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Atmospheric Phenomena

es Monso

 The wind from the sea is called a sea breeze

During the day, when the sun is up, the land heats up very
quickly and the air above it warms up a out more than air over
the water. The warm air over the land is less dense and begins
to rise. Low pressure is created.

 The air pressure over the water is higher with cold dense air
which moves to occupy the space created over the land. The
cool air that comes along is called a sea breeze.
During the day, the land heats up faster than the water in the sea.

During the night, the land and sea will both cool down. But the land
will lose heat faster than the water in the sea.
During the night, the reverse happens. The land quickly loses
its heat while the water retains its warmth. This means the air
over the water is warmer, less dense and begins to rise. Low
pressure is created over the water. Cold and dense air over the
land begins to move to the water surface to replace the warmer
rising air. The cool breeze from the land is called a land

Northeast/ Southwest/
Amihan Habagat
Many people think that monsoons are rains. They are not. Monsoons
are wind systems, but these winds usually brings abundant rainfall to
the country. The prevailing wind systems in our country are affected by
our proximity to large bodies of land and water.

Earlier, we learned that the land and water surfaces differ in their rate
of heating and cooling. Land heats and cools faster than water, this is
particularly evident in extensive surfaces. Continents heat and cool
faster than oceans. As a result a center of low pressure develops over
the continent while high pressure develops over the adjacent ocean.
 Earlier, we learned that the land and water surfaces
differ in their rate of heating and cooling. Land heats
and cools faster than water, this is particularly evident
in extensive surfaces. Continents heat and cool faster
than oceans. As a result a center of low pressure
develops over the continent while high pressure
develops over the adjacent ocean.

During the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere, a high pressure

area develops over India and Southern Siberia in winter
because of the colder air over them. The mass of cold air then moves
toward the Philippines from a north-easterly direction and the air mass
is called the Northeast Monsoon or Amihan. This prevails the cold
morning experienced in the country from December to February.
During the summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the Asian
continent becomes warmer than the oceans surrounding it. A cold
air mass develops over the Pacific ocean and begins to move
toward the Asian continent. This forms the Southwest Monsoon or
habagat which prevails over the Philippines in the months of July,
August and September.
The trade winds which are the prevailing winds in the
tropics likewise affect the Philippines during the rest of
the year and whenever the Northeast monsoon and the
Southwest monsoon weaken.
a quick flooding of ow-lying land
Atmospheric Phenomena

Breez Monso
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