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Fetal Development

dr. Milvan Hadi, M. Ked(OG), SpOG

 Ovum, Zygote and Blastocyst
 Embryonic Period
 Fetal Period
• 12 Gestational Weeks
• 16 Gestational Weeks
• 20 Gestational Weeks
• 24 Gestational Weeks
• 28 Gestational Weeks
• 32 Gestational Weeks
• 40 Gestational Weeks
Ovum, Zygote, and Blastocyst
Development Phase, during the first 2 weeks after Ovulation

1. Fertilization
2. Blastocyst formation
3. Blastocyst implantation
Embrionic Period

 3rd weeks after ovulation

 3rd week fetal blood vessel in chorionic villi appear
 4th week cardiovascular system has formed
 End of 4th week diameter of chorionic sac is 2 – 3 cm,
embryo 4 – 5 mm in length
 Partitioning of the primitive heart begins in the middle of 4th
 Arm and leg bud are present
Fetal Period
12 Gestational Weeks
Fetal CRL is 6 – 7 cm
Centers of ossification is appeared 16 Gestational Weeks
Fingers & toes diiferentiated
Fetal CRL is 12 cm
Skin and nail have developed
Scattered rudiment of hair appear
Weight is 110 grams
The external genitalia are developing Genetalia can be determined
The fetus  spontaneous movements

20 Gestational Weeks
Weight more than 300 grams
The fetus move about every minute and is
active 10 – 30 percent of the time
The fetal skin  less transparent
Some scalp hair has developed
Fetal Period
24 Gestational Weeks
28 Gestational Weeks
Weight more than 600 grams Weight about 1100 grams
The fetal skin  wrinkled, fat The fetus move about every minute and
deposition begin is active 10 – 30 percent of the time
The head  larger part The fetal skin  less transparent
Eyebrow and eyelashes  recognizable Some scalp hair has developed
The canalicular period of lung

32 Gestational Weeks
CRL about 28 cm
Weight about 1800 grams
The fetal skin  red and wrinkled
Fetal Period
36 Gestational Weeks
40 Gestational Weeks
CRL is about 32 cm
Weight about 3400 grams or
Weight is about 2500 grams
The body has become more
CRL is about 36 cm
The fetus is now full
Skin no wrinkled
Fetal Head
 Is important to determined method of labor
 To predict size between the head and maternal bony pelvis
Fetal Brain
Fetal Brain
The Placenta
 Is the organ of transfer between mother and fetus
 There is transfer of oxygen and nutrient
 No direct communication between fetal blood
 It is bidirectional transfer depend on the processes
 That permit or aid transport through the syncyotrophoblast of
intact chorionic villi
Fetal Circulation
Gastrointestinal System

 Swallowaing begin at 10 12 weeks

 Small intestine to undergo peristalsis and transport glucose
 Swallow fluid absorbed
 Unabsorbed matter is propelled to lowe colon
 Fetal swallowing appears to have little effect on amnitic fluid
 The fetus swallow between 200 – 700 mll/day
Urinary System
 The primitive urinary system
 Pronephros
 Mesonephros
Producing urin at 5 weeks
Degenerates by 11 – 12 weeks

 Between 9 – 12 weeks the ureteric bud and nephrogenic

blastema interact to produce metanephros
 The kidney and ureter develop from intermediate mesoderm
 The bladder and urethra develop from urogenital sinus
Urinary System
 14 week the loop of Henle is functional and reabsorption
 New nephrons continue to be formed until 36 weeks
 Fetal renal blood flow and urine production are controlled by
renin angoitensin system, the sympathetic nervous system,
prostaglandin, kallikrein, and atrial natriurtic peptide
Urinary System
 The GFR  from less than 0,1 ml/min at 12 weeks
 To 0,3 ml/min at 20 weeks
 Fetal kidneys start producing at 12 weeks
 7 – 14 ml/day
 At aterm  27 – 650 ml/day
 The lung development
1. The pseudoglandular stage
 Intrasegmental bronchial tree  5 – 7 weeks
 Microscopically like a gland
2. The canalicular stage
 From 16 -25 weeks
 Terminal bronchiale  respiratory bronchiale
 Divide into saccular ducts
3. The terminal stage
 > 25 weeks
 Alveoli  primitive pulmonary alveoly  terminal sac
 Extracellular matrix develops from proximal tp distal lung until term
 And type II Surfactant begin to produce
 Uterus and tube  from the müllerian ducts in 5th weeks of
embryogenic development
 Genetic gender ( XX or XY) is establishing at the time
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