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Chapter 3


• OM is mostly proactive not reactive

• It involves structured planning activities

• Planning requires data pertaining to the feature

• Forecast: A statement about the future

– Not necessarily numerical
• Weather forecasts

Uses of Forecasts

Accounting Cost/profit estimates

Finance Cash flow and funding

Human Resources Hiring/recruiting/training

Marketing Pricing, promotion, strategy

MIS IT/IS systems, services

Operations Schedules, MRP, workloads

Product/service design New products and services

• Assume a causal system
– Future resembles the past
• Forecasts rarely perfect because of randomness
• Forecasts more accurate for groups vs. individuals.
– Forecasting errors among items in a group usually have a canceling
– Extremes in a group cancel each other
• Ex. I can forecast the class average from the midterm better than
Mrs. X’s individual grade.
– Sample variance of {-1,1,-1,1} is 1.
– Sample variance of {(-1+1)/2, {(-1+1)/2} is 0.
• Forecast accuracy decreases as time horizon for forecasts increases
• Ex. I can forecast this year’s class average better than next year’s
class average
Elements of a Good Forecast


Reliable Accurate

f ul us
n g Written to
ni y
ea Ea

Steps in the Forecasting Process

“The forecast”

Step 6 Monitor the forecast

Step 5 Prepare the forecast
Step 4 Gather and analyze data
Step 3 Select a forecasting technique
Step 2 Establish a time horizon
Step 1 Determine purpose of forecast

Types of Forecasts

• Judgmental - Subjective analysis of subjective inputs

• Associative models – Analyzes historical data to reveal
relationships between (easily or in advance) observable
quantities and forecast quantities. Uses this relationship to
make predictions.
• Time series – Objective analysis historical data assuming the
future will be like the past

Judgmental Forecasts

• Executive opinions (long-range planning)

– There are factors hard to quantify
• Ex: Effects of November 2004 election on new houses built in 2005
• Sales force composite
– Retailer forecasts for the manufacturer
• Consumer surveys
– The guy at the mall who asks if you like cherry flavor in your shampoo
• Outside opinion
– Financial and consulting gurus and companies
• Opinions of managers and staff
– Delphi method: A series of questionnaires developed sequentially

Associative Forecasting

• Based on identification of related variables that can be used

to predict values of the variable of interest.
– Sales of mountain bikes in an area may be related to the
percentage of the young population living in that area.
– Sales of Harley-Davidson motorbikes is related to mid-aged men
population. Average age of H-D owners is 46.
– Ice cream sales can be related to temperature
– Home depot bases sales forecasts on mortgage refinancing rates,
smaller rates imply higher sales.
– Changes in Federal Reserve Board’s interest rate leads to certain
business activities
• House sales
• Industrial investments
– Increase in energy cost leads to price increases in products and
Associative Forecasting

• Find an association between the predictor and the

• Predictor variables - used to predict values of variable
interest, sometimes called independent variables
• Predicted variable = Dependent variable
• Regression - technique for fitting a line to a set of
• Linear regression is the most widely used form of
– The objective is to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes the
sum of squared vertical deviations of data points from the line.

Linear Regression (cont.)

y = a + bx
y = predicted (dependent) variable
x = predictor (independent) variable
b = slope of the line
a = value of y when x = 0 (the height of line
at the y intercept)

Computing a and b
Given n data points, find the intercept a and the slope b to
Minimize the sum of squared errors 
Minimize the sum of deviations from the line 
Minimize  ( y t  a  bxt ) 2
t 1
n n n
n xt yt   xt  yt
n n

y t x t
b t 1 t 1 t 1
2 a t 1
b t 1
 n
 n n
n xt    xt 

t 1  t 1 
Linear Model Seems Reasonable

X Y Computed
7 15 50
2 10
6 13
4 15 30
14 25
15 27 20
16 24
12 20
14 27 0
20 44 0 5 10 15 20 25
15 34
7 17

Another Linear Regression Example
Variables: Weeks and Sales
t y
W eek t S a le s ty
1 1 150 150
2 4 157 314
3 9 162 486
4 16 166 664
5 25 177 885

 t = 15  t = 55  y = 812  ty = 2 4 9 9
(  t) = 2 2 5

Linear Trend Calculation

5 (2499) - 15(812) 12495-12180

b = = = 6.3
5(55) - 225 275 -225

812 - 6.3(15)
a = = 143.5

y = 143.5 + 6.3 t
Sales in week t = 143.5 + 6.3 t
Linear Trend Calculation

y = 143.5 + 6.3t
When t = 0, the value of y is 143.45 and the
slope of the line is 6.3. meaning that the
value of of y will increase by 6.3 units for
each time period. If t = 10, the forecast is
143.5 + 6.3(10) = 206.5

Excel example
Linear Regression
Remember from Statistics
• Correlation (r) between variables: The strength and
direction of relationships between two variables
– 1.00 means changes in one variable are always matched
by changes in the other, vice versa.
– A correlation close to zero means little linear relationship
– The square of the correlation coefficient provides a
measure of the percentage of variability in the values of y
that is explained by the independent variable.(80% or
more: the independent variable is a good predictor of the
values of dependent variable)

Time series

• Time-ordered sequence of observations taken at regular

intervals over a period of time
• Future values of the series can be estimated from past values.

Types of Variations in Time Series Data

• Trend - long-term movement in data
• Seasonality - short-term regular variations in data
• Cycles – wavelike variations of long-term
• Irregular variations - caused by unusual circumstances
• Random variations - caused by chance

Forecast Variations

Figure 3-1


Year 01
Seasonal variations

Naïve Forecasts
• Uses a single previous value of a time series as the basis
of a forecast.
• Virtually no cost
• Data analysis is nonexistent
• Easily understandable
• Cannot provide high accuracy
– If it were true, future will always be the same as the past

Some notation: Forecast at time t is F(t)

Actual observation at time t is A(t)
Today is temperature is 98 F, A(Today)=98
F(Day after)=98
Uses for Naïve Forecasts
• Stable time series data
– Forecast is the same as the last actual observation
– F(t) = A(t-1)
• Seasonal variations
– Forecast is the same as the last actual observation when we
were in the same point in the cycle, where a cycle lasts n
– F(t) = A(t-n)
• Data with trends
– There is constant trend, the change from (t-2) to (t-1) will be
exactly as the change from (t-1) to (t)
– F(t) = A(t-1) + (A(t-1) – A(t-2))
Naive Forecasts

Uh, give me a minute....

We sold 250 wheels last
week.... Now, next
week we should sell....

Naïve (Cont.)
• Check if the resulting accuracy is acceptable
• The higher the accuracy, often the higher the cost.
• Do we really need our forecast that accurate? Is it
worth the additional resources?
– Why do you need forecasts for? How critical they are
for operations?

Time Series Models: Variations
What is random and what is not?
• Historical data contain random variations or noise
• Random variations are caused by relatively
unimportant factors.
– What is random? Can we not study everything to negligible
detail? “God does not roll dices” –A.E.
• The objective is to remove all randomness and have
real variations.
• Minor variations are random and large ones are real.

Techniques for Averaging

• Moving averages (MA)

– Naïve methods just trace the actual data with a lag of
one period, F(t)=A(t-1)
– They don’t smooth
– MA uses a number of the most recent actual data to
• Weighted moving averages

• Exponential smoothing
Simple Moving Average
Note the sensitivity of forecasts
Averaging (over time) techniques are used to smooth variations in the data.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
t 1

A i
Ft  MAt ,n  i t  n
MAt ,n : MA forecast made in period t - 1 using n actual observations
Ex: Three period moving average forecast
Month Demand
1 42 MA(6,3) = (43 + 40 + 41) / 3
2 40 = 41.33.
3 43 If A(6) = 39, then
4 40 MA(7,3) = (40 + 41 + 39) / 3
5 41 = 40.00
6 39

Weighted average

Moving Average
• Advantage=Easy to compute and easy to
• Disadvantage=All values in the average are
weighted equally

Weighted Moving Average

• Similar to moving average
• It assigns more weight to the most recent values in
a time series
– Idea: most recent observations must be better indicators
of the future than older observations
Weighted average

Month Demand Compute a weighted average forecast using a

1 42 weight of 0.4 for the most recent period, 0.3
for the next most recent, 0.2 for the next and
2 40 0.1 for the next.
3 43
Continuing with the data on the left
4 40
F(6) = .40(41)+.30(40)+.20(43)+.10(40)=41.0
5 41 If the actual demand for period 6 is 39,
6 39 F(7) = .40(39)+.30(41)+.20(40)+.10(43)=40.2

• The weighted average is more reflective of

the most recent occurrences.

Exponential Smoothing

Forecast error:=Actual – Forecast =A(t-1)-F(t-1)

Ft  Ft 1   ( At 1  Ft 1 )
Forecast today=Forecast yesterday+(alpha)*(Forecast error yesterday)
Each new forecast is equal to the previous forecast plus a percentage of
the previous error.
Today’s forecast
Depends on yesterday’s (time-wise dependence, strong memory)
But it has to be corrected by forecast error

Therefore, we should give more weight to the more recent time

periods when forecasting.
– Alpha = smoothing constant = percentage of the forecast error.
Exponential Smoothing
as an Weighted Average

Ft  At 1  (1   ) Ft 1
Idea--The most recent observations might have the
highest predictive value along with the most recent
forecast errors. Let us balance them:

At 1 (1   ) Ft 1
Example of Exponential Smoothing
Forecasts made in a period and the period has the same color
Period Actual Forecast withAlpha
Error with
= 0.1
Forecast withError with
1 42 Alpha=0.1 Alpha=0.1 Alpha=0.4 Alpha=0.4
2 40 42 -2.00 42 -2
3 43 41.8 1.20 41.2 1.8
4 40 41.92 -1.92 41.92 -1.92
5 41 41.73 -0.73 41.15 -0.15
6 39 41.66 -2.66 41.09 -2.09
7 46 41.39 4.61 40.25 5.75
8 44 41.85 2.15 42.55 1.45
9 45 42.07 2.93 43.13 1.87
10 38 42.36 -4.36 43.88 -5.88
11 40 41.92 -1.92 41.53 -1.53
12 41.73 40.92

Ft  At 1  (1   ) Ft 1 32
Picking a Smoothing Constant:
Responsiveness vs. Smoothing
• The quickness of forecast adjustment to error is determined by the
smoothing constant.
• The closer the alpha is to zero, the slower the forecast will be to
adjust to forecast errors.
• Conversely, the closer the value of alpha is to 1.00, the greater the
responsiveness to the actual observations and the less the
• Select a smoothing constant that balances the benefits of
responding to real changes if and when they occur.

Ft  Ft 1   ( At 1  Ft 1 )  At 1  (1   ) Ft 1

Picking a Smoothing Constant
Sensitivity of Forecasts


45 .1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Excel example
Techniques for trend

• Develop an equation that will describe trend

• The trend component may be linear or it
may not
• Linear trend:
b is similar to the slope.
However, since it is
calculated with the variability
Yt = a + bt of the data in mind, its
formulation is not as
straight-forward as our usual
0 1 2 3 4 5 notion of slope.
Common Nonlinear Trends

Figure 3-5



Adjusting for Trend with Double
Exponential Smoothing
• Simple exponential smoothing with no trend
Ft 1   At  1   Ft  Tt
• Add forecasted trend Tt
Tt   ( Ft  Ft 1 )  1   Tt 1
• This time trend is also smoothed, note that
previous trend (of t-1) and current trend (of t)
appear in the smoothing formula: Tt 1 and Ft  Ft 1
• See Table 3-2 for an exercise

Techniques for seasonality

• Regularly repeating upward or downward

movements in time series values
• Seasonality: weather variations, vacations and
• Seasonality: Expressed in terms of the amount
that actual values deviate from the average
value of the series
• Seasonality is expressed as a percentage of the
average amount
seasonal percentages = seasonal relatives = seasonal indices

Different models of seasonality

– Seasonal relative = 1.45 for the quantity of television

sold in August at Circuit City, meaning that TV sales
for that month are 45% above the monthly average.
– Seasonal factor=0.60 for the number of notebooks
sold at the UTD bookstore in April, meaning that
notebook sales are 40% below the monthly average.

– Seasonal indices are your vehicle to travel between

the seasonal and deseasonal worlds.

Use Seasonality Indices
to Deseasonalize and Seasonalize
Inputs Analyze Output

t t t

• Deseasonalize historical observations

• Divide them by seasonal indices
• Make the analysis = Generate forecasts
• Seasonalize forecasts
• Multiply them by seasonal indices Excel example
Forecast Accuracy

• Measurement is the first step to improve an

– What value of smoothing constant is good?
• Accuracy measurement is a vital aspect of
• Impossible to correctly predict future values
• Important to include an indication of how big
the forecast deviate from the actual values

Forecast Accuracy

• Error - difference between actual value and

predicted value
• Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
– Average absolute error (weights all errors evenly)
• Mean squared error (MSE)
– Average of squared error (weights errors according
to their squared values)
• Tracking signal
– Ratio of cumulative error and MAD


Forecast error  Actual  Forecast


| A  F |
t t
MAD  t 1
n n

 ( At  Ft ) 2
 t t
( A  F ) 2

MSE  t 1
 t 1
n 1 n

A F t t
Tracking Signal  t 1

Estimate of (forecast error) standard deviation  s  MSE
Statistics says : MSE is the unbiased estimator for the variance of forecast error.
Use for MAD & MSE

• Compare the accuracy of alternative

– forecasting methods using MAD and MSE.
– parameter (such as alpha) values used in forecasting
by using MAD and MSE
• Determine which method yields the lowest MAD
or MSE for a given set of data.

Controlling the quality of forecast
• Necessary to monitor forecast to ensure that the
forecast is performing adequately
• This is accomplished by comparing forecast errors to
predetermined values
• Errors that fall within the limits are considered
• Errors outside either limit indicates that corrective
action is needed.
• Tracking signal values are compared to predetermined limits (+4,-4) based
on judgment and experience
• Upper and lower limits for individual forecast errors are calculated using
control chart techniques. We will learn about control charts in quality
Choosing a forecasting technique
No single technique works best in every situation

No single technique works best in every situation

• The forecast horizon
• Forecasting frequency
– Forecasting is not free
– Consider cost and accuracy
• Weigh cost-accuracy trade-offs carefully
• Forecast detail, part / product level?
• Availability of
– historical data
– computers
– able users / decision makers
Choosing a forecasting technique (cont.)

• Moving Averages and Exponential

Smoothing are short range techniques. They
produce forecast for the next period
• Trend equations are used for much longer
time horizons.
• More than one forecasting techniques might
be used to increase confidence.

• We studied the steps of forecasting
• We examined three forecasting techniques:
– Judgmental
– Associative
– Time Series
• We learned about seasonality, trend, cyclical
• Discussed monitoring forecast accuracy


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