Unit 3

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Control charts, first designed by Dr.

Walter A. Shewart, are also known as

Shewart charts

It is a statistical technique for

Control controlling the quality of a product
being manufactured
It can predict the rejects when they
are likely to occur, which enables
corrective action to be taken before a
defective product is actually produced
• It is well recognized that certain variations in the quality of

Theory of •
any product will always occur
Natural variations follow the normal curve
• When the variations follow the normal curve, the process is

control •
under control, otherwise, out-of-control
If process is out-of-control, it is required to identify the
cause for the variation and try to eliminate it

charts » Continued…..
• The maximum variation in the quality
characteristic is + 3 σ, i.e., the variation
in the quality characteristic of a
product should not exceed + 3 σ from
the mean value

Theory of • Control chart is drawn by plotting

mean value(μ), the upper control
limit(μ+ 3 σ), and the lower control
control limit(μ- 3 σ)
• By plotting the measurements of the
charts quality characteristic of the products
over the control chart, if these lies in
between the upper control limit(μ+ 3
σ), and the lower control limit(μ- 3 σ)
then the process is in-control,
otherwise, out-of-control
Range • These are used for controlling the range or dispersion of the
process producing a product
• Upper control limit = μ+3 σ, lower control limit = μ-3 σ,
control •
where μ is mean of the sample ranges and σ is standard
deviation of sample ranges
σ = (d3/d2)* μ, d3 and d2 vary with the number of

charts (R observations in a sample and their values are given in a

» Continued…..

• Upper control limit = μ+3 σ
Range =(1+3d3/d2)* μ =D4* μ
• lower control limit = μ-3 σ
=(1-3d3/d2)* μ =D3* μ
charts (R • The values of D3 and D4
charts) are also given in the table
of R charts

• The range for a sample is determined as

subtracting the lower value from the higher
• Determine the mean of the sample ranges
• Draw the mean value over the control chart
• Determine the upper control limit and the
lower control limit and draw them
• Plot the samples ranges over the R chart
• If all the points are within
the UCL and the LCL then
the process is in-control ,
otherwise, out-of-control
– If some of the points are
Analysis lying outside the control
limits then it is required to
of R chart identify the cause for them
and try to eliminate
– In case if some observation is
outside the LCL then it would
be good to find the cause for
this observation
• Process capability is the quality performance capability of a
process under in control conditions
– It is defined as 6 σ, where σ = μ / d2
– Process capability = 6 * μ /d2

capability • Process capability study is to assess whether the process can

meet the job tolerance limit for its long run
– job tolerance limit is specified with the problem

study – process capability should be less than the job tolerance

Normal • A Symmetrical, Unimodal, bell shaped
Distribution • Mean , median and mode have the same value.
Use of
• The control chart can be placed near the process so that the operator
himself can check the quality of the product
– By plotting the observed sample values over the chart , it can
be decided whether the process is in-control or out-of-control

control •
– For the out-of-control process, cause should be identified and it
should be eliminated
When should go for sampling it depends on the speed of the process

– In a process with high rate of production and rapid process
drift, the sampling should be done at shorter intervals as
compared to a stable process
• Control chart of attributes are used in a situation
Control where the quality characteristics may not be

chart of
• The term defect refers to the failure of a quality
characteristic to meet the specified standard
• The term defective designates an item with one or
attributes more defects
» Continued……
• The quality of a product
inspected for attributes can
be expressed as fraction
Control defective or defect per unit
– fraction defective= number
chart of of units found defective /
attributes total number of units
– defect per unit= total
number of defects
observed / number of units
P charts with variable sample size
• In many cases, P charts are based on 100% inspection of
output of a process which may be varying at the time of
• In order to draw the control charts, use the average of
the sample sizes as sample size to determining the UCL
and the LCL
• Plot the samples over the P chart
• If for some of the samples, points lie beyond the UCL and
the LCL, then use their sample sizes in order to
determine the UCL and the LCL to assess whether the
process is in control or out of control
Number of defects control charts (C charts)

• C charts are used for such types of products

where some defects are always found
• Control limits for the C charts:
UCL    3    3 
LCL    3    3  , Where  refers to
average number of defects per unit ,
and  refers to s tan dard deviation
Construction of C charts
• The product is inspected to determining the
number of defects
• Determine the mean of the number of defects
per unit
• Draw the mean value over the control chart
• Determine the upper control limit and the
lower control limit and draw them
• Plot the number of defects per unit over the P
Analysis of C charts
• If all the points are within the UCL and the LCL
then the process is in-control , otherwise, out-
– If some of the points are lying outside the control
limits then it is required to identify the causes for
them and try to eliminate them by taking some
action so that the quality can be improved
– In case if some observation is outside the LCL then
• either check the effectiveness of the inspection or find
the cause for this observation

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