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Lecture 20

International relations
Prepared by: Muhammad Waqas

palestine For centuries there was no such conflict.

In the 19th century the land of Palestine was

inhabited by a multicultural population –
approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent
Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace
In the late 1800s a group in Europe
decided to colonize this land.

Known as Zionists, they represented an

extremist minority of the Jewish
Zionism population.

Their goal was to create a Jewish

homeland, and they considered locations
in Africa and the Americas, before settling
on Palestine
At first, this immigration created no

However, as more and more Zionists

immigrated to Palestine – many with the
express wish of taking over the land for a
Jewish state – the indigenous population
became increasingly alarmed
1948–49: Israel’s War of Independence and the
Palestinian Nakbah

• In November 1947 the United Nations (UN) voted to partition the British mandate of Palestine into a
Jewish state and an Arab state
• Clashes broke out almost immediately between Jews and Arabs in Palestine.
• As British troops prepared to withdraw from Palestine, conflict continued to escalate, with both
Jewish and Arab forces committing belligerences
• On the eve of the British forces’ May 15, 1948, withdrawal, Israel declared independence.
• The next day, Arab forces from Egypt, Transjordan (Jordan), Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon occupied the
areas in southern and eastern Palestine not apportioned to the Jews by the UN partition of Palestine
and then captured East Jerusalem, including the small Jewish quarter of the Old City
United nations relief and work agency for palestine refugees
The Yom Kippur War 1973

• The Yom Kippur War, was an armed conflict fought from 6 to 25 October 1973 between Israel and a
coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.
• The majority of combat between the two sides took place in the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights—
both of which were occupied by Israel in 1967—with some fighting in African Egypt and northern Israel.
• Egypt's initial objective in the war was to seize a foothold on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal and
subsequently leverage these gains to negotiate the return of the rest of the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula
• Intifada: 1st intifda 1987-1993
• 1987: hamas created by ahmed yasin in gaza, considered PLO to be secular
• Jewish settlements: against 4th geneva convention : article 49: war crime to change demography
• Second intifada: 200-2005: spark: sharon visit to al aqsa mosque
• Arab israel initiative 2002: offered normalising relations , condition withddre from territory captured in
1967, includedes right of return: 7 million refugees.
• Israel population: 8 m, includes 1.5 palestenian
• Trump embassy shift to jerusalem
Current issues • Closing down the refugee office in USA
• Deal of century: $50 bn investment , 1 million new jobs
• In return : palestenian: not raise military or paramilitary
• No army, under complete israeli control
• Denied right of return
• Conditional, limited sovereignity
• Egypt 1st to normalise, 1979
2020: 4 arab states • Jordan after 15 years under clinton administration(needed economic
normalised relations aid)
• 2020:UAE, 3rd to recognise.
with israel • 4 states normalised relations for their narrow vested interests,
promises of advanced wesapons, diplomatic favours from usa
• UAE: USA agreed to sell F-35 fighter
• $23 bn arms package approval by usa
• Business, scientific cooperation vis-a-vis israel
• Common geo-political interests(threat of IRAn)
• Bahrain: claimed by iran until 1969 as its territory, policy dictated
by KSA, shia majority and sunni ruler
• Just days before the deal, UAE and KSA pleged $10bn financial
suuport to bahrain
Morcoo and sudan

• Morocoo:
• Sales of drones to morocoo by USA
• US recognition over disputedd western sahara
• Sudan: ally of iran until 2016: helped smuggle rockets , weapons to palestenian group in gaza
• Financial assistance
• Removal from state sponsor of terrrorism list: access to foreign loans
• Sudan to designate hezbollah as terror group
• Aid and investment from israel
US indo-pacific policy
Spans 2 regions of indian ocean and the pacific ocean

Used by trump, means that mainly india, usa ,japan,

australia(QUAD) will join in curbing china, in the new
framework of growing "cold war" influence

introduction Other countries include some "ASEAN countries"

An update of OBAMA's REbalancing strategy/ PIVOT to

ASia policy

Purpose: to contain china's rise ans safeguard US

leadership in the region
• 3 focus areas
• Economics
• Governance
• Security
• USA had $940bn in FDI fueling growth in region as of 2018
• Military training and maritime security
• US FOIP(Free and open IP)
• In line with USA national security strategy: revisionist China and Russia threat to USA
• NAtional DEfence strategy: China and russia greater threat to USA than terrorism
• Pivot to asia/ rebalancing asia: 4 areas: Multilateral ogransiations(TPP), economics(trade), security, democracy
• US defence dept. Report: sees Pak as an ally of China. US ready to partner with all other south asian nations except Pak
to counter chinese and russian influence
• Civil nuclear deal : $29 bn
US arming India • US 2+2 dialouge: GSOMIA 2002(general security of military info,)
• LEMOA 2016(logistic exchange memorandum of agreement)
• CISMOA/COMCASA 2018 (communication and INFO. On security)
• BECA 2020
• THAAD and PAtriot missile defence system
• Surveillance drones(guardians)
• S-400 , exception FROm CAATSA
• India granted Strategic trade Authorisation Tier-1: license free acess
to wide range of military and dual use of technology
• ASia edge programme: to meet energy security of INDIA (US help)
South asia strategy

US sees india as a major

partner and ally in south asian
• ASia pivot / INDO-pacific vs BRI
• Indo-pacific vs RCEP (regional comprehnsive
economic parntership, proposed tariffs cuts
upto 95 %, 1st multilateral trade pact by
china, boost GDP in the region, 16 members,
represent 25 % of global trade)
• WB and IMF vs ADB and AIIB
• Blacks live matter vs hong kong and
xingxiang (Uighurs)
• Covid: blaming each other: terms like
"chinese flu, kung flu"
Trade wars

China accused of debt-

economic trap,unfair trade,technology
theft, targeted tariffs
Huwaevi: blacklisting ($500bn
boost to gdp and 3 million
Militarisation of south china sea

military Weapons sale to TAiwan, india

US withdrawl from INF treaty

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