finds out interpurchase interval for every member

3. Monthly purchase analysis using Pareto Chart Algorithm for each member scans through last n months and
Identifies important members (Top N) and classifies member using Pareto Analysis.

4. Calculate Reward Score for every member.

5. Member Transition Matrix Algorithm classifies members into different categories like platinum, gold, silver
and bronze based on past 6 months purchases. Using this algorithm we can see how member has transitioned
in last 6 months.

6. Member Reward Score pipeline runs each month and analyses rolling 12 month data and calculate reward
score for every member.
What is Retail Data Analytics

Retail Data Analytics refers to the process of analyzing and

interpreting the data to make data driven decisions. Retailers use
data analytics to better understand customers behaviour, optimize
operations, enhance sales and marketing strategies and improve
overall business performance.
Problem Statement

The task is to analyze retail data and devise a loyalty reward system
that recognizes and incentivizes customers who frequent the shop regularly,
while also effectively managing stock based on product sales seasonally.
• Product Data
This will include data like product id, product description, category.

• Member Data
This will include data like member id, member name, registration date.

• Transaction Detail Data

This will include transaction data like transaction id, product id, quantity, amount,
transaction date.

• Transaction Header Data

This will include transaction data like transaction id, member id, store id,
transaction date.
Technologies and tools
• Basic:
1. SQL
2. Advanced SQL (Windowing Functions)
3. Python

• Visualization:
1. Power BI
• Member purchase analytics using Pareto Chart
Algorithm run through the data from previous 36 months, finding significant members (Top N).
Using Pareto Analysis you can visually examine the most sale is come from specific members.

• Member IPI algorithm:

The goal of this algorithm is to determine how long its take for a consumer to make a successive
purchase. The IPI Algorithm determines the time interval between each members subsequent purchases by
using past transaction data.

• Member Transition Matrix:

Member Transition Matrix Algorithm classifies members into different categories like platinum,
gold, silver and bronze based on past 6 months purchases. Reward score is calculated on basis of most
frequent visit of customer.
• Product Seasonality Algorithm:
Seasonality refers to the predictable fluctuations in data that occur at regular intervals throughout
the year. In retail, this often means changes in consumer behavior and product demand due to factors like
seasons, holidays, or other recurring events. Understanding seasonality helps businesses adjust inventory
and marketing strategies to maximize sales and meet customer demand effectively.

• Recommendation:
By leveraging combination generation, retailers can offer personalized recommendations by
identifying frequently co-purchased items. This enhances the shopping experience and drives additional
purchases by suggesting products based on past buying behavior, fostering customer loyalty.

• Enhancing customer loyalty

• Improve customer engagement
• Increase customer satisfaction
• Optimize marketing strategies

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