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Has Childhood

Group members: Ashley Santos, Katherine
Paz, Maria Reyes
What is childhood? Childhood is also known as the
● Childhood is often characterized by time:
play, exploration, learning, and the 1. Time of support
gradual acquisition of skills necessary 2. Time of protection
for independent living. 3. Time of nurturing

● We have the different stages of life, like

infancy when we are born, toddler form
1-5, childhood from 3-12, and
adolescence from 12-18.
What is the main cause of the
“Dissapearing of Childhood”
Nowadays, children have and easy access to
different electronic devices such as telephones,
computers, tablets, etc. But how do they enter
this technological world?
Has Childhood slowly dissapeared?

Today, many adults say that

childhood has disappeared and that
now children do not play. Nowadays
we have so much technology that it
is easy to distract a child. Instead of
playing with toys, they play with a
mobile phone or tablet.
Reasons why it has dissapeared

01 Technology 02 Pressure to Grow

03 Child labor 04 Decline of green spaces

Has social media
affected our way of
viewing childhood?
Unreal Image Comparison

Social Media creates a more This comparison is not only of

dramatized version of what the children but also of the
childhood should be like, parents, when they start
creating expectations only comparing their lives with the
possible on social media. ones of the social media
influencers, creating stress.
Autonomy vs Shame

Early Stages Doubt Parental Support

This is when kids start If children are not given Supportive parents can
doing things by their own, the chance to assert help children develop a
they learn to assert themselves they start to healthy balance of
independence and a sense feel ashamed of their autonomy.
of autonomy. abilities.
Reasons for its dissapearance

Child Awareness

Interactive Online Risks

Childhood hasn’t disappeared entirely, but it has certainly
evolved. Modern childhood is influenced by various factors such
as technology, education systems, and social norms. While
some aspects of traditional childhood may seem less prevalent
today, like outdoor play and face-to-face interactions.
Thanks for
your Attention

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