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There are many holidays in January…

… but there is one unusual holiday in the second

month of winter.
Guess what?

a) Festival of food Need

a hint?
b) Festival of sleep
c) Festival of lazy people https://
Festival of sleep day – 3rd of January
1. Do you like to sleep?
2. Do you have enough sleep?
3. Can you sleep anywhere?
4. Do you have dreams?
The Festival of Sleep is on the 3rd of January.
It’s cold and snowy – right time to have a nap.
People can sleep on this day a lot.

Why is it important to sleep?

Sleep can help our body to feel good.
Sleep can help us to be good at school.
A good night's sleep can help your memory.
Without long sleep people can die.
nap lot important die body memory
school snowy
The Festival of Sleep is on the 3rd of January.
It’s cold and ______ – right time to have a ________. People can
sleep on this day a _______.

Why is it ___________ to sleep?

Sleep can help our _________ to feel good.
Sleep can help us to be good at _________.
A good night's sleep can help your __________.
Without long sleep people can _________.
The Festival of Sleep is on the 3rd of January.
It’s cold and ______ nap
snowy – right time to have a ________. People can
sleep on this day a _______.

important to sleep?
Why is it ___________
body to feel good.
Sleep can help our _________
Sleep can help us to be good at _________.
A good night's sleep can help your __________.
Without long sleep people can _________.
важно important Быть в
чем-то be good at

Сон, дремать nap

тело body

умирать die
память memory
Are there any reasons why you can’t sleep?

What reasons are in the video?

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