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Lecture 13 Revision

I. Topics Covered
II. About the Exam
III. Advice in General
IV. Essay Questions
V. Problem Questions
I. Topics Covered

1. Development of env law & institutions

2. EPL: principles & mechanisms
3. EIA
4. Air pollution
5. Water pollution
6. Waste management
7. Env harm & remedies
8. Admin penalty & admin litigation
9. Env crimes
10. China & climate change
11. Renewable energy law & policy
I. Topics Covered
Prevention Int’l Legal Regime
 Env assessment  Treaty regime
 Command & control approach  Principles
♦ Standard-setting
♦ License/permit
♦ Compliance monitoring

Env problems
♦ Air pollution
♦ Water pollution
♦ Waste
♦ Climate change…

Remedies Punishment
 Compensate victims  Administrative penalty
 Clean up/restoration  Criminal sanction
II. About the Exam

Date: 17 Dec 2016 (Sat)

Time: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Duration: 3 hours
♦ Open-book exam;
♦ Four questions in total;
♦ Answer any THREE questions out of FOUR;
♦ Each question carries equal marks.
III. Advice in General

1. Time management:
 Allot your time equally: 3 questions in 3 hours;
 Every word counts.
2. Quick outline
 Avoid missing any relevant issues;
 Help organize your thoughts & your writing;
 BUT, do not waste too much time on it.
III. Advice in General

4. Answer the question fully

 Do not miss out important issues
5. Be relevant
 Do not introduce irrelevant matter into the answer
6. Style: clear, concise, coherent & well-organized
7. Handwriting: legible
III. Advice in General

8. Cite legal authority to support your views/arguments

 Citing cases:
♦ Case name (underlined); and
♦ A statement of the legal points involved in the
 Citing statutes:
♦ Title of statute (underlined), article or section;
♦ A statement of the legal rules provided by the
relevant article or section.
 Priority: primary source v. secondary source
IV. Essay Questions
 Test your critical thinking & analytical skills;
 Give as much detail as you can, but don’t introduce
irrelevant matter into the answer;
 Always give reasons & authorities for the answer;
 Structure of the essay:
♦ Make your answer attractive (coherent & logical);
♦ Avoid formless mass of cases & propositions;
♦ Introduction: summary & clear road map;
♦ Conclusion: summary of your key arguments;
♦ Desirable to divide up the answer into parts with
subheadings underlined.
V. Problem Questions
 Test your problem-solving skills & ability to apply
knowledge to the unfamiliar fact situation;
 Read every word of the problem to understand the
facts accurately;
 Always give reasons & authorities for an opinion;
 Organize your answer well:
♦ Identifying issues;
♦ Stating the law;
♦ Citing authorities;
♦ Applying the law to the facts;
♦ Conclusion.
Thank you
Best of luck!

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