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Membranes and Temperature Page 4

• Increase in temp = increase in kinetic energy

• Increase in movement = more fluid, permeable membranes

Phospholipids vibrate, causing

them to become further apart.
The bigger gaps allow larger
molecules to pass through.
The phospholipid bilayer is
therefore more permeable.

Very high temperatures cause the phospholipids to move

completely apart, causing the membrane to break down.
Page 5
Effect of organic solvents on membrane permeability

Organic solvents are less polar than water and can dissolve

Ethanol dissolves the lipids in the cell membrane, which means

the membrane loses its structure.

Increasing the concentration of the solvent will increase

permeability of membranes. Very strong alcohol solutions will
destroy cells.
Diffusion of liquids


Page 6

Diffusion is the net movement of molecules or

ions from a region of their high concentration
to a region of their lower concentration.

= down a concentration gradient. (do not say along)

Molecules have kinetic energy, which makes them move about randomly.

Diffusion will continue until an equilibrium is reached.

(Molecules are evenly spread out and there is no net movement of molecules
from either side but they are still moving randomly.)

The Cell membrane is selectively permeable: The phospholipid
bilayer allows small and non-polar molecules to diffuse through it.
Diffusion through a membrane

Cell membrane

Inside cell Outside cell

Diffusion through a membrane

Cell membrane


Inside cell Outside cell

Diffusion through a membrane

Cell membrane

Inside cell Outside cell


What determines the rate of diffusion?
1. The steepness of the concentration
The bigger the difference between the two
sides of the membrane the quicker the rate of

2. Temperature
Higher temperatures give molecules or ions
more kinetic energy so diffusion is faster.

3. The surface area

The greater the surface area the more
molecules or ions can cross the membrane at
any one moment so diffusion is faster.

What determines the rate of diffusion?
4. The type of molecule or ion diffusing.
Large molecules need more energy to get them
to move so they tend to diffuse more slowly.
Non-polar molecules diffuse more quickly
because they can move through the phospholipid

5. Stirring/moving.
More kinetic energy increases the rate of

6. Distance/thickness.
The shorter the distance, the faster the
rate of diffusion


hydrophilic pore
Simple diffusion
Movement directly through the phospholipid
bilayer between phospholipids
1. Carbon dioxide
2. Water
3. Oxygen


(lipid soluble)
Dissolve in the hydrophobic region of the phospholipid bilayer
4. Steroids
5. Fat soluble vitamins A,D,E & K 13
Facilitated Diffusion
Passive movement of molecules or ions through a channel
or carrier protein from a higher to a lower concentration

Cell Biology | Facilitated Diffusion - YouTube

Facilitated diffusion
Channel Proteins - specific for certain ions
e.g. sodium ion channels, calcium ion channels
• Ions are charged and therefore need transport proteins
• Channel proteins have a hydrophilic lining
• Channels can sometimes be gated = open or closed.

• Special channel proteins called ‘aquaporins’ allow water to

diffuse across membranes more quickly
Facilitated diffusion
Carrier Proteins - for specific large polar molecules

e.g. glucose, amino acids

When the specific molecule binds to the protein, it changes shape

and allows it across the membrane.

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