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Short story of romeo and Juliet

As you know,the story of Romeo and Juliet hapenes in Verona,Italy and is a very old story.

Two important families,themontog ues and the campulets,areenemies.they'revery angry

with each.romeo montague falls in love with Juliet from the start'we know that
this relationship is going to have some very big prablems.and it does .
Cananyone give me a quick summary of the story?

Well,romeo and Juliet...they get married...

Secretly.and only romeo and Juliet and their priest know about the weding.after the
wedding,romeo gets in a fight and kills Juliet'cousin and so he has to leave Verona.thent
juliet'sparents tellher that she has to get married to another man ,a guy named paris .so
priest and Juliet make a plane.
And what is their plan ?

Well,Juliet will pretend she's dead to avoid the wedding with paris .but
unfortunately,romeo dasen't know that she is actually alive,and he rushes back to
Verona.whent romeo sees juliet's body and thinks she'sreally dead,he kills himself.
Dead body,she kils herself,too.

Finish thank you very much

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