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Composition of dry air.

79% : Nitrogen (4/5)
20% : Oxygen (1/5)
0.03% Carbon dioxide
1% Noble gases (mainly Argon)
Laboratory Preparation of

1. Decomposion of hydrogen peroxide

using Manganese (IV) oxide as catalyst.
Nature of Air:
3. No fixed composition
4. Properties of air is the properties of the components
in air
5. The components in air can be separated by physical
means like fractional distillation of liquid air.
Fractional Distillation of liquid air
Step 1: Purification

Step 2: Compression and Expansion

Step 3 : Evaporation
♦ To remove carbon dioxide
♦ To remove water
Otherwise they may form solid which block
cooling pipes.
Compression and Expansion
♦ The air is compressed by passing through
coiled pipes and allow to expand .During
expansion internal energy of molecules are
lost this cools the gas.
♦ A series of compression and expansion
eventually cool the air to –200C
♦ The liquid air is allowed to warm up from
Nitrogen will evaporate first as boiling point
is –196C
Oxygen will evaporate next as boiling point is
Uses of oxygen
♦ Oxy-acetylene flame is used in welding. : property
based on oxygen supports combustion.
♦ Steel making: oxygen is passed in molten iron to
burn off carbon and sulphur which is found in the
♦ Hospital,diving etc. :oxygen is needed in
respiration ( C6 H12O6 + 6O26CO2+6H2O + heat)
What is Air Pollutants?
♦ State the main atmospheric pollutants
♦ State the sources
♦ Describe the reactions used in possible solutions
to the problems arising from these pollutants
♦ Discuss the effects of the pollutants on health and
♦ Importance of ozone layer and the effects of
depletion of ozone layer.
♦ Green house gases (sources) and its effects on
global warming and its consequences.
Reactions which produces O2
♦ Heat nitrates ♦ Heat oxides of metal
All nitrates produce 02 below Cu in the
reactivities series.
♦ Oxidising agents
Eg Hydrogen peroxide,
Produces NO2 and oxides
formed as residue.
Acidic Neutral Basic Amphoteric
Oxide Oxide Oxide oxide
SO2 C0 Rust
NO2 Na2O
Oxide of Oxide Oxide Oxide of
Non- Of non- Of metal Metal
metal metal Zn,Al,Pb
Reacts Reacts Reacts Reacts with
With With With Both acid
Base neither acids Or base
-Salt ->Salt
Types of reactions involving O2
♦ Respiration C6H12O6 +O26CO2+ 6H2O+heat
♦ Combustion Fuels
Solid fuel : Coal
Liquid fuel : Petrol
Gas fuel : Methane ,Hydrogen,
♦ Rusting
♦ Oxidation

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