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Ns. Anisah Ardiana, M.Kep.

Target kompetensi:
• Definisi instrumen penelitian
• Jenis instrumen penelitian
• Teknik mengembangkan instrumen
Definisi instrumen penelitian:
• Alat pengumpulan data
• Alat yang digunakan oleh peneliti
untuk mengumpulkan data
• tools researchers use to collect data for
research studies
• Pengumpulan data: proses pemilihan
subyek dan pengumpulan data dari
Perencanaan proses pengumpulan data :

• Membuat formulir (alat) pengumpulan data

• Merencanakan proses pengumpulan data
• Merencanakan organisasi data
• Merencanakan analisa data
• Evaluasi rencana
Masalah pengumpulan data:
• Masalah orang/ subyek penelitian
• Masalah peneliti
• Masalah institusi
Masalah orang:
• Masalah pemilihan sampel ---- misal: jumlah kurang
---- mencari lokasi lain
• Kematian subyek
• Subyek sebagai obyek ---- sehingga tidak mau
bekerja sama
• Pengaruh eksternal terhadap subyek ---- responden
minta minuman dingin saat penelitian
• Resistensi pasif ---- misal: bersedia tapi tidak mengisi
semua poin pertanyaan
Masalah peneliti:

• Interaksi peneliti
• Keterbatasan ketrampilan tehnik
pengumpulan data
• Konflik peran peneliti
• Wawasan/ pengetahuan peneliti
Masalah institusi:

• Pendukung studi pindah

• Perubahan unit tempat studi
• Perubahan sistem administrasi
Tehnik mengembangkan instrumen:
• Membuat garis besar area cakupan
• Mengembangkan kisi-kisi instrumen
• Mengembangkan pertanyaan relevan
• Meminjam/ mengadaptasi dari instrumen lain ---- harus
mempunyai validitas dan reliabilitas yang baik
• Memeriksa kata-kata untuk menjamin kejelasan dan
sensitifitas terhadap status psikologi responden
• Bebas dari bias --- jangan memberi pertanyaan yang
terlalu mengarahkan jawaban
• Item disusun secara teratur agar memotivasi
kerjasama dan kepatuhan
• Meminta ahli untuk mengkaji dan mengkritik
• Uji cobakan instrumen ---- tujuan: kejelasan,
bebas bias, menghasilkan informasi yang
• Revisi kembali
Jenis instrumen penelitian
• Self report (lapor diri): interviews,
questionnaires, journals, diaries, scales,
• Observations
• Biobehavioral measures
• Electronic monitors
Interviews (wawancara)
• Interview: a meeting of persons face to face; a special
situation in which a participant is asked a question or a
series of questions about a phenomenon
• The qualitative research interview is designed to gather
narrative which can be used to develop knowledge and
understanding of the phenomenon under investigation in
a research study ----- derived through analytical
processes based on theory and research methodology
• A qualitative interview ---- to gather a rich, deep
description of the research participant’s experience
.....lanjutan interview

• Wawancara terstruktur
• Wawancara semi terstruktur
• Wawancara tidak terstruktur
Wawancara terstruktur
• Questions are closed-ended and require a fixed-
choice response
• Respondent is asked to choose from a list
response options
• If open-ended questions, the requested response
is generaly short. Contoh: apa olahraga
kesukaan anda ---- renang
• Sometimes, It called quantitative interviews ----
Wawancara tidak terstruktur:
• Refers to as in depth or qualitative interviews
• Interviewer asks one or more broad, open-ended question
about phenomenon, no predetermined responses
presented to participants
• It characterised by a participant guided approach. The
nature and order of queistioning will vary between
participants and will be depend on the issues
phenomenon being studied
• Example:tellme how you stay healthy?
• Take notes, use tape recorder ---- then transcribes the
audiotapes & analyzes the transcripts
Wawancara semi terstruktur

• Kombinasi wawancara terstruktur dan tidak

• Open-ended & closed-ended questions
• To explore a range of opinions, perceptions,
and attitudes about a specific topic
• Instruments that consist of items answered directly by the
respondent, with instructions on how to records the
• Self administered (completed by respondents themselves)
• Predominantly closed-ended questions
• Using paper and pencil (pen), computer
• Face-to-face, telephone, email
• Simple item --- choose between two options: yes/no;
female/male; married/ not married
Journals & Diaries

• Collect data about events, feelings, emotions, beliefs

• Journaling ---- respondents write detailed notes
• Journals is like unstructured interviews
• Diary – more structured than journal
• Diary --- researcher ask respondent to record events &
emotional; use a calendar to record. Example:
measuring food or nutrient intake --- record what
patient eat during a twenty-four- hour
Response scale

• Opinions, perceptions, attitudes

• Respondent sellect, on scale, a point
that most closely represents
• Assess agreement, frequency,
evaluative (positive/negative feeling)
• Visual analog scale, likert scale,
semantic differential rating scale,

• Extensive informations
• More accurate than self reports
• Time consuming, expensive
• Ex: conversations, facial expression,
body movements, emotions
Biobehavioral measures

• Used to asses health behaviour

• Ex: heart rate, blood pressure,
pengukuran antropometri
Tahapan perencanaan proses penelitian:

1. Pemililihan tatanan
2. Pemilihan sampel
3. Penyusunan hubungan penunjang
4. Pertimbangan faktor waktu & biaya
5. Pemilihan cara pengukuran

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