19 Pharmacology of Anti-Giardiasis Drugs

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Prepared by-

Dr J K Gupta
Ph D
Giardiasis is a diarrheal disease caused by the microscopic
parasite Giardia. A parasite is an organism that feeds off of
another to survive. Once a person or animal (for example,
cats, dogs, cattle, deer, and beavers) has been infected with
Giardia, the parasite lives in the intestines and is passed in
feces. Symptoms of giardiasis:

Watery, sometimes foul-smelling diarrhea that may alternate

with soft, greasy stools.
Fatigue or malaise.
Abdominal cramps and bloating.
Gas or flatulence.
Weight loss.
Medications of Giardiasis

Quinacrine is a medication with several properties and is used for a variety of

conditions. It is used for malaria and tapeworm infections. It can also be used in
different types of lupus, and to prevent pneuomothorax (build-up of air in the
pleural cavity).
Mechanism of Action
 Nitroimidazole compounds -
The mechanism of action of nitroimidazoles against anaerobes and
protozoans, is known in some detail. All drugs of this type require
reduction of the nitro group in order to kill susceptible cells. The 5-
nitroimidazoles have a spectrum of action which is mainly limited to those
organisms which are capable of anaerobic metabolism.

Prototype drug – Metronidazole

It inhibits nucleic acid synthesis by disrupting the DNA of microbial

cells. This function only occurs when metronidazole is partially reduced,
and because this reduction usually happens only in anaerobic bacteria
and protozoans, it has relatively little effect upon human cells or aerobic
Contraindications of Nitroimidazole compounds

 When given together with alcohol, a disulfiram-like

intolerance reaction can be obtained.

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