Office V1.2

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Why do we have to create this company?, the aim is to create a firm that
will have a lasting impack on shopping centers and office buildings, which
is innovative, ethical and that respond to clients needs, it is crucial to
establish a strong foundation that will guide our journey towards success.
This proposal outline the key elements that will shape the vision, mission
and strategic plan for our new firm.
to be one of the best leading architectural design firms To deliver architectural services that appeal in
internationally in designing shopping centers and offices aesthetics and the form that follow functionality.
where we combine them with nature.
To create spaces that inspire and serve the uses
to have our new style of architecture, combining dada while achieving environmental sustainability:
art with architectural elements, for dada art it’s a way of sustainable designs
collecting surrounding materials to form one thing, it will
be sustainable and reduces costs as we will incorporate
- To build strong relationship with our clients
available materials as to minimize projects costs.
by listening to them and their feedbacks
to approach every project with a collaborative and -We envision a world where buildings are not
customer-centric mindset, delivering solutions that just building but living, breathing organisms that
blend practically with creativity. enhance the live of those who inhabit them.
Additionally, to revolutionize the way people
experience architecture by designing spaces
to push the boundaries of traditional architecture that inspire, delight and connect us to the
marrying innovative design with practical functionality natural world.
to create unique, memorable spaces. Furthermore, is
to see where architecture is not just a functional -by staying up-to-date with the latest technologies,
necessity, but an art form that enriches the human materials, and trends in architecture, encourage
experience. experimentation and out of the box thinking within
our team to drive innovation in our designs.
To see us developing our new style of architecture, To become the leading architectural firm in Maseru,
combining dada art with architectural elements, for renowned for innovative and sustainable designs of
dada art it’s a way of collecting surrounding materials medium-sized office buildings and shopping centers
to form one thing, it will be sustainable and reduces that redefine the urban landscape.
costs as we will incorporate available materials as to
minimize projects costs.

1 Limited liabilities: meaning that it provides

security where business experience financial
crises , shareholders personal assets will not
be at risk of being seized by creditors
2 Consistency: thus says the business is not PRIVATE COMPANY
affected by the status of the owner ,example
being that the death of other shareholder does
not stop business from operating It is a type of business that offers limited liability or legal
protection for its shareholders but that places certain
3 Flexibility
restrictions to its ownership .These restrictions are
everyone got rights to set rules/ decision defined company`s by laws or regulations and are meant
to prevent any hostile takeover attempt. ,
4 More capital raised: since private company
carries maximum of 50 people this will help
the business to raise good amount of capital
due to the number of shares sold
Market Analysis: 1

Demographics analysis
this can earn us easy move to reach to
potential clients and competitors.

Competitors analysis
Growth Goals:
Set clear milestones for this business by:
Helps in developing unique selling idea
To improve our own products and services
To have a one way road which lead to our
SWOT analysis vision and mission
Helps to check advantages for our services Discipline
and to minimize disadvantages
To set rules and regulations and to respect
Marketing Strategy: 3
This include developing a strong brand strategy:
online and through networking which will help us to
Service branch out
reach new clients, like
Training offer
creating web-site 1
Its a cite that makes everybody to access our
collection of our work through a web address, which
cover our theme or subject , being managed by a
particular person
using social media 2
using facebook, linkin, pinterest, twitter, Instagram
to showcase or advertise our services
public profiles 3
Displaying of our information with good appearance
being involved in sports grounds 4
collaborating with professionals of built 5
Skilled and experienced people

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