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Submitted by: Approved by:
Bahaa Eldin Ayman Ammar Dr.Noor Abou Yassine
Ahmad Mohammad Hussein
Jad Bassem Hachem
 Introduction
 Project Objective
 Required Component
 Implementation
 Conclusion
 Project Objective
 The primary objective of the Car Gate System project is to develop an automated vehicle entry
and exit management system for shopping and dining centers. This system aims to achieve the
following specific objectives:
1. Automate Gate Operation:
1. Utilize an Ultrasonic Sensor to detect approaching vehicles and automatically trigger a Servo Motor to
open and close the gate, thereby eliminating the need for manual intervention.
2. Real-Time Vehicle Counting:
1. Implement a Seven Segment Display to accurately count and display the number of vehicles that have
entered the center, providing real-time data for traffic management.
3. Enhance Safety:
1. Improve safety by preventing unauthorized or accidental entry and exit, reducing the risk of accidents
at the entrance.
1. Optimize Traffic Flow:
1. Streamline the entry and exit process to minimize congestion and ensure smooth traffic flow within
the shopping center's parking area.
2. User-Friendly Experience:
1. Provide a hassle-free and efficient parking experience for visitors, encouraging more people to visit
the shopping or dining center.
3. Learning and Application:
1. Demonstrate the practical application of electronic components and programming in a real-world
scenario, fostering skills in embedded systems and automation.
 By achieving these objectives, the Car Gate System will contribute to a more organized, safe,
and efficient parking environment, ultimately enhancing the overall visitor experience at
shopping and dining centers.
 Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino): To control and integrate all components.
 Servo Motor:
 For gate control.
1. VCC to 5V
2. GND to GND
3. Signal to Digital Pin 6
1. Ultrasonic Sensor:
1. VCC to 5V
2. GND to GND
3. Trig to Digital Pin 9
4. Echo to Digital Pin 10
1. Seven Segment Display:
1. The display shows the number of cars that have passed through the gate. The count resets to 0 after
reaching 9 (for simplicity).
 Operation of the Car Gate System
 The operation of the Car Gate System involves several key steps, from vehicle detection to gate
control and car counting. Here’s a detailed description of the system's operation:
1. Initialization:
1. When the system is powered on, the Arduino initializes the Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, and
Seven Segment Display.
2. The Servo Motor is set to its initial position (gate closed).
3. The Seven Segment Display is initialized to show '0', indicating no cars have entered yet.

2. Vehicle Detection:
1. The Ultrasonic Sensor continuously emits ultrasonic waves and measures the time it takes for the
echo to return after hitting an object (a car in this case).
2. The Arduino calculates the distance based on the echo return time. If the distance is less than a
predefined threshold (e.g., 10 cm), it indicates a car is approaching the gate.
1. Gate Operation:
1. Upon detecting a vehicle within the threshold distance, the Arduino sends a signal to the Servo
Motor to open the gate.
2. The Servo Motor rotates to open the gate, allowing the car to pass through.
3. After a short delay (e.g., 5 seconds) to ensure the car has passed, the Arduino signals the Servo
Motor to close the gate.
2. Car Counting:
1. Each time the gate opens and closes, the car count is incremented by one.
2. The updated car count is displayed on the Seven Segment Display.
3. If the car count exceeds 9 (for simplicity in this example), it resets to 0.

3. Continuous Monitoring:
1. The system continues to monitor for approaching vehicles, repeating the detection and gate
operation process as long as the system is powered on.
 void loop() { long duration, distance; digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); duration =
pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1; if (distance < 10) {openGate();
delay(5000); closeGate(); carCount++; if (carCount > 9) carCount = 0;
displayDigit(carCount); } delay(500);
 Conclusion
 The Car Gate System project aims to enhance the efficiency and safety of vehicle entry and
exit in shopping and dining centers. By integrating an Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, and
Seven Segment Display with an Arduino, the system automates the gate operation and
provides real-time car count information. This automation helps manage traffic flow, reduces
congestion, and prevents accidents, ensuring a smoother and safer experience for visitors. The
project also demonstrates practical applications of basic electronics and programming
concepts, offering a valuable learning opportunity in the field of embedded systems and
automation. By implementing and refining this system, shopping centers can achieve
improved traffic management and an enhanced customer experience.

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