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Introduction to

Acid (DNA)
DNA is the fundamental building block of life, containing the genetic
instructions that guide the growth and development of all living organisms. It is a
remarkable molecule that stores and transmits hereditary information, enabling
the continuity of species.

by Sains Joseph
DNA Structure and Components
Nucleotides Double Helix Complementary Bases

DNA is composed of units called The nucleotides are arranged in a The bases in the two strands are
nucleotides, which consist of a double-helix structure, with the paired in a specific way: adenine
sugar, a phosphate, and one of four phosphate and sugar forming the binds with thymine, and guanine
nitrogenous bases: adenine, backbone and the bases forming binds with cytosine.
guanine, cytosine, and thymine. the rungs of the ladder.
DNA Replication
1 Unwinding
The DNA double helix unwinds, separating the two strands.

2 Synthesis
Each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand.

3 Separation
The newly formed double-stranded DNA molecules separate and move to different
cells or cellular locations.
Transcription and Translation
Transcription Translation
The process of creating a complementary RNA The process of using the mRNA as a blueprint to
molecule (mRNA) from the DNA template. synthesize a specific protein.

Genetic Code Protein Synthesis

The sequence of nucleotides in the DNA determines Ribosomes read the mRNA and assemble the
the sequence of amino acids in the protein. corresponding amino acids into a polypeptide chain.
Genetic Inheritance
Discrete units of hereditary information located on chromosomes.

Different versions of the same gene that can be inherited from parents.

Dominant and Recessive

Certain alleles are dominant and others are recessive, influencing the expression of
DNA Mutations and Genetic Disorders

1 Mutations 2 Inherited Disorders

Changes in the DNA sequence that can lead to Genetic disorders caused by inherited mutations,
genetic disorders or altered traits. such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia.

3 Acquired Disorders 4 Genetic Testing

Genetic disorders caused by mutations acquired Techniques to identify genetic mutations and
during a person's lifetime, such as cancer. screen for inherited or acquired genetic disorders.
DNA Fingerprinting and Forensics

Crime Scene DNA Analysis DNA Databases Legal Applications

DNA evidence collected Specialized techniques, Databases of DNA
from crime scenes can be such as PCR and gel profiles are used to match DNA evidence is widely
analyzed to identify electrophoresis, are used evidence to known accepted in courts and has
individuals. to analyze DNA samples. individuals or suspects. played a crucial role in
solving crimes.
The Future of DNA Technology
Personalized Medicine Analyzing individual DNA to tailor treatments and
preventive measures.

Gene Editing The ability to precisely modify DNA sequences to

treat genetic disorders.

Synthetic Biology Engineering novel DNA sequences and organisms for

various applications.

Forensic Advancements Improved DNA profiling techniques and expanded

DNA databases for crime solving.

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