Session 3 and 4 Personality and Erikson's 3 Stages

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Personality is the dynamic organization of those psychophysical systems that

determine an individual’s unique adjustment to the world - Gordon Allport
It is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with
Personality can be seen as the consistent, measurable traits that a person

What determines
Genetics (Nature)
the personality?
Environment (Nurture)
Heredity : one’s personality is determined by one’s genetic inheritance.
Includes physical features, temperament and energy levels
Environment : refers to learned behaviour
Includes attitudes, coping strategies and patterns of behaviour
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
◦ 100 questions

How people perceive the world and make decisions

◦ Extraverted-Introverted
◦ Sensing-Intuiting
◦ Thinking-Feeling
◦ Judging-Perceiving
Eg: INFJ: Seek meaning and connection in ideas, realtionships, possessions etc.,
understand motives, insightful about others, conscientious, committed to values,
clear vision, organised and decisive in implementation
The Big Five Personality Traits
To which an individual
Is outgoing & derives
Openness to Energy from being
experience Around people Conscientiousness
Degree to which an Degree to which an
Individual seeks individual focuses on
new experience goals & works
& thinks toward them in
Creatively about
the future Personality A disciplined way

Emotional stability
Degree to which an Agreeableness
Individual easily copes Degree
With stressful to which an individual is
Situations or Easygoing & tolerant
Heavy demands
Sociable, gregarious, outgoing, assertive, dominating, active, and
Good-natured, cooperative, cheerful, gentle, trusting and caring
Responsible, dependable, careful, hard working, persistent, planful and
Emotional Stability
Calm, self-confident, secure under stress (positive), versus nervous,
depressed, unstable, insecure, proneness to stress (negative)
Openness to Experience
Curious, imaginative, creative, autonomous , non- conforming, flexible,
artistic, and sensitive
More OB relevant Traits
Locus of Control: Degree to which individual attributes control of events to
external or internal factors
Machiavellianism: Degree to which individual is pragmatic, maintains
emotional distance and believes ends can justify the means
Core Self Evalution (Self Esteem): degree to which individual likes self, sees self
as capable and effective
Narcissism: the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-
importance and have a sense of entitlement
For better self understanding
Individuals’ degree of liking and management
or disliking themselves
For better job fit
◦ Inventories
◦ Self & Observer rated
Personal ◦ Thematic Appreciation
conception traits

Self monitoring- degree

Locus of control-
to which an individual
Degree to which an attempts to present the
individual attributes image he or she thinks
control of events to self or others want to see in a
to external factors given situation
Erikson’s Eight Psychosocial Stages (Ages) of Man
Stage Conflict Age Desired outcome
Birth to 12–18
1 Trust vs. mistrust A sense of trust and security

Autonomy vs. shame & Feelings of independence lead to belief in

2 18 months to 3 years
doubt yourself and your abilities

Self-confidence; the ability to take the

3 Initiative vs. guilt 3 to 5 years
initiative and make decisions

4 Industry vs. inferiority 5 to 12 years Feelings of pride and accomplishment

A strong sense of identity; a clear picture of

7 Identity vs. confusion 12 to 18 years
your future

Safe relationships filled with commitment

6 Intimacy vs. isolation 18 to 40 years
and love

The desire to give to family and community,

7 Generativity vs. stagnation 40 to 65 years
and to succeed at work

Pride in what you’ve achieved leads to

8 Integrity vs. despair Over 65 years
feelings of satisfaction
Stage 1: Basic Trust vs Mistrust
Infancy – Birth to 1year
Physical status: dependent
Important Events: Feeding and physical needs
Significant relationships: Mother/Care giver
Strength: Hope
If positively resolved: hope that the world is a reliable and caring place
If negatively resolved: lack of trust in world and future
Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame
and Doubt
Second year
Important Event: Toilet training
Physical Status: Voluntary muscle control
Significant relationships: Parents and immediate family
Strength: Self Will
If positively resolved: sense of self control, self esteem
If negatively resolved: poor self esteem, sense of loss of control/victim
Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt
3-5 years
Physical status: body permits mental engagement
Important Event: Exploration of environment
Significant Relationships: Family and PreSchool etc.
If positively resolved: ability to initiate on one’s own
If negatively resolved: fear of punishment, over-doing
Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority
6-15 years
Physical Status: Mini Adult
Important Event: Schooling and Learning Skills
Significant Relationships: Friends, Teachers
Strength: Competence
If positively resolved: a sense of competence about one’s capacity to
If negatively resolved: inadequacy and inferiority
Stage 5: Identity vs Role Confusion
Adolescence to young adulthood
Physical status: A Maturing Body
Important Event: Forming social relationships
Significant Relationships: Peer group
Strength: Commitment
If positively resolved: a sense of who one is and commitment to that
If negatively resolved: crisis about one’s identity
Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation
Young adulthood
Physical Status: Fully Matured Adult
Important Event: Relationship
Significant Relationship: Life partner
Strength: Love
If positively resolved: Ability to commit oneself to a partner
If negatively resolved: Avoidance of commitment/relationships
Stage 7: Generativity vs Stagnation

Middle Age
Physical Status: a gradual decline
Important Event: Work and Parenting
Signficant Relationships: Workplace and Family
Strength: Caring
If positively resolved: create for the future, help others grow
If negatively resolved: boredom, disappointment, self-indulgence
Stage 8: Ego Integrity vs
Old Age
Physical Status: Frail body
Important Event: Reflection on life
Significant Relationships: community/society in general
Strength: Wisdom
If positively resolved: a detachment from life, comfortable with death
If negatively resolved: fear of death, a sense of failure in life, a wasted

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