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SLarLup of a klds complex

kluS WC8Lu"
Mahlma Sharan
88M 3
klds World wlll provlde a safe clean
and sLlmulaLlng envlronmenL for
aged 10 and under Lo play ln and
klds Worlds supervlsed vlsually open
play area wlll ensure chlldrens safeLy
challenglng Lhem Lo reach Lhlnk
lnLeracL explore and have fun
8aslc feaLures
W Servlce
W safeLy
W SecurlLy
W food quallLy and value
W sanlLaLlon
W cleanllness
W creaLlvlLy
l1 Wlll develop
W soclal skllls
W muscle Lone
W selfconfldence
famlly celebraLlons
socb os blttbJoys ooJ speclol occosloos
offer prlvaLe parLy rooms
several hours of supervlsed fun
cake and lce cream prlzes food and
beverage and game Lokens
1he buslness wlll be operaLed on a full
Llme basls by a manager who has had
over 3 years of resLauranL managemenL
ompeLlLlve Analysls
ulverslfled desLlnaLlon famlly
enLerLalnmenL cenLer whlch lncludes
resLauranL faclllLles
ompeLlLlve AdvanLage
W no oLher lndoor chlldren playgrounds ln
Lhls Area
W relaLlvely few alLernaLlves for chlldrens
blrLhday parLles
W klds World wlll be able Lo lmmedlaLely
flll Lhls vold ln Lhe markeL by provldlng
exLenslve recreaLlon enLerLalnmenL and
resLauranL faclllLles for chlldren Lo play ln
and explore
ames lncluded
W Mus|c arade
W |n the 1a|| on the Donkey
W Mus|ca| Cha|rs
W 1reasure nunt
W 8a||oon 1oss
W Spoon kace
W Memory Game
SecurlLy Measures
W accompanled by an adulL ln order Lo be
W each person admlLLed Lo Lhe playpark wlll
recelve a colorcoded wrlsLband
ldenLlfylng hlm/her wlLh resL of Lhe parLy
W 1ralned sLaff wlll supervlse Lhe play areas
aL all Llmes Lo ensure adherence Lo Lhe
playpark rules
snack bar feaLures
W seaLlng for 100 Lo 123 cusLomers aL a Llme
W lL wlll serve food and beverages LhaL
appeal Lo chlldren and parenLs
llke plzza hoL dogs salads sandwlches
popcorn pop frulL [ulce cappucclno cake
and lce cream
8|rthday arty ackages
W keqol celebtotloo
8s 173 per chlld
1hree game Lokens per chlld
nlnelnch double layer cake
lce cream
W 5opteme celebtotloo
8s210 per chlld
1hree game Lokens per chlld
PalfsheeL cake
lce cream
lzza or hoL dogs
Speclal kld klngdom glfL for Lhe blrLhday chlld
W 5opteme @beme celebtotloo
8s 300per chlld
lncludes all lLems ln Supreme elebraLlon plus
Speclal Lheme glfLs for all chlldren ln Lhe parLy
usLom decoraLed halfsheeL cake
G|ft Shop
W prlzes and glfLs for chlldren
W ArLlsan glfL ards
W SLuff relaLed Lo klds
SLarL up
S1A81 u ASSL1S 8LCul8LMLn1
ln8 12300000/
S1A81 u lunuln
ln8 3000000/ (A81nL8S 1)
ln8 3300000/ ( A81nL8S 2)
ln8 60 LAS (8AlSLu l8CM 8Ank)
LCAn WlLL 8L u8AWn l8CM unlCn 8Ank
ln1L8LS1 Cn LCAn WlLL 8L 12 L8 AnnuM
ln1L8LS1 Cn Al1AL WlLL 8L 12 L8 AnnuM
8LA?MLn1 Cl LCAn Cl ln8 60 LAS WlLL 8L Alu
ln lnS1ALLMLn1S 1000000 8S AnnuALL? lC8 6
llnanclal Analysls
pen|ng ba|ance sheet
8ank loan 6000000 ash aL bank 300000
aplLal llxed asseLs
arLner 1 3000000 Land
bulldlng 300000
arLner 2 3300000 lurnlLure
12300000 12300000
ro[ected kevenue
kevenue of tota|
Admissions S%
Snack 8ar
Birthduy Purties 1q%
GiIts[Soovenirs q%
Misc. 1%
%49,#0;03:0 1oo%
8reakLven Ana|ys|s(month|y)
Fixed cost components Amount
RenL 8,;o
ULIIILIes z,o8
nsurunce 1,qoo
MuInLenunce z,o6o
Tuxes 1,q8
DeprecIuLIon 6,;oo
AdverLIsIng ,
nLeresL 1,ooo
SuIurIes zq,1
Totcl Iixed Costs Rs o,q1q
Why people need Lhls servlce?
A number of Lhe facLors LhaL have made us Lhe
ldeal cholce of our cusLomers are
W varlous varleLy under a slngle roof
W CuallLy guaranLeed goods
W usLomlzaLlon
W apaclLy Lo accepL mass orders
W WellLlmed dellvery
W Lasy paymenL modes of ash

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