Lecture 2 IS099

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Management of Database Systems

IS 099
Lecture 2: Architecture of DBMS and
Database System
Lecture outline
• Components of Database System
• Characteristics of database system
• Introduction of DBMS
• Differences between DBMS and FPS
• Purpose of DBMS
• Properties of DBMS
• Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS
• Components of DBMS
• Metadata and Database users
Components Of Database System
User: Users are the one who really uses the database. Users can be administrator, developer or the end users.
Data or Database: Data is one of the important factor of database. A very huge amount of data will be stored in
the database and it forms the main source for all other components to interact with each other.
•Two types of data:
•User data:- It contains the data which is responsible for the database, i.e.; based on the requirement, the data will be
stored in the various tables of the database in the form of rows and columns.
•Metadata:- ‘data about data’, i.e.; it stores the information like how many tables, their names, how many columns
and their names, primary keys, foreign keys etc.
Basically these metadata will have information about each tables and their constraints in the database.
Components Of Database System
Database Application: It the application program which helps the users to interact with the database
by means of query languages.

Database Management System (DBMS): This is the software helps the user to interact with the
database. It allows the users to insert, delete, update or retrieve the data. All these operations are handled
by query languages like MySQL, Oracle etc.
Database Management Systems
• A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of related data and a set of programs to access those
• It deals with knowledge of how data is defined, created, stored, retrieved, updated and manipulated in a database.
Examples of DBMS include SQL, Oracle, Access (Microsoft)
Differences between DBMS Vs FPS
DBMS File Processing System
Minimal data redundancy problem in DBMS Data redundancy problem exits

Data inconsistency does not exist Data inconsistency exist here

Accessing database is easier Accessing is comparatively difficult

The problem of data isolation is not found in Data is scattered in various files and files may
database be of different format, so data isolation problem
Differences between DBMS Vs FPS
DBMS File Processing System

Transactions like insert, delete, view, In file system, transactions are not possible
updating, etc. are possible in database
Concurrent access and recovery is possible Concurrent access and recovery is not
in database possible

Security of data Security of data is not good

A database manager (administrator) stores A file manager is used to store all

the relationship in form of structural tables relationships in directories in file systems.
Purpose of DBMS
• The ultimate purpose of DBMS is to transform:

Data Information Knowledge Action

• Knowledge refers to the practical use of information. While information can be transported, stored or shared
without many difficulties the same can not be said about knowledge. Knowledge necessarily involves a personal
• During the scientific experiment, a ‘third person’ reading the results will have information about it, while the
person who conducted the experiment personally will have knowledge about it.
Purpose of DBMS
• Database systems are designed to manage large bodies of information. Management of data involves both
defining structures for storage of information and providing mechanisms for the manipulation of information.
• The management system is important because without the existence of some kind of rules and regulations it is
not possible to maintain the database.
• These rules helps in database integrity, and should be followed in the cases such as selecting the particular
attributes to be included in a particular table; the common attributes to create relationship between two tables;
which tables should be handled if inserting new record or deleting a record.
• The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide an environment for the user to define, store, update and retrieve
database information that is both convenient and efficient.
• A database in a DBMS could be viewed by lots
of different people with different responsibilities.
• For example, within a company there are
different departments, as well as customers, who
each need to see different kinds of data. Each
employee in the company will have different levels
of access to the database with their own
customized front-end application.
Characteristics of Database Systems
Concurrent use of database:
•A database system allows several users to access the database concurrently.
•An example is the travel database of a bigger travel agency.
•Concurrency control ensures correctness of competing accesses to the same data, i.e. if data are to be shared
among several users, the system must avoid possible anomalous results.
•Correctness: 4 desirable properties (A.C.I.D)
Characteristics of Database Systems
Structured and Described Data: A fundamental feature of the database approach is that the database systems
does not only contain the data but also the complete definition and description of these data.
•These descriptions include details about the type, size and the format of all data, creation date and time, last
modification date and time and, additionally, the relationship between the data.
Separation of Data and Applications : The structure of a database is described through metadata which is also
stored in the database. An application software does not need any knowledge about the physical data storage like
encoding, format, storage place, etc. It only communicates with the management system of a database (DBMS) via a
standardized interface with the help of a standardized language like SQL.
•The access to the data and the metadata is entirely done by the DBMS. In this way all the applications can be
totally separated from the data.
Characteristics of Database Systems
Data integrity:
This is one of the most important characteristics of database management system. Integrity ensures the quality and
reliability of database system. It protects the unauthorized access of database and makes it more secure. It brings only
the consistence and accurate data into the database. Data reflect facts of the real world database.
A transaction is a bundle of actions which are done within a database to bring it from one consistent state to a new
consistent state. In between the data are inevitable inconsistent. Within a transaction, all or none of the actions need
to be carried out (atomicity). Doing only a part of the actions would lead to an inconsistent database state.
Characteristics of Database Systems
Data persistence:
Data persistence means that in a DBMS all data is maintained as long as it is not deleted explicitly. The life span of
data needs to be determined directly or indirectly be the user and must not be dependent on system features.
Additionally data once stored in a database must not be lost. Changes of a database which are done by a transaction
are persistent. When a transaction is finished even in the case of a system crash cannot put the data in danger.
Stores any kind of Data:
A database management system should be able to store any kind of data. It should not be restricted to the employee
name, salary and address. Any kind of data that exists in the real world can be stored in DBMS because we need to
work with all kinds of data that is present around us.
Characteristics of Database Systems
Represents complex relationship between data
Data stored in a database is connected with each other and a relationship is made in between data. DBMS should be
able to represent the complex relationship between data to make the efficient and accurate use of data.

Backup and recovery

There are many chances of failure of whole database. At that time no one will be able to get the database back and for
sure company will be in a big loss. The only solution is to take backup of database and whenever it is needed, it can
be stored back. All the databases must have this characteristic.
Properties of DBMS
A database transaction should possess several properties, often called the ACID properties; they should be
enforced by the concurrency control and recovery methods of the DBMS.
•Atomicity: A transaction is an atomic unit of processing; it should either be performed in its entirety or not
performed at all.
•Consistency: A transaction should be consistency preserving, meaning that if it is completely executed from
beginning to end without interference from other transactions, it should take the database from one consistent state to
Properties of DBMS
• Isolation: The isolation property is enforced by the concurrency control subsystem of the DBMS. A transaction
should appear as though it is being executed in isolation from other transactions, even though many transactions
are executing concurrently.
That is, the execution of a transaction should not be interfered with by any other transactions executing concurrently.

• Durability or permanency: The changes applied to the database by a committed transaction must persist in the
database. These changes must not be lost because of any failure.
Functions of DBMS
• Defining database schema: it must give facility for defining the database structure also specifies access rights to
authorized users.
-A database schema defines how data is organized within a relational database; this is inclusive of logical constraints such as,
table names, fields, data types, and the relationships between these entities. Schemas commonly use visual representations to
communicate the architecture of the database, becoming the foundation for an organization’s data management discipline.

• Manipulation of the database: The dbms must have functions like insertion of record into database, updating of
data, deletion of data, retrieval of data etc.
• Sharing of database: The DBMS must share data items for multiple users by maintaining consistency of data.
• Protection of database: It must protect the database against unauthorized users.
• Database recovery: If for any reason the system fails DBMS must facilitate database recovery.
Advantages of DBMS
• Efficient data access: A DBMS utilizes a variety of sophisticated techniques to store and retrieve data efficiently.
This feature is especially important if the data is stored on external storage devices.
• Data integrity and security: Data integrity means that the data contained in the database is both accurate and
consistent. For example, before inserting salary information for an employee, the DBMS can check that the
department budget is not exceeded. Also, the DBMS can enforce access controls that govern what data is visible to
different classes of users.
• Data administration: When several users share the data, centralizing the administration of data can offer
significant improvements. Experienced professionals who understand the nature of the data being managed, and
how different groups of users use it, can be responsible for organizing the data representation to minimize
redundancy and fine-tuning the storage of the data to make retrieval efficient.
Advantages of DBMS
• Concurrent access and crash recovery: A DBMS schedules concurrent accesses to the data in such a manner that
users can think of the data as being accessed by only one user at a time. Further, the DBMS protects users and
stored information from the effects of system failures.
• Sharing of data: A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of application programs or
• Reduction of redundancies: Centralized control of data by the DBA avoids unnecessary duplication of data and
effectively reduces the total amount of data storage required avoiding duplication in the elimination of the
inconsistencies that tend to be present in redundant data files.
Disadvantages of DBMS
• Danger of overkill: For small and simple applications for single users a database system is often not advisable.

• Complexity: A database system creates additional complexity and requirements. The supply and operation of a
database management system with several users and databases is quite costly and demanding. The complexity of
the database may result in poor performance.

• Qualified Personnel: The professional operation of a database system requires appropriately trained staff. Without
a qualified database administrator nothing will work for long. Setup of the database system requires more
knowledge, money, skills, and time.
Disadvantages of DBMS
• Costs: Through the use of a database system new costs are generated for the system itself but also for additional
hardware and the more complex handling of the system.

• Performance: A database system is a multi-use software which is often less efficient than specialized software
which is produced and optimized exactly for one problem.

• Higher impact of a failure

Components of DBMS
Components of DBMS
• Five major components of DBMS include:
Hardware is the one of the most important component of DBMS. It refers to all of the system’s physical devices like
computers (PCs, workstations, servers, and supercomputers), I/O and storage devices, printers, network devices
(hubs, switches, routers, fiber optics), etc.
Components of DBMS
2) Software
• The main component of the DBMS system is the software. It is the set of programs which controls and manage
the overall database.
• This includes the DBMS software itself, the Operating System, and the application programs used to access
data in the DBMS.
• The database management system (DBMS) is the software that interacts with end users, applications, and the
database itself to capture and analyze the data. It is more like a wrapper around the physical database, which
provides user with an easy-to-use interface to store, access and update data.
Components of DBMS
• Operating system (includes network software being used in the network)manages all hardware components and
makes it possible for all other software to run on the computers. Examples of operating system software include
Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
• Application programs developed in programming languages such as C++, Visual Basic that are used to to access
database in database management system. Each program contains statements that request the DBMS to perform
operation on database. The operations may include retrieving, updating, deleting data etc .
Components of DBMS
3) Data
Data is that resource, for which DBMS was designed. The motive behind the creation of DBMS was to store and
utilize data. A typical database contains both the actual or operational data and the meta data. Metadata is data
about the data. This is information stored by the DBMS to better understand the data stored in it.
For example: When I store my Name in a database, the DBMS will
store when the name was stored in the database, what is the size
of the name, is it stored as related data to some other data,
or is it independent, all this information is metadata.
• Metadata is data that describes other data. That is, it summarizes basic information about data, making finding &
working with particular instances of data easier.
Components of DBMS
4) Procedures
These are the general instructions and rules that assist to design the database and to use the DBMS. This includes
procedures to setup and install a DBMS, To login and logout of DBMS software, to manage databases, to take
backups, generating reports etc.
The user that operate and manage the DBMS require documented procedures on how to use or run the DBMS.
Procedures play an important role in a company because they enforce the standards by which business is conducted
within the organization and with customers. Procedures are also used to ensure that there is an organized way to
monitor and audit both the data that enter the database and the information that is generated through the use of
those data.
Components of DBMS
5) User (People)
The users are the people who manage the databases and perform different operations on the databases in the database
system. There are three kinds of people who play different roles in database systems:
- Database designers
- Database administrators
- End-users
Different users of the database
Database designers – identify data to be stored in the database and choosing appropriate structures to represent
and store the data. Most of these functions are done before the database is implemented and populated with the
o It is the responsibility of the database designers to communicate with all prospective users to understand their
requirements and come up with a design that meets these requirements.
o Database designers interact with all potential users and develop views of the database that meet the data and
processing requirements of these groups.
o The final database must support the requirements of all user groups.
End users: People who wish to store and use data in a database. End users are the people whose jobs require
access to the database for querying, updating and generating reports.
o Casual Users – These people occasionally access the database.

- Typically, middle or high-level managers or other occasional browsers.

o Naive users – Users who need not be aware of the presence of the database system or any other system supporting
their usage.
- These are end users of the database who work through menu-driven applications.
- Constantly query and update database using canned transaction (predefined set/standard type of queries). E.g.
Reservation agent for airline, hotel, etc., A user of an automatic teller machine.
o Sophisticated users – include engineers, scientists, business analyst, or any other user who is familiar with DBMS
and facility that DBMS provide.
- They develop their own database applications to meet their requirements.
o Stand alone users – These people maintain personal databases by using ready-made program packages that
provide easy to use menu based interfaces.
- For instance, a person running a business would keep track of his financial database data for tax purpose. In that
case, he maintains his own personal database using ready-made packages.
Database Administrator (DBA): A person who has central control over the system is called database
administrator. DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, for coordinating and monitoring its use,
and acquiring software and hardware resources as needed.

o DBA is also responsible for the installation, configuration, upgrade, administration, monitoring and maintenance of
physical databases.

o A database administrator’s (DBA) primary job is to ensure that data is available, protected from loss and
corruption, and easily accessible as needed.
Roles of a Database Administrator
o Administering resources

Ensure that data is available, protected from loss and corruption, and easily accessible when needed.
o Installing new or update software

DBA job is to install new editions of DBMS software in order to maintain and keep the system up to date.
o Configuration of hardware & software

DBA should work with system administrator in order to configure hardware and software.
o Security administration

One of the major responsibilities of DBA is to secure the database from unauthorized access. He can add or remove
the users and consistently check security problems.
o Data analysis

The DBA will regularly check and analyze the data and make appropriate suggestions with respect to efficiency and
performance of the data storage.
o Database design

When the database design is in its initial stage then DBA can play a significant role. Because of his participation
through out the design phase of database most of the problems that might take place can be removed
o Coordinating and monitoring the use of database

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