Tugas Kelompok Zakat

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Ayo Mari Kita

Membayar Zakat

Kelas : 12.6A.11
Nama Anggota
Kelompok 1
01 Alzukhruf Khadomizky
NIM : 12210479
04 Marshanda
NIM : 12211127

02 Hidayaning Hastuti
NIM : 12210134
05 Miftahul Ranjani
NIM : 12210502

03 Isma il S a pu tra
NIM : 12211335
Agama Islam mewajibkan umatnya
berzakat dengan maksud untuk
membersihkan harta yang dititipkan
Allah Swt. kepada kita dan sebagai
upaya untuk menumbuhkan sikap
peduli sesama.
Berzakat termasuk salah satu rukun Islam yang wajib ditunaikan
oleh umat Islam. Secara bahasa (etimologi), zakat berasal dari
kata zakka – yuzakki – tazkiyatan yang berarti :

 Membersihkan
 Mensucikan • Harta
 Bertumbuh • Jiwa
 Berkembang • Perilaku
Menurut istilah hukum Islam, zakat adalah mengeluarkan atau
memberikan sebagian harta tertentu kepada orang-orang yang
berhak menerimanya, dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu
 Orang yang berhak menerima zakat disebut mustahik.

 Orang yang memberi atau mengeluarkan zakat disebut

 Orang yang bertugas mengumpulkan zakat disebut amil
Q.S. an-Nur/24;56

‫َو َاِقۡي ُم وا الَّص ٰل وَة َو ٰا ُتوا الَّز ٰك وَة َو َاِط ۡي ـُعوا الَّرُس ۡو َل َلَع َّلُك ۡم ُتۡر َح ُم ۡو َن‬

Terjemahnya :
“Dan dirikanlah shalat, tunaikanlah zakat, dan taatlah kepada rasul, supaya kamu
diberi rahmat.”
Table of contents
Literature History and art
01 Here you could describe
the topic of the section
02 Here you could describe
the topic of the section

Architecture Halal diet

03 Here you could describe
the topic of the section
04 Here you could describe
the topic of the section
Table of contents

01 02 03
Literature History and art Halal diet
Here you could describe Here you could describe Here you could describe
the topic of the section the topic of the section the topic of the section
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headline, modify the text content, also
can copy your content to this directly.

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headline, modify the text content, also
can copy your content to this directly.
“ This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and
can make the reader get inspired. ”

- someone famous
“ This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader
get inspired. ”

- someone famous
Language and
You could enter a subtitle here if
you need it
Main langurages spoken by Muslims

01 02 03
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Organize it this way !

01 02 03
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click add relevant click add relevant click add relevant
headline, modify headline, modify headline, modify
the text content the text content the text content
You could use three columns, why not?

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Pillars of Faith

Keyword Keyword
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add add relevant headline,
relevant headline, modify modify the text content
the text content

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add add relevant headline,
relevant headline, modify modify the text content
the text content
Try using four columns

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Practices of Islam

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modify the text content modify the text content modify the text content

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Try with six columns

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Five columns

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click add relevant click add relevant click add relevant
headline headline headlin e
Keyword Keyword
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click add relevant click add relevant
he a d lin e h e a d lin e
Our mission and vision

Mission Vision
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relevant headline, m o d i f y relevant headline, modify
the text the text content
Architectur e
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here if you need it
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A picture is
Worth a
Thousand Words
Here are some numbers

8 7 h1 2 m3 0s
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23,790 km 876,123,790
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add relevant headline add relevant headline
Let’ s try some percentages

26% 89% 24%

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Big numbers catch your audience’ s attention
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