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Konversi Energi Nuklir

(Nuclear Energy)

Nama Matakuliah : Mesin Konversi Energi

Kode : MSN1.62.4007
Pertemuan ke : Tiga Belas
Dosen Pengampu : Remon Lapisa

Program Studi S-1 Teknik Mesin

Jurusan Teknik Mesin – FT Universitas Negeri Padang
Capaian Pembelajaran Sub- Materi

• Mhs mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar nuklir

• Mhs mampu menjelaskan konsep reaksi fisi/fusi
• Mhs menjelaskan prinsip kerja reaktor


• Konsep dasar nuklir

• Konsep dasar reaksi fusi dan fisi
• Reaktor
Konsep dasar Energi Nuklir

• Atom merupakan partikel kecil yang bisa menghasilkan

energi besar

• Setiap atom terdiri dari elektron dibagian luar dan sebuah inti
yang padat, disebut nucleus.

• Pada saat nucleus unstabil, beberapa bagian terpisah dan akan

mengeluarkan energy – (energy yang sangat besar) !

• Energi nuklir dikonversi menjadi energi panas, yang bisa

digunakan untuk menghasilkan daya listrik.
Atomic structure
• Atoms are composed of protons , neutrons and electrons –
discovered in the 1930’s
• Protons – positively charged
– q=1.602176487×10−19 C
– m=1.67262158 × 10-27 kg
• Neutrons – no charge
– m=1.6749 x 10-27 kg
• Electron –negative charge
– q =−1.602176487×10−19 C
– m= 9.10938215×10-31 kg
Atomic structure
• Protons and neutrons make up the
• Electrons orbit the nucleus at
specific distances known as energy
• Atomic number = number of
• Atomic mass number = A = Z+ N,
where N is the number of neutrons
• Atomic mass = total mass of the
electrons, protons and neutrons
• Atomic weight = the ratio of the
average mass of an atom to 1/12 of
the mass of an atom of carbon-12.
• Ion –if an atom loses or gains an
electron and has a net charge
• Isotope-atom has the same number
of protons but different number of
Atomic structure

• Nucleus is ~
20,000 times
smaller than the
electron orbit
• Electrons have
Electron negative charge
Nucleus • Nucleus has
positive charge
• Most of mass is
in the nucleus


• The nucleus consists of a group of particles

called protons and neutrons
– Protons have positive charge
– Neutrons have no charge
• In a neutral atom the number of protons
equals the number of orbiting electrons so
the net charge is zero.
• The number of neutrons approximately
equals the number of protons
– The chemical element is determined by
the number of protons in the nucleus
– Deviations in neutron count for a fixed
Protons number of protons are isotopes of the
• Protons held together by the strong nuclear
Neutrons force which overwhelms the electrostatic
repulsion force

• The mass of protons and neutrons are almost equal:
– Mp = 1.673 x 10-27kg = 1.0073 amu (atomic mass unit)
– Mn = 1.675 x 10-27kg = 1.0087 amu
– 1 amu is defined as 1.66 x 10-27kg
– Me = 9.109 x 10-31kg (~1/1836 of mass of nuclear particles)
• The magnitude of the electric charge is the same for the electron and
proton, but opposite polarity
• Notation
used for nuclear structure
– Z X N where
• Z is the atomic number (number of protons)
• N is the number of neutrons
• A is the mass number (=Z + N)
• X is the chemical symbol
– E.g. two isotopes of uranium are written:
92 8
Reaksi Nuklir
• There are three nuclear reactions we will
– Radioactivity
• Spontaneous change to the nucleus by the emission of
energetic particle(s)
• Characterized by a half-life
– The time for one half of the nuclei to change
– Nuclear fission
• The splitting of a nucleus into two parts accompanied by
the emission of energy in the form of kinetic energy of
emitted particles
– Nuclear fusion
• The joining of two nuclei to form a third resulting in a
release of energy in the form of kinetic energy of the
nucleus formed by fusion.

Late 1800’s Pierre and Marie Curie determined that uranium minerals
emitted invisible radiation capable of passing through solid objects.

Subsequently, it was determined that the radiation was a result of

atomic disintegration as atoms of radioactive minerals break down
spontaneously over time (DECAY)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

 No air pollutants emitted.

 Land disturbance is low when no accidents are involved.
 Construction and backup safety systems decrease the likelihood of a
catastrophic event.
 Chernobyl only caused the premature deaths of 32,000 people; coal burning
causes premature deaths of 65,000 – 200,000 people in the USA each year!


1. Always the danger of a metldown

2. Waste disposal?
3. How do we effectively decommission the facilities after only 17 years of use?
4. Only 17% efficient
5. Extremely high costs associated with using “safe technology”.
Bahan bakar Nuklir

Uranium, a natural element found in the earth, is the typical

fuel for nuclear power.
In the nuclear reaction, uranium breaks into smaller atoms,
some of which are very dangerous.

Natural Uranium Enriched Uranium
Cadangan Uranium Dunia
Energy in a nuclear reaction

Nuclear reactions, like the

break-up of uranium produces
much more energy than burning
coal – about one million times
more energy!

No greenhouse gases like

carbon dioxide are produced in
a nuclear reactor.

Radioactive decay

Parent radioactive material decays to daughter material.

U 4
He + 234Th

Radioactive decay is described in terms of half life – the time

it takes for ½ of the radioactive atoms to decay = Fission
(break apart and lose mass).
Fusion is when atoms combine to form new atoms with less
H + 1H 2
He (Thermonuclear rxn in the sun)
Reaktor Nuklir
Bagian dalam reaktor nuklir

Fuel rods hold the uranium reactor fuel.

The uranium nuclei split, releasing a

large of energy and two small particles
(called neutrons.)

The neutrons can strike other uranium

atoms, making them split.

The control rods absorb neutrons,

preventing them from splitting other
atoms, slowing the reaction.
Fusion VS Fission

• Nuclear Fission - the splitting of two atoms

• Nuclear fusion – the combining of 2 atoms
• Both processes release energy
Fusion VS Fission

E=MC2 “Lose mass to get more energy out”



H Fusion Fe Fission U
(1) (26) (92)
Atomic Number

• In the late 1930s, it was discovered that if a uranium nucleus

was bombarded by neutrons, it absorbed the neutron and
became an unstable isotope of uranium, which then spilt into
2 separate atoms (Krypton and Barium) and emitted more
neutrons and gamma rays
Fission Krypton

n n
• U absorbs a neutron to become a very unstable isotope 236U

which then undergoes fission to two fragments, 3 neutrons

and g rays
235 236 90 143
U143  n U144 Kr54  Ba87  3n
92 92 36 56

This is one of many pairs of fission products that are formed

Berapa energi yang dikeluarkan rekasi fisi ?

• 200 MeV is released per fission event

• The fission of 1 g of uranium or plutonium per
day liberates about 1 MW.
• This is the energy equivalent of 3 tons of coal
or about 600 gallons of fuel oil per day
• No CO2 emissions!
• Vastly superior in terms of energy per amount
of fuel
Nuclear Fission Reactor
Thermal reactor in Nuclear power plant
Disain Reactor
Perangkat Energi Fusi Nuklir
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir Dunia
Keamanan dalam pembangkit tenaga Nuklir

• Because nuclear reactions produce so much power,

reactors must be made very safe.
• Some of the atoms that are produced by the break up of
uranium are hazardous and must be stored securely for
many, many years.
• Nuclear reactors have operated in the US in a very safe


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