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01 Introduce the Framework
of Socratic Seminars
25 mins.

02 Socratic Seminar
10 mins.

03 Reflection of the Process

15 mins.

04 Questions and Closure

10 mins.

By the end of this session you

will be able to:
 Define Socratic Seminar in
kid-friendly vocabulary
 Explain the process of a
Socratic Seminar
 Run a Socratic Seminar
with your own class
What is a Socratic Seminar?

Students reach a deeper understanding of a text

through thoughtful dialogue

Students responsible for facilitating their discussion

and keeping it on track

Helps develop listening skills, practice making

meaning, improve asking high-quality questions, and
practice finding common ground while participating
Dialogue vs. Debate
The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
Socratic Seminar Rules
Prepare Be prepared to participate and ask good questions

Respect Show respect for differing ideas, thoughts, or values

Take notes about important points that you want to remember or

have a question about

Involve Involve others in the discussion and build on what they say

Open-Mind Keep your mind open to new ideas

Text evidence Refer Back to the text as often as possible to support response

Listen Allow each speaker enough time to finish their thought

The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/ Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/ Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/ Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
The Socratic Seminar Process

Set Rules/ Share Procedures 1

Read the Material 2

Open the Floor for Dialogue 3

Reflect 4

Review Socratic Seminar 5

Your Logo
•Evans, C. (2020). Measuring student success skills: A review of the
literature on critical thinking. National Center for the Improvement of
Educational Assessment.
•Newmann, F. M. (1992). Student engagement and achievement in American
secondary schools. Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New
York, NY 10027 (paperback: ISBN-0-8077-3182-X, $17.95; hardcover: ISBN-0-
8077-3183-8, $38)..
•Pihlgren, A. S. Socratic conversations in education: Rationales and effects.

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