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Report Tujuan teks report adalah mendeskripsikan/melaporkan sesuatu apa

adanya. Teks ini merupakan hasil pengamatan, penelitian fenomena alam, sosial dan
budaya (natural or non-natural).

Struktur teks report :

1) General classification : pernyataan umum meliputi subjek laporan dan klasifikasinya.
2) Description : deskripsi yang meliputi qualities, parts and their functions, habit/behaviors, dan
uses (kegunaan) apabila subjeknya non natural (benda tak hidup)

Ciri-ciri teks report :

1) Menerangkan general noun sebagai subjeknya, misalnya : birds, komodos, orchids (partisipan
2) Menggunakan simple present tense (jika belum punah).
3) Menggunakan relating verbs (is,are,have,has).
4) Menggunakan istilah teknis khusus, misalnya bagian pohon (tree) : stem, root, branch, leaves.

Contoh Soal :
Whales are sea living animals. They therefore breathe air with their lungs but cannot survive on
land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30m In length, is
the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather life fish, but there
are important differences in its external structure ; its tail consist of a pair of broad, flat
horizontal paddles (the tail of the fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large,
broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to
30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
1. The followings are the characteristics of 2. What is blubber?
whale which is different from fish,except…
A. Its tail consist of a pair of broad A. Flat horizontal paddles.
B. It has a single nostril on top of its large, B. Single nostril on top.
broad head. C. Broad head.
C. It has a layer of fat
D. A layer of paddle.
D. It has vertical paddles
E. A layer of fat.
E. Its tail consist of a pair of broad, flat
horizontal paddles

Jawab : E
Jawab : D

Pembahasan :Yang bukan ciri-ciri paus Pembahasan : Blubber

adalah sirip ekornya vertikal (It has adalah lapisan lemak pada
vertical paddles) paus (layer of fat).

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